

  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Good evening!
    Finally some good news.Mammogram and ultrasound were normal.YAY!!!:happy: :happy:
    Had a nice anniversary dinner with Violet and daughter,best thing,I didn`t have to cook and stayed under my calories.:drinker: :drinker:
    hugs jane
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Sylvia, those labs are fantastic. Congratulations!!!!! I think doctors need to decrease their charges for a patient when they see such hard work and determination. LOL :laugh:

    Went to Walmart for a few things tonight. Big mistake. Don't got o Walmart on a Friday night. To many people have gotten their checks that day. Plus we are having a large religious convention in town, won't mention the name. There are many upscale motels out here on the east side. Most upscale motels now have the mini kitchenettes. So after the conference tonight they were all at Walmart and most were leaving with a small sack or two. So I assume they were getting their breakfast or evening snack. But the place was swarming with all those name tags. Plus they were out of regular size shredded wheat. Every other kind of shredded wheat that is full of sugar such as the blueberry or strawberry sugar coated mini wheats but not the regular size biscuit that you add your own goodness to it. I eat it on Sunday mornings only with a small banana in it before church. Charlie eats it all the time with a ton of sugar and milk. I hate milk so I put only enough to moisten the sweet and low on my one biscuit. So I guess we go to another place tomorrow. He likes to got o the Walmart in a small town close by and I just go to the one down the street. I should have gone to his. Why are men right so much????

    Joyce, Indiana
  • jb_2011
    jb_2011 Posts: 1,029 Member
    Finally took photos of the quinoa plants today! Lots of other photos from my garden as well. Take a look! :bigsmile:


    :smile: jb in garden-y Portland
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,657 Member
    Joyce – wow what a busy day in the neighborhood!

    Cynthia – great NSV – so often the little things that matter.

    Tina – happy anniversary!!!

    Jane – happy anniversary, and I’ll get my hopes up for you! My grandmom lived in a mobile home for the last 15+ years of her life and it was wonderful.

    Pamala – the plane crash is awful, they all are, but this one to be shot down makes it doubly tragic.

    Alison – I wish you the best, when I hear about your hubby’s bad behavior I just well up with tears… (((hug))) you keep that $300 a secret from that bully.

    Mimi – YEAH!!!! So glad all is good!!

    Barbie – I love the typing smilie face!!

    Joyce, my dog doesn’t have sheets, he has a bed with a zip off cover I wash about once a month and then a light weight blanket on his side of the bed that I wash about once a week, he lays on it instead of on my quilt, the quilt says cleaner that way.

    Lkw0311 – welcome

    JB lovely garden!

    Heather - what a flood story!

    So somedays (today was one) I get caught up in reading and laughing and forget that you all can't see me nodding and smiling and after a page or two, I remember that I have not written any notes... so if I did not type anything specific, I made have told Levi about it.

    Yesterday was a long but fun day in San Francisco, lunch on pier 39 - totally a tourist trap - but just what a 16 year old wanted!!! then to alcatraz, then to Coit tower - I had never been --it has been on my bucket list and it was a beautiful day for it. there is an elevator that takes you 220 feet up to the top, and it is on a hill so at the top you are just about 500 feet above sea level and as SF is a peninsula you can see water all around from the top... what a great view and there was a big big cruise ship leaving port... Then headed towards my DM and DN's home and stopped in at a little diner for dinner. Dropped them off and then drove home; Left home at 8am and rolled back in at 10pm... pooped but a good day! and with the exercise calories I did fine!!!

    Today was a day of sewing, dog walking and a vet visit to get some of Levi's shots up to date as tomorrow he and I go for the first reactive dog class for both of us, I went last week on my own.

    Another busy day tomorrow - gardening, dog class, and shopping for next week's cooking camp....so better get to bed.

    Smiles Kim from N. California
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Tomorrow going to Kohls. Youngest daughter and I need capris and then we both need to go to Justice and get things for 13 year old to be grand daughter. If I don't find any capris at Kohls I will look at CJ Banks. Always have a good time out wit my daughter. And it is also nice not to have the hubby around when I am spending money!!!! I have $10 in Kohls cash and a 15% off coupon so hopefully will find something

    JB, what a garden! How big is that thing. To me a garden is something about as big as a kids sand box!!! Although I have a cousin who grew up on a farm who has an 8 acre garden.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • CynthiaT60
    CynthiaT60 Posts: 1,280 Member
    Good morning everyone!

    Alison and Sylvia: My dog has turned out to be one of those expensive pets as well. From serious eye problems (surgery, lifelong visits to the eye doctor and lifelong eyedrops (3 kinds) to orthopedic problems (regular checks of back and legs, anti-inflammatory meds), he’s had a whole lot of stuff going on. I’m just glad I can take care of him, and glad he's a happy guy in spite of his problems. I wouldn’t miss him for the world.

    Sylvia: do they have dog swim day on the last day the pool is open? It’s a lot of fun, though you have to be careful they don’t get chlorine irritation. So glad about your blood work!

    Jane: good news on tests and a lovely anniversary; so glad for you!

    Jb: very interesting quinoa plants! I eat quinoa regularly but never saw a photo of a plant.

    Kim: keep us posted on the reactive dog class. Well, I’m interested anyway.

    Joyce: Kohl’s; wonderful Kohl's! (To be sung to that tune...) The store that throws money at you for shopping there! Can’t wait to go there with my mom in a couple of weeks.

    Everyone: thanks for the vacation wishes! I’ll be logging in every day; may post a bit less (or not!). Yesterday was my last day at work for a couple of weeks, and at the end of the day I was hungry but didn’t feel like shopping or cooking. Did feel like "marking" my last day. So I had a celebratory “dinner” of French fries and a low alcohol beer at the outdoor café near here. They make excellent French fries and we’re actually friends since we go there so often (usually just for coffee). The heat was not bad in the shade with a breeze, so I enjoyed my unorthodox meal while my dog roamed around in the grass (it’s safe there). Went over by a couple hundred calories, but not too bad. Will work it off in the gym today.

    Hope everyone has a good day!

    Cynthia :flowerforyou:
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,357 Member
    Jb - thanks for the quinoa pic!:flowerforyou: interesting. Fab veg, though I would have eaten them all!:laugh:

    The family left London at 8.21 so I am up, exercised and about to jump in the shower. Had to rummage in the deep depths of the freezer to find the zucchini tots! It is now 9.19 and I have done 507 calories worth of exercise so feel quite pleased. I am expecting them between 10.30 and 11.:love::love: :love: :love:
    DH has got to blow up the bouncy horse.:laugh:

    Love to all from damp, warm and humid Hampshire UK. Heather.
    Apparently our weather is due to the Spanish Plume! ! ! ! ! :tongue:
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,804 Member
    morning ladies~
    sorry I cant respond to each and everyone individually, my poor mind cant retain that much :tongue:
    Joyce~ have you tried either Silk or blue diamond unsweetened vanilla almond milk? it is only 30 calories for a cup and when cold it is delicious on cereal.. that is all I use...and to store unless you have one open you can keep it in your pantry.. they are under 2.00 a quart and you can even get the half gallon ones at Walmart... hope this helps
    Mimi~ how do you do the no sugar thing? I am at my wits end.. trying to either eat clean totally and get off the sugar..
    I was looking at the isigenex(sp) 30 day cleanse ,but cannot afford 350.00 a month to lose that kind of weight...
    somehow I have to shake things up a bit, I can't do a tone of exercise until my hip and sciatic calm down.. I am hoping to get back to the gym on monday.. I am just going to set my alarm and get my butt in gear.
    lucky I kept a few of my size 16-18 summer clothes because im up that much ,where I was in 12-14.. damn,damn,damn..
    I need all your help and love to get me through this, it has been annoying and sad at the same time:huh:
  • trisH_7183
    trisH_7183 Posts: 1,486 Member
    Good morning. Had one of those nights where sleep was iffy.Finally slept 1am till 5:30 :yawn: .It's damp & gray outside.OK
    with me,as I was a ball of fire yesterday :happy:
    Bought 2 pillows we like,after returning the 1st pair to another store.Left home at 9:30am & was near 1pm when I got home.
    Did my shopping,poked around in a couple of shops,was in 3 groceries.....then came home ,lugged everything inside,put all away & did laundry.

    DH had a new drive way put down & I'm gone when that type thing is happening :bigsmile:

    Someone mentioned having good cholesterol levels.DH tested at 100 this wk,so expect Dr to take him off med.He had extensive blood work .....all was perfect.Mine will be tested in August.

    :smile: Jane,happy for the mammo results. A big load of worry off your mind:flowerforyou:

    :love: CityJane,enjoy the family visit

    :cry: Alison,don't know how you care for so many loved ones ,down with sciatica & deal with abuse :flowerforyou: Go spend every dime .....enjoy every minute.Hope you have a nice wkend!

    So glad I got work done,cause today is GOLF. Going to have melon for breakfast,make the bed ,then do nothing much.
    Happy wk end to all.

    Pat in Ohio
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,804 Member
    ok so somehow I must have done something to up my calorie count, because it says instead of 1200 calories a day 1320 calories a day, should I stick with this for a little while and see if it works or try and get back and try 1200 calorie day..
    just had some non fat greek yougurt with apple pie spice,it was ok, but strong:ohwell:
    will have to strategically plan my shopping for the next couple of weeks..I have a prevention magazine here with the 100 best clean foods, im going to go over that today.. going to see DFIL early as we will come back and do the lawn...waiting for the morning dew to dry off...
    I have not gotten the debit card yet, and will stash it away for something that is really needed..
  • CynthiaT60
    CynthiaT60 Posts: 1,280 Member
    Hi Alison, did you recently enter a higher weight? That might cause MFP to increase your calories. If it were me, I'd go with it. 1200 is really hard, en you've got so much on your plate already...


    P.S. That debit card is for YOU! :wink: :heart:
  • JeanCricket
    JeanCricket Posts: 167 Member
    Hi All

    Was delighted to find this group for us 50+ ladies :smile: I'm 53...

    I am new to MFP and would love to be part of this awesome group - I can see how supportive you are of one another and I am doing this on my own so would love to be part of this group!

    I'm goaling to lose 10 pounds at a time... Was thrilled to lose 3-4 pounds after the first week of diet and exercise, though after weighing in today after week 2, I maintained but did not lose more weight. I realize we plateau and do not drop pounds at every weigh-in, but somehow still felt disappointed and a little discouraged :ohwell:

    I live in northern NJ where we've been in a heat & humidity wave for a while - happily it seems the humidity broke yesterday so outdoor activity like gardening and walking will be more pleasant and do-able ...

    2 years ago I had to go into 'early retirement' due to Lupus and severe fibromyalgia, so my exercise is quite limited...that's when I started gaining some pounds...

    My biggest challenge is not being able to consistently exercise or be active - on 'good' health days I can do some light exercise which makes me feel so good about myself and motivated. On 'bad' health days the pain is very high so I am not very active at all...

    I love gardening and that's what I do in mornings on my good health days - so peaceful and love the results of a beautiful garden! :smile:

    Have also added gentle yoga and beginner Pilates DVDs which I've just started doing. Wish I had access to a pool as I understand it is easier on the joints to exercise in water...

    Anyway, happy to meet you all and look forward to getting to know you!

  • CynthiaT60
    CynthiaT60 Posts: 1,280 Member
    OK, does anyone here use PB2? There are enough threads about it but I'm curious whether anyone over the age of...whatever...uses it, en how. :smile:

    Cynthia :flowerforyou:
  • nccarolb
    nccarolb Posts: 858 Member
    First of all: Welcome newbies!

    Well, I finally had a breakdown/meltdown yesterday. After a very rough morning at work ( let's just say that I was back there at 8 p.m. to finish), a misunderstanding with the handyman, and two expensive trips to Lowes, on top of my ex deciding that yesterday would be his ideal time to take our son out for hours, I lost it. I sat and sobbed. Then I texted (to teary to talk) the Realtor and postponed a week. My son and I had a grown up conversation and I, right or not, shared some of the things that I was so upset about, including the fact that his damage to his room will probably lower the value of the house by at least $2,000. I can't even begin to describe the damage to the hardwood floor in his bedroom that was unearthed when he finally got all of the mess picked up. I also told his father that son would NOT be going anywhere last night unless his assignments were finished because I would not be a participant his teaching our son to bail on responsibilities. I also, for the first time ever, said negative things about my ex to my son. I apologized for saying it to him and his response was, "Did you think that I didn't already realize that?!" I realized yesterday that a lot of my stress was from the anger towards my ex for being so selfish during our marriage so that the house was disrepair and for the way he so blithely left the children and me to struggle while he has been living the high life for years. Trying to get the house ready to sell has pulled all of that from hiding because it is staring me in the face with every repair that I try to figure out how to pay for. So, I am taking it easy this morning and resting my body and my soul before hitting it again this afternoon.

    Thank you again for letting me vent. I should probably be journaling this instead of putting it in front of y'all, but I don't get any feedback from my journal. :tongue:

    Alison - From one who has been there, don't abuse what might be a herniated disc so that it becomes a ruptured one. Of course, if you have surgery, you will be given no option but to rest.

    I hope everyone has a great day!

    Carol in NC
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Heather: Having the boat available as a spare room is lovely. We used to go to it and leave the kids in the house, but not any more. This time they come to stay our DDIL’s parents will be here, too, and we’re putting the kids on the boat. I hope we can to okay as hosts. We’re not skilled in that area. As to weight, I’m up two pounds this morning. Having my son here is wonderful, but I seem to be over indulging.

    No time for more. We’re leaving to go to the coast for the horseback ride.

    Katla in beautiful NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison

    July Goals:
    1. Log every bite and swallow.
    2. Cardio exercise at least 3 days a week.
    3. Have fun every day.
    4. Drink at least three glasses of water daily, preferably more!
  • nccarolb
    nccarolb Posts: 858 Member
    Cynthia - I use PB2 in smoothies and overnight (refrigerated) oatmeal and it is great! I've never tried it reconstituted because it just seems gross.
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,804 Member
    Cynthia~ I use PB2, I love it,I do reconstitute it and use it with half a banana on a wrap for breakfast sometimes.. there is another one out there too that has rasberry peanut butter I think it is called NUTZ..
    just finished the lawn . and helped the DH to tear our some small tree's and brush , they are coming next week to cut some tree's down so for right now we cant let the dogs out in the back yard because we had to tear part of the fence down, so that will mean alot of walks...
    yes I am going to try the higher calorie count, and use good foods to fill it and see if that helps me start to lose again
  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    Hi, everyone,

    This will be pretty much a quick hi and bye; have caught up on reading, computer being sluggish and lots to do in the yard. Tai chi and yoga this am at the gym, then brunch with three friends.........fruit and spinach/egg omlet. Need to be ready by 5pm to go to a concert with another friend
    Straight, No Chaser, an acapella men's group that formed in the 90's as undergrads at Indiana Uni.---disbanded at graduation, then one of them posted a video on youtube and suddenly they became famous and now tour in the summer, the rest of the time they are lawyers and such (what a life, huh???)............saw them last summer and loved them at an outdoor venue so snatched the chance to see them again; unfortunately, forgot to ask my friend the price.......big mistake as she is one of those first row people, whereas I'm a happy camper in the (very) cheap seats...... They have a LOT on youtube is anyone wants to check it out (for free!!!!, I might add) .......you won't be sorry, I promise!!!!

    just a few notes:

    jb..........quinoa.........thanks for the pic, very interesting looking plant, reminds me of something but the mind won't come thru. You must put tremendous effort into your garden and it shows..........it all looks delicious!

    Sylvia.............I am soooooooooo glad someone else has had a dream about our thread!!!! Had another note for you but can't read my writing.............oops, it was to say what great blood work numbers!!!! Congratulations!!!!!!

    Jean N.J...........Welcome! I'm orig. from Pa! Also welcome IKW!

    Cynthia............I just got PB2............have used it on Trader Joe's rosemary cracker/flatbread and liked it.

    Carol......I think you really needed to get that out!!!! We can only hold so much in and those feelings and emotions need to go somewhere!!!!

    Must run, encouragement to everyone else!
    Stay strong!!!
    mid-Atlantic.............cloudy bright so far, poss. showers
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,804 Member
    oh lordy the DH wants to go for fish and chips.... hopefully I can find something I can eat... perusing the menu now..:ohwell:
  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,887 Member
    Hi all: DGD is here and keeping me busy. I have not been getting a lot of steps in but we have been in one pool or another every day for 1-1/2 hours. Just being around a 9-year-old burns calories I think. Anyway we have been having a good time. We went to the ice cream social at church. She thinks that is neat. Thursday we went to see Shrek, the Musical put on by the students at SDSU. That was hilarious although I think some of the humor goes over children's heads. This morning she went to breakfast with DH and now he is teaching her to play chess, the Crazy Cat Lady Game is more my style.

    Katla - Horseback riding on the beach, I am jealous! I have been able to do that once in my life in northern California. Rode my niece's mustang and it was great. Wishing you a wonderful time.

    Mimi - Glad the procedure went well and you are recovering quickly. We are headed out your way soon. We fly into Sacramento on July 29 and then drive to my DB's place at Angels Camp. We will be there for a few days then down to Discovery Bay for my mother's 90th birthday party. After that we head up to Cedar Ridge near Grass Valley for a week before we come home on August 12. I am really looking forward to this trip and introducing my DGD to lots of relatives she has never met. When we celebrated my mom's 80th my DDIL was pregnant with her.

    Allison - Don't ever quit believing in yourself. As long as you believe you can, you will have a reason for trying.

    Healing angels to all who need them and congratulations to those with victories. Sue in SD