

  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,099 Member
    Went to lunch with a friend who gave me a heads about about insurance and travelling. Some insurance companies require you let them know if you are travelling out of your HMO area. If something happens to you when you travel it makes it easier to get insurance coverage if you need it. I know if you travel out of the US it is might be worth looking at travelers insurance.One friend broke her hip in France and she was glad she took the time to get extra insurance. I know it is another thing to think about when you are planning a trip and there is already enough to do. Still I can see cases where it would be important to do. I don't think it is a problem with medicare because my mom was visiting from St. Louis about five years ago and broke her hip when she was here and she didn't have any problems with her insurance. I think it is more of a concern with HMO's.
    :heart: MNMargaret
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Oh, my! We were almost to our last hotel, the one we stay in tonight and then fly home tomorrow, when a big truck threw up a rock and cracked the windshield in the rental car.

    Boo, hiss. Not sure what to do about it.
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,661 Member
    OMG – been logging but not posting --- since Sunday!?!?!?!:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
    Ok – I’m reading and catching up!!!

    Cynthia – they cancelled doggie training – SO glad! What they were thinking scheduling in a warehouse in July/August at 3:30 in the afternoon just about the hottest window of the year in our area… so they added the week onto the end, it will be interesting to see how many have to be rescheduled.

    Carol – enjoy a week break from boy child:love:

    Gloria – hoping for the best for your computer!!!

    Becky – mosquitos the size of sparrows:noway: …. YUCK!!!

    Sue – if you see this, it is not cooler in the foothills!!!

    Joyce – loved your post about the amusement park… fun to hear about others adventures.

    YannieJannie – glad you are feeling better – and I am with you ebola is really scary!

    Cynthia – you are lucky to have such a good place for fur baby – I have a girl friend who lives in…when I go away.

    Heather – excellent news on the shrinking skin!!!

    Alison – so sad to hear your dad is having money issues; but based on your description of the NH place – selling it is probably for the best.

    Gloria – what a drag – seems crazy that anything only 5 years old could be ancient – but true, my “puter is 4 years old, and I know a replacement needs to be in my future!

    Patty – I worked at a place with no where to sit like that and bought a cheap light weight bar stool and just brought it in with me.

    Linda – Puuuusssshhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Sylvia – sorry that you got 10 minutes at a craft fair for a birthday gift… he needs to try again!
    Later: the seattle space needle trip sounds like it made up for an all about DH day before….

    FaithLoveHeal, ejcg4mine – welcome you have both joined!

    Heather – thanks for your workout details…. Amazing!!! Something to strive for

    Katla – Yeah for sailboat repair!!!!

    FL Becky – 3.6 lbs YEAH!!!

    So the plumber was a delight - 40 minutes $174 and all is 100% FIXED!!! so glad, I was really afraid I would have to have the pipe from the house to the city sewer replaced...it is over 50 years old and some of the neighbors have had to had them replaced.

    It is still hot at or just under 100 for days now... GRRRRR:grumble: :grumble: :grumble: I need to have the house re-roofed in the next 3 years and will try to add some more insulation at that time --- With the drought there is not even the cooling of the plants, everything is just trying to survive... I have killed (lack of water) on purpose my front, and will be changing it from lawn to plants...less water and next summer it will be cooler than just the dead stuff I have now.

    Today I did a lunch time talk for the employees of my city on Tofu, with recipes and samples... I have a favorite stuffed manicotti; and did a faux cheescake bar, and a chocolate/banana shake...sorry for those of you doing no added sugar - both the shake and the dessert have some, but low calorie and so good. And I have leftovers for dinner!!!

    I have finally gone through my pants and added darts at the waist band for 2 pair and a pair of shorts, they are still baggy in the legs and lower bum - but at least they are not falling off and that will tide me over a bit longer... I know I need some new stuff, but want to buy as little as I can during the transition time...

    Better go plenty still to get done..

    Kim from HOT N. California
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,997 Member
    :flowerforyou: DeeDee, I’m sorry to hear about your rash coming back…..i know how troublesome it was before…..I don’t know what I’m going to plant---I just like to dig in the dirt

    :flowerforyou: Heather, thanks for sharing your strength training routine…..it sounds very impressive to me….you have come a long way.

    :frown: Lesley, tornado---how scary.

    :flowerforyou: Sylvia, when we go to Seattle we leave our car at Bainbridge Island and walk onto the ferry. We have done that most often when we got to the Seattle Mariners baseball games or when Jake has a doctor appointment or a trip to the hospital. We can walk from the ferry to the ball park and take a taxi to the doctor or hospital.

    :bigsmile: Katla, that’s great that you can use the boat as a guest cottage….what a treat for your guests.

    :flowerforyou: Margaret, I hope things work out for your son so he can go off on his own soon.

    :flowerforyou: Joyce, the only reason I can be up so early in the morning is that I go to bed really early…:yawn: …

    :bigsmile: Kim, I’m glad the visit from the plumber was successful and not too expensive…glad you fixed your pants so they don’t fall off

    :bigsmile: Jake was gone for about six hours today helping a friend so I got my time at home that I’ve been wanting. I cleaned the bathrooms, did yoga, walked the dogs, and watched several hours of “Magnum P.I.” some while riding the exercise bike. I’ve tried to call my cousin twice in the last hour but she was on the phone with someone else which is great because for a few days, I was the only one calling her.

    :heart: Barbie from beautiful sunny NW Washington

    :bigsmile: 20,000 steps today
  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,225 Member
    Hi ladies. Well today went better both food and activity wise although I didn’t get the weights lifted. But DH and I did just go for a nice walk. It was another unusually beautiful day here with the high in the low 80s. Tonight it is going to be in the 50s. Went into work and got some things done, but it’s just hard to accomplish stuff when going to work is optional! I heard from the doctor today that I can go to once a day blood sugar testing since all my A1Cs have been below 6. Woo hoo!

    On the annoying side, Tatiana (DD#1) is trying to get a job at a different day care that will charge her less that her current one for her baby; so she has decided to keep the baby it appears.

    Lin: so excited to see you feeling better and doing so well

    Jane: keeping fingers AND toes crossed for your new home. Put that crock pot on “nuclear”!

    Beth: I’m not buying bigger clothes either!

    Pat; Oh I love BLTs! I love soup too but in the summer I don’t like it as well

    Sylvia: good news is you got a lot of steps in today! But what a crappy way to end things with a cracked windshield. I think the rentals have insurance for that type of thing

    Michele: I think you’re right; one less slice of pizza would have been better!

    Lestan: I didn’t realize you all got tornadoes! We are in “tornado alley”

    Heather: you give me hope saying that at age 65 you are at your fittest!

    DeeDee: you need to send your guys to help Michele and Vince with that damned river rock LOL

    Patty :that recipe would be good with eggplant too!

    Gloria: “back to school” is looming for me too. Even though my class doesn’t start til October, I still have to go back the 18th of August

    Katla: relax and enjoy your company! Remember they are there to see you and enjoy your company too!

    Florida Becky: what a great loss! Congratulations!

    Joyce: I think you should patent your scooter idea!

    Kim: sending good wishes for rain and cooler temps!!!

    Barbie: I used to love Magnum PI!

    Well it’s time to watch Deadliest Catch…one of my favorites! Take care, Meg from beautiful Omaha
  • kayak_kutie
    kayak_kutie Posts: 381 Member
    Hello Ladies,

    Just a quick note before heading off to bed.

    Like a few others (can't remember the names now) I took the day off work to just rest and relax. I was exhausted physically and mentally and after a quick breakfast and call into work, I headed back to bed. I slept from 9:00am to 3:00pm!

    Last week, two friends died and another this past Monday. One was an older gentleman and he and his wife hosted our small group Bible study. They were originally from West Virginia where he was a coal miner prior to coming to the Washington DC area to become an accountant. They met when they were children and were married for 65 years. They both worked in the same office when they worked and as he got older he suffered from macular degeneration so they were always together. When someone mentioned how long they were married at the funeral, she just said "It wasn't long enough". So sad. :brokenheart:
    Two days later we got the news that a friend had passed suddenly. She was only 48 years old and while riding home after dinner with a friend, she had seizure-like symptoms and was gone within minutes. They are thinking it was a brain aneurysm.
    Yesterday, the third friend passed after a brief illness. Her sister had passed in June. Both were in their 50s. :cry:

    Heading off to bed. Sorry I didn't write down responses from everyone's post but I read them all.

    Welcome to the new ladies.

    Tina in MD
  • Lestan48
    Lestan48 Posts: 489 Member
    Well stormy day again yesterday. Just cooked dinner and power went off for 4 hours. Glad we have wood fire and candles.
    I read everones posts but cutting down time on computer
  • 0409Gina
    0409Gina Posts: 4 Member
    Help!!!!! Just joined last week. Was on track for 6 days but awful the last two. I just found out I have Type 2 diabetes. I had the same scare about 5 yrs ago and was able to bring my numbers way down to pre diabetic and stay there. I feel like I cannot get focused these last two days. Just some words of advice so that I can get back on track tomorrow. I want and need to do this and I have such a looooong way to go. I must say that I admire how much you ladies have accomplished . I am normally a very cheerful person but I feel down.
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,397 Member
    Did an hour of spinning. Tomorrow's plan is to go to yoga and then take the deep water class.

    After exercise went to CVS, the soup kitchen, then to mail the card for Bryan, stopped at the bank to see about a gift card for Bryan, then to Lynette's office, then home. Vince had started power washing the deck on the pool. Why he waits until the last minute is beyond me. But next year I'm going to insist this be done earlier in the season and also over two days. He started about 9:30, we didn't finish until almost 7

    Sylvia - sounds like a lovely time you had.

    Heather - what a workout schedule you have!

    DeeDee - the end of the riverrock is in sight! I'm thinking only one more day. Unfortunately, I haven't gotten a whole lot of responses for the pool party. Maybe people are waiting to see what the weather is going to be like. Also, Newcomers just had a social last weekend. Having them so close together can be a problem. I know I might not have gone to the second one if I wasn't that interested. Plus...people are away. Well, the people who are here will enjoy themselves, that's for sure

    Sorry this is so brief. I am really tired. I was scrubbing (on my hands and knees) part of the sidewalk

    Joyce - good luck tomorrow. Vince's follow-up appt to his surgery is the next day at 7:30. He considers that part of the evening before

    Sylvia - glad you weren't hurt

    Meg - yea for going to once a day blood tests

    Gina - boy, you sure were tired!! So sorry about your friends. What a sweet answer to "how long were you married?"

    Michele in NC
  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    Quick note, I'm exhausted............cold is much better; tonight was the last summer race/ picnic and it went well. I spoke with several board members and the director of the event early on and we marked hands of those who paid to eat (Thanks, Kim!!!) and appointed some people to watch/ guard the pizzas. You had to have either a race bib, a volunteer raffle ticket, or a marked hand to eat! Ran into only one nasty person at registration, so that was good.

    Have read all.

    Lesley...........glad you were safe from tornados.........

    Heather...........Of course I love that new pic!!!!!


    Hi to everyone else!
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,372 Member
    Good morning all!:flowerforyou:

    Michele - you must be exhausted with all that scrubbing! I really hope the pool party goes well for you. My ex, who has a birthday on the 1st August, held his 40th birthday party at the beginning of July because absolutely no one was around in August!:tongue:

    Yannie jannie - I will be seeing and kissing that gorgeous face for real on Friday. Ooooohhhhh! Can't wait! :love: My DDIL is coming back from Wales earlier than she planned on Thursday so she has time to compose herself before her eye lazering on Saturday morning. More time to play for us! ! ! We are staying the night on Friday in the nanny's bed so we can take over on Saturday. She has decided she might need a bit of hand holding after all from DS.:wink:

    Kim - I think I need some tofu lessons. I have never cooked with it. Don't know why.:tongue: I think you should treat yourself to at least one pair of pants that fit beautifully. It can be a real morale boost and you DESERVE it! ! ! ! !:laugh: They don't have to be expensive.
    I can't just now remember the name of that gardener in Lanzarote, who also designed houses and sculptures,(senior moment), but he did amazing things with cactus etc. I have always wanted to see his work and actually researched villas last year, but the flights didn't suit us. Dry gardening is a real art, as you well know.

    Meg - relax!:laugh:

    Shopping for food today as we are out of everything. DH will come with me. Just our local supermarket I think. I can't face the giant one today. I have to brace myself to go there.:ohwell: I want to use up my insect damaged kale, although I got through a lot of it in last night's curry, so will probably put it in a pork and cider stew, with carrots and celery. All the cabbage things and salads have been eaten to bits by tiny holes. It tasted alright in the curry.:laugh:

    Still no rain. We are promised some for the weekend, just when we need it dry for babysitting! Ho hum........ will it ever happen?

    I was supposed to do yoga at home with my friend today, but she cancelled because of panicking about her holiday tomorrow. Rescheduled for late next week. So I did my normal work out 583 calories.:bigsmile: One day I will hit 600 like DH does every day, but I just couldn't get there.:ohwell:

    Tina - so sorry for all your losses. :flowerforyou: No wonder you are tired.:heart: About 35 years sgo I went through a phase where I knew 4 friends of friends who died of brain aneurysms. Including a 12 year old girl. It seemed like an epidemic. Death of those close to you can really take it out of you. Be kind to yourself.:heart:

    New lady, sorry I've forgotten your name and I'm on my tablet, just try to take it one day at a time. If you log accurately and stay within the allowance it will happen. All the wishing in the world won't make it happen any faster. Concentrate on what you can control - your food input and your energy expenditure. Portion control, weighing everything and honest and accurate logging will create miracles. Add in a little exercise and you will be emulating all the amazing women on this thread.:flowerforyou: Good luck!

    My lovely DH has just published his 3rd book on Amazon Kindle and in paperback. It is called THE MORNING GIFT by John Ward. It is the third in a series set in Anglo Saxon England, around 870. The heroine of all the books is a young woman called Winfreth who turns detective to discover muderers. The previous two were, THE GLINT OF SILVER and THE WIDE EMBRACE. Those of you who are historically minded will be interested to learn that the Morning Gift in the title is the famous astel that Alfred the Grest commissioned. If you google Alfred's Jewel you can see a photo. It is in the Ashmolean Museum in Oxford. John's book is set around the time that Alfred was hiding in the Somerset Levels and fighting back the Vikings. The Somerset Levels were where we had the terrible floods last winter and where the princes Will and Harry went to lift a few sandbags for a photo opportunity. :laugh: Wet, wet wet.
    Did any of you read his previous books? I like this one the best.:love:

    Bye for now. Got to make the author his morning coffee.:laugh:

    Heather in sunny and dry Hampshire UK

    Kim - just looked it up - Cesar Manrique, House and Cactus Garden
  • moeggep
    moeggep Posts: 219 Member
    Good Morning to All, So glad it's Weds. but would be even happier if it was Friday. The twins will stay the night Friday because we have to be downtown before six A.M. We work until noon. I'm really hoping we get to color the people, I think that would be so much fun.
    After volunteering Saturday I have to work at the Y from 4 to 7 then I'll head to the Moose for some dancing, I'm going to meet some friends there. Sunday we are getting together for my DSIL and DS birthday's.
    Just about one month until we leave for the Caymans. I'm so looking forward to it but I need some new cloths. I need lighter clothing to wear there in the heat.
    Time to work,

    Good idea Joyce, well thought out.

    Molly, the rental would be insured, you will just have to file the report. Bummer it happened though.

    Kim, I’m seriously thinking of bringing in some type of stool or folding chair. Today is Weds and my back is still sore. I hope you get a break in the weather soon.

    So sorry for your losses Tina, I can’t imagine being married for 65 years.

    Gina, You can do this, don’t beat yourself up for what is done and over, reach forward and know you are worth it. The news probably knocked you off your game but you don’t have to stay that way, I know you can do this.

    Great health and happiness to all
    Patty, Cincinnati OH
  • auntiebk
    auntiebk Posts: 2,521 Member
    . . . Just some words of advice so that I can get back on track tomorrow. I want and need to do this. . .
    0409Gina you are not alone. Try new mantra "I want to feel good NOW" then take 1 action that will make you feel better about yourself right NOW. Drink a glass of water. Walk out to the mailbox. Take 10 deep breaths. Anything.

    Yes lovely ladies' she's baaaack.:laugh:

    Pulled on my big girl panties and got out the tape measure. Plus INCHES since last check in.:mad:
    Will grit my teeth and step onto the scale tomorrow :sick:

    Barbara, the SW Idaho AHMOD who wants to feel good NOW.
  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 3,974 Member
    Hi everyone!
    I am still alive and moving anyway. Just been going through some deep depression and having to force myself to do anything. :ohwell: It is pretty bad when you have to force yourself out of bed. Force yourself to go to work. Force yourself to do anything you like doing. :noway: I've been this way before. Been to counseling, and on meds but it always comes back. I am thankful for my DH who understands (even though he is verbally abusive, he leaves me alone when I am like this), :blushing: and the people I work with. My boss is very good and been through a lot of the same things I have. Good listener and good advice. :indifferent: Slowly coming out of it.

    Went through a really bad spell with my back, :grumble: but between chiropractor and buying a new bed, much better! :happy: Still going to Curves, but having to force myself to get up and go. It helps, I know it, but my head says sleep instead. Daily fight. And now, they are going to close!!! :mad:

    My son is still going through a bad time but more about that when I am ready. :huh: Right now, I have to go back to work.

    I must admit, I have not read anything since my last post. So praying for everyone and sending hugs for all who need it. We all need them.

    Thanks to Grandmallie who texted me this morning to help set my mind back straight! Best person in the world!!! :flowerforyou:

    Rita from CT
  • Vickil57
    Vickil57 Posts: 1,818 Member
    Well I started this yesterday and got to tried to finish so will do that today.:cry: So Happy Wednesday and sounds like we could get some rain today. Hope things are going well for each of you. It was a fast weekend again as was on the go the whole time. Had family swimming day yesterday with DSD and family. They live about 120 miles away and for the last several years we have gotten together at one of the water parks and spend the day together. I have alittle sun burn going.:happy: Not to bad today. Well today was weigh in day and I am up a pound again this week. I thought I was doing better. Only thing I can figure out is fitbit adds my steps calories and I have been eating most of them back. Have to stop that. Last evening we went to the store and ran into a friend and she told us her husband passed away Sunday evening. He has been sick and they were not sure what was going on, but last time I talked to her she said he was doing better. Then my brother text me last night to find out what I knew about the trouble between him and mom. I told him not really as not wanting to take sides. He is very bitter and angry about dad passing. I tried talking to him and then he tells me his wife wrote a letter and sending it to me for me to dicide if I want to share it with mom and my sister. I will not share it with mom as she does not need the stress. I pray with time he will settle down and make peace with things. Then DSIL and her family came swimming with us yesterday, they live in Kansas. She was upset as found out her husband has a girlfriend. Said this is the 5th time he has done that since they got married 19 years ago. This is the first we have known of any of this. So I was pretty stressed out by the time we went to bed last evening, so did not sleep well. So in light of all this other stuff gainning a pound is not that big a deal long as I get myself back on track. Didn't walk last evening as spent 3 hours in the pool playing with the DGC and I have a blister on my little toe. I popped it the other night and then yesterday morning the skin was rubbing off. Last evening it was all open and looked clean so keeping it coverd so it will heal without problems. I did have my blood work done yesterday and my AC! is 5.0 and most of the rest were in normal range. My creatinine and anion gap were low, not sure what that means and I have appointment with the doctor next Thursday the 7th, so not going to worry about it.
    I did my checkbook and this time the mistake I made was in my favor. That does not happen often. I just have to keep better track of it.:blushing:

    DeeDee--sounds like things are moving on getting your house done. Sounds exciting,

    Beckyb527--Welcome and come visit us often. This group is great for support and friendship. Congrates on your lose for the first week. Remember this is a life style change.:flowerforyou:

    Katla and Kim--sure hope you both got your plumbling problems fixed.

    Heather--Thank you so much for sharing your trip. Makes me feel like I was there. As always your food sounds great! Congrates to DH on his book. I will have to look them up and see if I can find them to read. They sound so interesting.

    Meg--I have a pile of pictures I am trying to get into the photo book, I know I will need another one and just need to sit down and do it. I have more I picked up this morning so need to get it done. Hope you find time to get yours done also. I also had to watch Deadliest Catch last evening. I love that and Cake Wars. Some of those cakes they make are amazing.

    yanniejannie--sure hope you are feeling better soon. Hugs! It amazes me young people don't have any problems asking anyone for money. My DSD and DGS are always putting on FB they would like to borrow money or can't someone buy this or that. I would never do that or consider calling people for money for vacation. All I can say is WOW!!

    Barbie--what a caring person you are!:heart:

    Jane--Congrates on the new baby coming. I also have a great grandchild due the last of January.

    Sylvia--Happy Birthday a day late.:flowerforyou: I have always wanted to go to Canada. Sounds like your trip is getting better. I always take lots of pictures. I tell my son when I am in the home just make sure you bring my photo books and I will be happy. Sorry to hear about the rock and windshield. Should be covered by the rental company.

    Kim--I agree, if I want something I have to save and plan for it or it doesn't happen. I would never think of asking for donations for a trip or anything like that. I keep saying we have rasied a generation that thinks we owe them.

    Carol--sounds like things are moving along. Pray the house sells fast and for more then you expect.:drinker:

    Joyce--sounds like you made some good memories.

    Linda--Congrates on getting under 200. You can do this.:flowerforyou:

    Tina--sorry for your loss. It seems to me it is happing more often and guess that is because of being older. I did hear from the guy at work that has not been doing well and yesterday the doctor told him the tumors are not growing and he is low on blood. So today he is getting 4 or 5 units. Scary.

    Well I am all caught up and had a good nights sleep. I work the gift shop at the hospital tonight so going to be a long day. Hope to take the dogs out for a walk when I get home as not done that the last couple evenings as my toe was so sore. It does feel alot better today. So looking forward to having tomorrow off. Had alot that needs done at home since I work the weekend. Hope you all have a good day and remember we are not in this alone.:heart:
    Blessings, Vicki GI NE
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Rita, I'm so glad you checked in! You have been missed around here. I'm sorry you're experiencing depression and I hope it goes away soon. :flowerforyou: :heart: :flowerforyou: :heart:
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    I'm having problems with Microsoft Word this morning, and will have to figure that out. Tomorrow our guests show up, and I have to focus on making my house as clean as inventing as possible. I'll be back to chat when I get all this sorted out.

    Katla in beautiful NW Oregon
  • beckyb527
    beckyb527 Posts: 5
    Afternoon ladies,

    Hope everyone is doing well. In reading the last two days worth of posts, it sounds like everyone has their hands full! Hope things get done/calm down soon!

    My cleaning and chores are done for the day :) Going to call my brother here in a bit (he got a new job!), scrap for a couple hours and make some bran muffins for my DH.

    Thank you all for your kind words of welcome - have a great day!

    Florida Becky
  • Kayzoola
    Kayzoola Posts: 60
    Hello again. I finally made it to my goal, and weigh what I did before menopause. It only took me eight years to lose 15 pounds! It is a bit anticlimactic, though. I don't look at all the same now. My muscles have gotten stringy and shriveled-looking, and I have more junk on my trunk. I may go for a couple more pounds just to see what I think.

    Kayzoola (PNW USA)
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Got back from seeing cardiologist. She said that because of all the medicine I am already on there is no medicine she can add for this condition. I'm kind of glad about that because I really didn't want to be out on Prozac or Effexor. She did tell me to stop my HCTZ because of the syncope and low sodium level. Then we got on the discussion of my history or high heart rate or tachycardia. Although she said there was no evidence of tachycardia during the tilt table test during the time I was having the dizziness and low blood pressure. So she said I need an echocardiogram which is always interesting but also a 4 week heart monitor. I have had 24 hour heart monitors before but never a 4 week. So I have this thing hanging off my chest and it transmits to a cell phone I have to keep within 10 feet of me all the time. She says that neurogenic syncope also can be with MS. She said that if lifestyle changes do not work, pumping of legs like I already do and wearing compression socks, that she would refer me to a neurogenic clinic at Vanderbilt in Nashville. I just got all these capris! How can I wear compression socks with them???? They come in two lovely colors, black and white. But I do like to stay upright.

    Really tired from fretting and worrying all night and not sleeping well. In my dreams I was told that the appointment had been changed to 2:30 PM and that I could sleep in like i always do. But yet I guess my subconcience knew that it had not been changed so I didn't sleep well.

    Funny thing my precious almost 13 year old said Sunday. I was kissing my sister goodby and she was in pain and didn't want to be hugged. So we were being funny and we just leaned in for a quick peck on the cheek. My naive young DGD asked if we were going to french kiss! We just looked at her in amazement and she asked if we were going to kiss each others cheeks, meaning like a European does. So her Dad expalined that a french kiss is a kiss using the tongue and it's what married people do.

    DH was channel surfing and stopped on the National Geographic channel. They were showing these elephants. This big elephant is close to this other ones behind and he just sticks his trunk inside the others behind and pulls out a huge chunk of poop, and using his trunk rolls it into a nice roll and eats it. Apparently elephants eat feces all the time. OK, you can all go back to eating your normal food now

    Joyce, Indiana