

  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Yanni, I can't believe a pharmacy could mistake a 4 mg Coumadin for a 2 mg. That could be a fatal mistake. I also had my cataract surgery a couple of years ago. Well I had one and the following year had the other. I have a dilated eye exam every year and the doctor says they are coming back. He says that he truly believes that the doctors who do the surgery intentionally don't leave the capsule as clean as it should be so that you have to go back and have it lasered off. I think that is what is happening to me right now. My vision in my left eye is pretty poor now.

    jane, I sure hope you get the town home. I'm scared of trailers. I know that on the outside they can look wonderful and they can have wonderful beautiful floor plans but I'm just scared of them.

    Carol, good luck with your moody child. my youngest was like that when she was in her latter teens and going into college. I just vowed to stick with her and that eventually it would all work out. I knew that she would see that I'm not the terrible person she one thought I was. I am so proud of her now. She is 33 and when some of her old crowd come into town and try to contact them she will have nothing to do with them. She has never out right apologized to me about her behavior but she says she regrets some of the things that she did...notice I did not say did to us as parents.

    Kate, welcome. You seem like the kind of person that will fit right in.

    Well today was Charlies 66th birthday. One of his most favorite foods is good tender, fall off the bones rib. It's hard to find them these days. They all have good taste but seem to have to much fat on them. He wanted to try one of his old haunts that we used to go to all the time until I just put a stop to it. Well we went tonight and he admits now that he will never go back. He was hoping that the ribs were the quality they used to be. He also said he needs to get back on the healthier food and have grilled chicken tomorrow night. I know what kind of foods we will be eating Saturday. I found a chef salad on the menu that I could eat and the calories were fine but the sodium was awful But i left off all the cheese and bacon. I guess I could have left off the ham and left just the turkey but sometimes according to how it is seasoned the turkey can also have a lot of sodium. So I have really been pushing the water. I always look at my urine to see how clear it is to see if I have drunk enough for the day. It better be crystal clear by the end of the day

    I have been watching the forecast every day for Saturday. It had been 40% chance of thunderstorms but high only around 88. I can take that high and if the storms come through early it leaves the rest of the day for us to enjoy ourselves at the park. Well now the chance for rain is down to 30% but the expected high is 94:angry: Keeping cool is a big important thing for peole with MS. I do have this cooling vest I can wear that has these ice pack inserts but they only stay cool for so long and them I am out of luck inn the heat of the afternoon. Plus the vest makes me feel like i am wearing a police bullet proof vest so I don't like to wear it.

    I took my laptop to the Geek squad one time also. I guess they did an OK job with it but I wasn't satisfied with the fact that they told me that my pictures and documents would be fine and they aren't. I did have to take my desk top to Staples and have it worked on. When it came to reinstalling Windows on it they asked me if I wanted Windows 8 or 7. Well I am so used to 7 that I said that I waned that. Big problem. Windows 7 apparently was on this huge back order and it took me forever to get it. But I was pleased with the end product. I was having problems with my laptop being very slow but I uninstalled some things and it is working better now. Both computers are old. Charlie says I can get a new laptop for Christmas. I have been looking at refurbished Apple computers but they are still pretty expensive. My SIL is an Apple junkie and I may have him keep a look out for one. He would be so happy if I was 'converted' to Apple.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,661 Member
    Sylvia – that will be a cute mug!!! What a great NSV!!!!! So wonderful!!!

    Meg – good for you to work on the scrapbook/photo project

    Michele – I am sure it will be nice to have Lexi home.

    Renny – It is funny how memory works, I have a brother who could not remember enough school work to graduate from High school but can tell you about every play his favorite football team has made going back 20-30 years!!!

    Lesley – Is Seasol a fertilizer? Or a natural bug control???

    Cynthia – tomorrow is the last day of camp until 2015 – happy and sad, I love it but it is exhausting. Hope your furbaby is ok.

    Patty – how awful for your friend, I can not even imagine the amount of physical and mental pain…

    Anglergirl – welcome, just hop in and tell us about yourself!

    Alison – the stair slip could have been an issue!

    Dr.Katie – good advice for Alison!!

    Beth – you are human, and humans do their best; they are not perfect – cut yourself some slack! And If stress sets off migraines it is DS’s responsibility to do things in a way that do not trigger the reactions he can not deal with….

    Katla – no rice is a good idea, we have a couple of places here that do a brown rice option, not great but better!

    Heather – enjoy your “run away” how great a cabin in the middle of strawberries!

    Gloria – glad you are caught up – I love catching up but being backed up –just a very little- gives me a weird sense of financial security….

    Jane – sending you ((hugs))) and thoughts for townhouse success!!

    Kate – welcome

    Carol – GGGRRRRRRRRRRRRRR to boy child!!!

    YannieJanne – the yellow tomatoes are my favorite – I love the yellow pear ones, they are a cherry size…. I have a bush of them and I just munch out on them!!
    Linda – over ½ of my exercise is walking… I love it – it gets me places, is outside, and free!

    Barbie – you are such a good reader/responder – I bet you are a great listener for your cousin!

    Michele – sometimes to be quick or cut back some of the calories I just dust a cake with powdered sugar

    One more day of camp!! then I will be back to normal... just realized that tomorrow is check in day for me and that I never checked in last week... I am finding that the eating better is getting to be more normal and less of a mental fight for me... i still am "bad" but all week of camp I did a taste bite not a huge piece or 2 or 3....it is good to have it a bit easier...

    Levi just went nuts to get out in the back yard (it is 11pm and warm here) I let him out the slider and he went nuts barking and carrying on! I went out with a flash light - he had a big opossum on the fence looking at him - poor thing looked scared - they are funny looking I had to drag Levi in, he wanted to play? eat? that intruder! Well we are going into a 3 day heat wave 100+ tomorrow - I wish I had air conditioning! but I have the house fan doing it's thing and that really helps get the house down to the outside temp... it will run all night. then shut it up and keep the cool air in all day, and repeat!

    I am so frustrated with my check book, I balance it (not everyone does- old school that's me!) and it is off by $22 and change and I can not find the error...I am sure I made some bonehead math error, but I can't find it... that is tomorrow afternoon's project! I need to have it balance! I just feel better if I know where my finances are...

    Well, bed is calling

    Kim from N. California
  • MimiPersists
    MimiPersists Posts: 94 Member
    Again, not much time (or any) to read posts or write one.

    I'm worn out. I've had DGD2 (age almost 8) here with me at my folks' house (poor folks) for 3 days. Suzy picked up DGD1 from Celiac camp (very nice for kids with Celiac) today, on DGD 1's 10th birthday. Suzy's been sick tho so most birthday stuff fell to me. Oh my.

    The day has been off and on...mostly off. Just finished with an almost hysterical now-10-yr-old who wanted her mommy (who's down at my sister's keeping to herself in case she's got a bug). I'm pooped. So sad that DGD 1's been unhappy today on her 10th birthday. I think she had big expectations. I'm sure this will go down in infamy.

    On the other hand...had my post-op appt today. The PA said it was the first time he'd seen a normal EKG for me - and I'm not on any heart meds! Woo hoo. I'm very happy with how things are turning out post-ablation.

    Today has been a tough eating day. I'm not quite sure how to handle days like this as, apparently, they are going to crop up from time to time. We went out for Thai food. I didn't try to weigh/measure my food, just ate modest portions. I had plenty of calories left but might easily have gone over them.

    I have my nephew's wedding to go to Sunday. It should actually be easier to handle. Today was just kind of chaotic all the way around.

    Time (past time) to say g'night.

  • CynthiaT60
    CynthiaT60 Posts: 1,280 Member
    Good morning everyone!

    Just checking in. Thanks for all the good wishes for my dog. We need extra ones, because something is wrong. He's extremely restless at night, panting, salivating, not being able to rest. Last night he woke me up every hour on the hour to go out and pee. I temped him (temp was OK) and called the night vet, who suspects something neurological. Going to our own vet in an hour.

    Hope everyone has a good day.
    Cynthia :flowerforyou:
  • Lestan48
    Lestan48 Posts: 489 Member
    Seasol is a natural fertilizer, has to be as we are all organic.
    Rained all day, so NO doggy walks. Sorted filing cabinet out, lots of papers to burn now. Sorted wardobes and drawers and good clothes to Vinnies and bad clothes to burn. Encouraged Stan to do same, Bless him.
    Watche commonwealth Games on TV and kept warm
  • 0409Gina
    0409Gina Posts: 4 Member
    Hello to all... I have just joined MFP and will probably be here for some time. I have about 140 lbs to lose and right now it seem overwhelming. I am 58 yrs old and not happy that I let myself get into this predicament. I have been eating to handle most of life's curve balls and I want to change that with healthy options. Other than that, I have been blessed with a pretty good life and for that I am grateful. I will be very thankful for any suggestions or advice. Goodnight for now since I have to get up in about 5 hours :)
  • CynthiaT60
    CynthiaT60 Posts: 1,280 Member
    Update: doggy bladder infection! Painful for him, but luckily treatable. That's a relief.

    Cynthia :flowerforyou:
  • moeggep
    moeggep Posts: 219 Member
    Hello to All,
    So glad it's Friday. Just want you all to know that you insire me and keeo me going. I see people writting about good eating and exercise and I think, see this is doable and I want to be successful like these lovely ladies, so thanks bunches.
    Tonight th DGKids are coming to make cupcakes for tomorrows party. It is suppose to be pretty hot tomorrow but the kids will have the pool and a rented slip and slide to play on. They will have a great time.
    At the Y we have several police officers, lawyers and people who work for the court system. I talked to some of them about my friend, and the guy on parole and most of them think he won't get out. I don't know though, it's a scarey thought. After all these years I'd imagine that's really the only life he knows anyway. Thanks all for the responses, I haven't seen Donna in many years but have never forgotten her. I hope she has had a good life since.

    Welcome Cobismom

    Meg and Joyce, I agree Meg, size 12 would be awesome, I am in 20 and sometimes 18, which is better than the 26 I use to be in.

    Sylvia, 18,000 steps. You are inspiring me. I hope you continue to have a great time.

    Mimi, good heart EKG and no meds, that is something to cheer about!

    Welcome 0409Gina,

    Cynthia, glad doggy is OK or will be with treatment.

    Wishing good health and happiness to all,
    God Bless
    Patty, Cincinnati OH
  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,947 Member
    Kim, I am the same way with my checkbook. I will spend two hours finding a two cent error, but it has to balance. I balance it to the online register once a week and also to my YNAB software that I use to do our budget. I like triangulation. My children can't believe I don't just go with what the online bank statement says.

    Happy Friday to all,

  • SCUBAMomofTwo
    Good morning everyone!

    Just checking in. Thanks for all the good wishes for my dog. We need extra ones, because something is wrong. He's extremely restless at night, panting, salivating, not being able to rest. Last night he woke me up every hour on the hour to go out and pee. I temped him (temp was OK) and called the night vet, who suspects something neurological. Going to our own vet in an hour.

    Hope everyone has a good day.
    Cynthia :flowerforyou:

    Perhaps he should be tested for diabetes? ETA: just saw the new diagnosis...that's much better news! Glad it's easy to treat!

    I have a dental appt. today, then I am free for the weekend! I should probably fill the car with gas and maybe make a stop at the craft store just to browse. I also have some forms to fill out prior to my cardiology appt. next week. I've been having heart palpitations for months and am FINALLY getting it checked out. Oh, and I have to reschedule my mammogram, too; and probably schedule a colonoscopy. My goodness, there are a lot of tests to accomplish once crossing the big 5-0, aren't there?
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,099 Member
    Good Morning,

    Picture is key lime coleus. A nice way to have key lime with no calories. It is a new coleus they are trying to develop at U of Minnesota. Also on the garden tour.

    Welcome newbies:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Cynthia hope your dog is recovering, so you all get good sleep.:yawn:

    Carol hope sale of your home goes smoothly. :flowerforyou:

    Jane prayers for getting settled soon. I know the process has taken too long.:flowerforyou:

    Dance the night away. Last time in this park this season. Will be seeking out other venues.

    Rained last night so don't have the watering chore to do today. Using the day to catch up on the house and correspondence and errands.

    Today I will take time to play, so tomorrow I will be healthier.

    2014 word: contentment
    :heart: MNMargaret
  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    Good morning,

    DH off today; out for a run. Still have the post nasal drip/throat thing going on and now my ears are getting in on it
    terrible timing!!!! Yuck.Salt water gargle and nasal rinses........more yuck. But at least I slept preyyt good last night. Bright sun today.

    Lin.............Walking a little more each day is an excellent plan.

    Meg............Oh, how I love running into old friends!

    Michele...........Weather report............LOL!!!

    Patty............Hmmmmmmm 26 to 18, pretty awesome yourself there, I would say!!!

    Kim........Supposed I'll get used to the yellows; I'm just such a creature of habit and In my world tomatoes are red. Haven't balanced a check book in many years................

    Mimi...........Give yourself a break on the granddaughters birthday celebration; you had a major medical procedure just over a week ago!!!! Hopefully, in the future she will understand. and........BTW---great dr. report!

    Katla............Love good jazz; especially with lots of sax.

    Sylvia.............Having trip envy here............maybe try Trip Advisor rather than Urbanspoon; have heard several endorsements for TA from friends.

    Joyce.........Wishing you good weather. The park office probably has a fridge with a freezer and I bet they would store extra ice packs and switch out the warm ones so you won't be w/o frozen ones if needed for your vest.
    I think a big part of the prob with the comadin is that the dr. keeps adjusting dosage (of course, doesn't relive the pharmacy of making a mistake though)............I just broke them to the proper dose..........but the other main issue was making Gwen understand and agree that I was right to do so..........now, that took some talking and some time!!!! Now that she pretty stable, I'm not keeping nearly as close an eye on her.

    Hi to everyone I missed.

    Stay Strong!
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Sylvia: I’m happy that you are enjoying the Oregon Coast.:bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    Joyce: We used to have a mixed marriage, computer wise. I’ve been an Apple user for a long time, but DH was a Windows guy. After he was hacked for the umpteenth time and his computer was corrupted beyond use, he finally decided to buy an Apple. We went to the Apple store, and chose a nice desktop model, then came home. He couldn’t find the software to load, so I suggested he simply turn it on. The software was all there and everything worked perfectly. He was lost in Apple Land for days and has never regretted the switch. Good luck with your decisions.:flowerforyou:

    Kim: DH handles our banking and does a great job of it. I hope he is able to continue for a long time. If I ever get stuck with the job I’ll learn what to do, but in this case I like being taken care of.:smokin: :wink:

    Mimi: I’m happy to hear that your ablation went well and has improved your cardiac situation. Too bad for your DGD that everyone’s medical issues coincided with her birthday. Maybe she can choose another day for a special celebration.:flowerforyou:

    Cynthia: Your dog sounds miserable. I’m happy to hear his condition is treatable.:flowerforyou:

    Lestan: Is Seasol a seaweed based fertilizer?:flowerforyou:

    Gina: Welcome to a great group of women. You’ve stumbled onto a congenial group with a lot of support and collective wisdom on the topic of getting healthier and dropping excess pounds. Stick around!:flowerforyou:

    Dr. Katie: My DH has found occasional errors in our bank statements. He does it all online. Banks do goof-up now and then.:flowerforyou:

    Yanniejannie: I’ve had mixed experience with Trip Advisor. They have great reviews about places to visit, but I don’t book through them. I book directly with the hotel to get the best prices. I’ve had higher quotes from them than the hotel for the very same room and wrong information about whether a place is pet friendly. I’m glad to hear that Gwen is doing so much better.:flowerforyou:

    The Maritime Heritage Festival is this weekend. There will be lots of entertainment in the park a few blocks away. There are a couple of events that require tickets, but most of this will be free. DS went home to spend some time with his wife, but will be back soon to finish the deck on his boat. I hope DDIL is able to come with him. DH is counting on getting his fishing boat back from the dealer who has been installing a new motor. The 1971 motor couldn’t be made reliable, and the river has strong currents. Boaters need reliable equipment to keep themselves and their guests safe.

    Katla in beautiful NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison

    July Goals:
    1. Log every bite and swallow.
    2. Cardio exercise at least 3 days a week.
    3. Have fun every day.
    4. Drink at least three glasses of water daily, preferably more!
  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    OOPS, sorry, sorry....didn't mean to mislead anyone.........Correction: I was only addressing the eatery issue that Sylvia had mentioned. She found an Urbanspoon review to be incorrect and I suggested she try Trip Advisor. I only meant for her food choices to see if they fare any better. I have no knowledge as far as any of the online services go for lodging; the last place I stayed was in Chincoteague and my friend found and booked that.

  • kayak_kutie
    kayak_kutie Posts: 381 Member
    Cynthia: Glad the problem is an easy fix for your puppy. :flowerforyou:

    Alison: Hope you find relief soon. When I had it I went to my chiropractor. Along with his treatments of applying impulses and stretching, he said to apply ice and rest! Do nothing that involves straining like lifting, vacuuming, and mainly no washing dishes. He said standing over the sink is the worse thing to do. It took about a week or so to get better.

    Sylvia: Congratulations with sitting comfortably (as comfortable as possible) in the airline seats. :drinker:

    Jane: Praying you’re able to find the perfect place very soon.

    Carol: Hope you feel the house is ready for market soon and you’re able to get some rest and relaxation. :yawn:

    Kate: Welcome. I do remember that grapefruit diet. In case anyone is wondering…it doesn’t work. :ohwell:

    Joyce: Glad things were not serious for DH and his heart. Congratulations on those size 12s and hope your Saturday at Holiday World is really nice.

    Beth: Sorry you DS had another migraine but glad he was able to manage it without major medical treatments.

    Linda in Northern Ontario: Great loss! 2.6 pounds is wonderful. :drinker:

    Angler and Gina: Welcome :smile:

    Yanniejannie: Sorry you are disappointed in your tomatoes being yellow instead of red. Can’t imagine the frustration over what your DD is going through with school. :noway: I may have missed it but where in PA are you planning on going for your vacation?
    Hope you feel better soon. Allergies are making my eyes itch and red so much it looks like I've been crying for days. :cry:

    Kim: I do the banking and I need to have the checkbook balanced to the penny and current. Something I was taught growing up and it stuck. Drives me nuts until I can find out what caused the difference. Usually some minor subtraction issue. :ohwell: I pay some bills online but some still require a check to be sent.

    We had a great time in Lancaster, PA for our anniversary. Someone asked about the name of the restaurant and I’m almost embarassed to say it is called “Good ‘N Plenty Restaurant and Bakery”. :embarassed: It lives up to its name. It has family style dining where you sit with other people at a long table and they bring out the food to be passed. Usually have 3 different kinds of meat plus about 5 or 6 side dishes. You eat as much as you want. This was followed by two flavors of homemade ice cream, sherbet, two different pies, pudding, and cheesecake. Of course, there is homemade breads with apple butter or other toppings. We knew it was too much food but we took a small sampling of things, enjoyed it without guilt and loved talking with the other people from different places. We only get there about once a year, weight was up about 1 ½ pounds the next day but gone within the next day or two.

    We had a brief storm yesterday, nothing like the poor people at the campground in Virginia dealing with the tornado, and now have much cooler air today. Tomorrow is supposed to be sunny and hot again. We are going to a birthday party for a friend and his wife planned a pool party. Umm…haven’t tried on my swimsuit since losing the weight so not even sure if it will fit correctly. If not, I’ll just wear a skort or sundress and hang my legs in to cool off. Not a swimmer by any means and really don’t like being out in the heat but it doesn’t start until 3:00 so hopefully it will be starting to cool off a little.

    Tina in MD
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    I'm logging while hubby is in the shower, then we are going to try to chase down a lighthouse.

    Joyce, make hubby some ribs in the crock pot. I made them for hubby three times now and they are wonderful, and really do fall off the bone. Get pork baby back ribs. I get them from our local grocery store and they trim all the fat for me. They come in two pieces already. I rub them on both sides with Trader Joes 21 Seasoning Salute (no salt blend) and put them in the crock pot on high for about an hour, then switch to low for about 3 hours. Then I take them out and slather them with BBQ sauce. I use hubby's favorite for his portion and my home-made no salt bbq sauce for mine. Then put on a cookie sheet in the oven at about 400 for 30 minutes, just to brown a little and caramelize the sauce. Hubby thinks I'm some kind of genius. Hah! I got the info online and adapted it for our tastes. By the way, I think those Reynolds Wrap crock pot liners are the best invention ever!

    All this talk about balancing check books makes me chuckle. Hubby does all our financial stuff. I haven't balanced a checkbook in my life. He tells me when I have enough to pay my bills and keeps track of when they are due, etc. I have no clue about financial stuff, and had terrible, terrible credit when we met. Well, the other day he got our credit reports for some reason and found out my credit score (825)is higher than his own (815)! Without hubby I wouldn't know how to keep the lights on. I keep meaning to do something about that.

    Cynthia, hugs to your pup!

    Jane, I wish you find the perfect place with the perfect landlord, very soon.

    I got almost 9,000 steps before breakfast this morning. I really love my fitbit!

    Bye everyone!

  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,372 Member
    Hi everyone from the deepest Sussex countryside.:flowerforyou: :drinker:

    The barn is great and very comfortable. The bed looks big enough, but not as big as our one at home.:laugh: The wifi works! Just had a few olives and an aperitif. :bigsmile: Very peaceful, which was more or less the point. I loooooove peace and quiet!:bigsmile:

    Charleston House was the fulfillment of a long held dream, so I had to pinch myself to believe I was actually there! When you have seen so many photos and read so many books it is strange to see the real thing. Even DH enjoyed it, though I don't think he was impressed with the decorations. I loved it all.
    When I was young I fantasised that I was part of this upper class, artistic, bohemian milieu. Of course I was miles away from this.:blushing: But I am sure it influenced the direction my life took. It probably meant my first marriage was not all it should be and I would do things differently if I had my time over again. The rich upper classes are a whole world away from us ordinary folk, but I dreamed I was one of them.:embarassed: Still, I did become a writer, even if I wasn't world class like Virginia Woolf.:tongue:
    Afterwards we walked around the lovely garden and pond and then went to a nearby church that they had decorated. Beautiful and so peaceful.
    Then we put the satnav on and managed to find our barn in the middle of a field!
    Tonight I am opening a tin of French cassoulet and having a starter of tomato and cucumber salad with lots of garlic. Nectarines for dessert and a sliver of cheese.
    I did a slightly truncated exercise this morning, but we walked around a bit before lunch, some of it on an incline in the heat, and also the house and garden so I am calling it for 500. That wont cover the food and drink, but I still hope to equal my TDEE. Last weekend's extra calories have gone now so I am back to square one.:bigsmile:

    Trip Advisor is my first port of call for restaurants and hotels. I book them myself though, usually by phone. I have done 69 reviews for them.:laugh: Tomorrow's restaurant was booked on their recommendation and I asked about the music as I hate background music. They said it was very low, almost inaudible on a Saturday night, and they would sit us away from the speakers. We will see. Any kind of background music is a phobia of mine.:ohwell:

    I wish the poor dog with the bladder infection well. I know just how he feels as it is a regular problem for me! ! ! ! Yuk!:tongue:

    Jane - good luck with the house!:flowerforyou:

    Must get on with the dinner and get that red wine open!:embarassed: :tongue:

    Heather in the fields in Sussex UK
  • nccarolb
    nccarolb Posts: 858 Member
    Just a brief check in while I wait until time to go to an appointment...

    The carpet cleaning got done last night. I still don't know if my living room rub (area rug) was salvageable - we had to put it in an outside building to dry overnight because it began raining and there was nowhere inside big enough to put it that wouldn't have been on wet carpet or hardwoods. I guess I'll find out when I get home....

    I feel sooooooooooooo much better about the house now than I did at this time last week. There are minor things to be done, but basically it needs the kitchen mopped, counters wiped down in the morning, bathrooms wiped down, and a dust mop run over the hardwoods. And, the boy child needs to tend to a small area of weed eating that he missed.

    I just got back from my lunch with my friend whom I have not seen in over 25 years. It was so wonderful to see her again! She hasn't changed--really! She's a little thinner, but I would have recognized her anywhere at anytime. It turns out that we still have so much in common and it was like just picking up where we left off other than doing a catch up on the kids. She is going to be a grandmother at the end of the year and still looks 35! I gave her a choice of three restaurants and she was pleased with the one she chose. I got fish tacos (blackened tilapia with a homemade salsa) which I've had there before and they were wonderful. They had fresh fruit for a side but cantaloupe, apples, and grapes just didn't sound too good to me all mixed up together. I got their "dirty chips" (leftover baked potatoes chunked up, spiced and fried) but I ate only three small pieces of them. It was enough.

    Time for my appointment. Be back later I hope!

    Carol in NC
  • 0409Gina
    0409Gina Posts: 4 Member
    Thank you everyone for the welcome! Kind of new to this but it felt so nice to be acknowledged already. Patty I hope have fun tomorrow and enjoy your DGKids. Cynthia, hope your doggie feels much better. It is so worrisome when they are not feeling good. Hope you have a good weekend. Katla, have fun at the Maritime festival and Tina Happy belated anniversary. Working 12 hours today and took a break to check in. Again thank you everyone and I will look forward to checking in to read your post. As for myself I am still trying to find a good combination of go to meals during the week when I don't have much time to think about food planning. "Between goals and achievement are discipline and consistency"
  • Vickil57
    Vickil57 Posts: 1,818 Member
    Happy Friday!! Can you tell I have the weekend off? It is to be another hot one, I am so ready for Fall. My doctor appointment went well yesterday. The spot is nothing to worry about. She does want me to come back in two months so she can check the ones she froze last month. Been talking the dogs for their walks each evening and waiting until 9 or after so it cools off. I have gotten a blister on my little toe. It is pretty good size. Today is sore walking but since it is an short 8 hour day I am planning to walk home. Have to pop it and keep it clean.

    Linda--congrates on the 2.6 loss. One day at a time.

    Yanniejannie--Hugs! So glad you were missed by the storms. Sad about those hurt and killed. I agree this has been a year to remember weather wise. I can not believe it is almost the first of August.

    Michele--how do you make lasagna cupcakes? Sounds like something that would be good to take to a picnic.

    Sylvia--Great NSV!! You have every reason to be proud. Glad you are enjoying your trip. 18,000 steps that GREAT. I don't know that I will ever get there.

    Patty--how terrible for your friend. Pray they do not let him out. The color race sounds like alot of fun.

    I saw a flim clip of an Elvis inpersonator from United Kingdom on facebook this morning and I tell you if you closed your eyes you would think it was him. Also he did look alot like him, but you could tell if you really looked at his face, But the voice was great. His name is Ben Coats or Ben Green. Not sure as couldn't understand that part. I remember when Elvis got married as I was 10 and thought the world was ending. How funny now, but then I was so depressed.

    Allison--sorry you are not feeling better. Take care of yourself.

    Welcome anglergirl3--come back often and get to know us and tell us about yourself. This a great group for fellowship and support.

    Beth--we all do that. I figure we all do the best we can with the information we have at the time.

    Jane--Prayers for you and the townhouse and the best place for you.

    Welcome Kate--congrates on the 100 pounds lost and looking forward to taking this life style change with you also. This is a great group.

    Carol--Please take care of yourself. Pray the sale of the house went well and fast.

    Kim--I know what you mean about the checkbook balanced. I hate doing it and put it off for several months. DH and I were talking this morning that I need to get it done. It bothers me if I am not right on.

    Mimi--good news on the doctors visit.

    Cynthia--Hope you get answers and help for the dog. It is hard when they are sick and can not tell how they feel. Great news about puppy. Hope he feels better soon.

    Gina-Welcome and you have come to a great place for support.

    Heather--your trip sounds so nice. I wish I was there. thanks for sharing and making us a part of it.

    It is sure warming up and I get off in about half an hour. Going to walk home. Tonight they are having cruise night on the south part of town. Enjoy going to look at the old cars fixed up and decked out. Then we have some friends that live on that street and they have a group that comes and watchs from their front yard. So sounds like we will be doing that. Take care ladies and enjoy the day!
    Blessings, Vicki GI NE