

  • Cindy781
    Cindy781 Posts: 474 Member
    Hi everyone,

    Today I did 25 minutes of yoga, 17 minutes for upper body strength training. I did 2 1/2 sets vs 3 since I've been off for a week. Then I did 36 minutes on the treadmill. I had to wrap my knee, yesterday it really hurt when I was walking, not sure why.

    Sylvia, great test results, congrats!

    Alison, hugs for you. Salads with dressing on the side are my go to order when most everything is fried food on the menu. I will eat later at home if necessary, I do that a lot when faced with a party or get together scenario. I love Silk! I don't buy milk at all now unless DH wants some.

    Carol, vent away, it's good for you!

    Jane, sorry about the townhouse.

    Hugs to all I missed.

    Cindy in OK
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Carol, you vent all you want. I am one who has used this site for my 'journaling'. And you are right, you do get feed back here. It's amazing some of the insight our children actually do have if we just give them the credit. I agree that he needs to take responsibility for his actions and your ex also needs to reinforce it. I had always said that if Charlie and I ever divorced that I would make sure that I never said anything bad about him to our girls. It would be hard but I would do it.

    Really enjoyed our trip to Kohls. I found some capris that I liked and Michelle made sure I took a pair of size 12 in with me. Well I bought only size 12s!!!!!! Only problem is my height now. I used to be 5'6" and now 5'4 1/2" So regular capris fit me to long and I just don't like that length.

    Well was going to write more but husbnad says we must leave.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    Carol - You can vent. Imo - and it is a humble one, having raised 3 sons and a daughter - you did the right thing in how you were talking to your son. Isn't he the one who went on a mission trip and was speaking in front of the congregation quite adultlike? He may be more mature than you think and your expectations are reasonable.

    Allison - I must admit that a lot of the time I do not know why you put up with your DH. It sounds abusive to me and not acceptable. There is a difference between what other women say about their husbands on this forum and what you appear to say. I sincerely hope I am not out of line. My husband and I have called each other out on things that are unacceptable. Mature people do and it improves the relationship.

    Cynthia - I wish you a wonderful time off! My heart breaks for the people who went down with flight MH 17 that originated in the Netherlands with the majority being from my birth country. I am dumbfounded by the tragedy. I do not know what PB2 is. Peanut butter what?

    In speaking with my 91 yr old mom today, she sounded very good and no longer suspicious of people around her. Although she is very very frail, she may just last a while longer. At the same time, it is not ideal for me to be so many miles away at the other side of the world. We appreciate Mr. Bell inventing the telephone.

    My flu virus has decided to hang on for a while yet. Still coughing and feeling fatigued. I have visited doctor and clinics, and had tests, xrays and medication, but a virus is a virus, and at my age, or at any age, it just needs to run its course.

    I am grateful for the life I have and the life I live. Today is a quiet day just resting, hanging out, doing some paperwork and not going anywhere. I love that feeling of regeneration. I had a kale salad for lunch and we may have thin crust pizza for dinner tonight.

    The current wildfires are very concerning. We also need rain on Vancouver Island, desperately.

    Welcome to the newcomers. Jump right in and talk about your day, or week, or life.

    :heart: Renny
    Vancouver Island, BC. Where fortunately it is a lot cooler today, although very windy and still no rain.
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    I guess I should give up on townhouses.Saw a real nice one,in our budget,lots of room,appliances.
    The catch -no pets!!!!:sad: :mad: :cry:
    Why do people hate animals so much,not all animals are terrors.
    So back to the mobile home???\
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,097 Member
    Welcome newbies:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Just got back from another garden tour. This garden tour was put on by a group of master gardeners. I learned we need to cut off the flowers if you are growing broccoli. This is the first year I have gotten to do vegetables, so I am learning as I go. The last garden I saw was overwhelming beautiful.

    Yesterday met with the lawyer. It will take six weeks to get the paper work for our trust, power of attorney, and health care directive. Feels good to have that step done.

    Alison thought of you today on the tour in the last garden. She had a life like blue heron statue in her water garden. When I get some time I'll post it to my profile page.

    Today I will go on a garden tour, so when winter comes I will have all these wonderful pictures and memories of summer gardens.

    Asking for prayers for my eldest son as he transitions into being single again.

    Hope everyone is having a great day!

    2014 word: contentment

    :heart: MNMargaret
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,812 Member
    evening ladies~
    Rebel Renny~ he was brought up in a household that when the men got upset they bottled it up until they burst and that is where it comes from, he has never ever hit me, yes he is an donkey(as-) sometimes, and sometimes he vents at me because there is something other than me bothering him... we have made it 18 yrs so far.. it usually blows over
    we tore out some brush and small tree's at the back of our property today the tree guy is coming next weekend to take them down, well the lady who lived here before us ,had chicken wire fencing all wrapped and nailed to the tree's that border our yard on 2 sides, the other 2 sides are chain link..
    the reason we bought this house is because of the fenced in yard for the dogs:wink:
    so right now we have a gate at the steps to the gate so the dogs cant get down there.. we went to tracker supply and bought some wire fencing and t-posts that we will use temporarly until we have chain link put in, which wont be until next year sometime, as we have one more row of tree's to come down and have to have somewhere for the truck to come in to stump them..
    well I ended up having the fish and chips, 2 small pieces of friend fish and a handful of fries... drank my water and am now having a cup of tea..
    trying to figure out a grocery list for tomorrow, I am going to try and give clean eating a try.. and no added sugar if I can do it...
    gotta start somehwere:tongue:
  • Lestan48
    Lestan48 Posts: 489 Member
    Well it is Sunday here and Stan cooking Sunday Brunch: bacon, eggs, hash browns, tomato, toast and marmalade, so yummy and non-greasy. Rack of lamb for dinner tonight. Yesterday I made apple pie so most left for dinner. I DON"T do DIETS and love all my food. Tom Venuto taught me NOT to diet EVER.
    We go for a drive along the coast on Sundays and then walk along river walk at Ulverstone, get our ice-cream treat and then drive home. Going to see a neighbour this afternoon so doggies can play whilst we chat.
    I have genetic high chlesterol and doctors put me on Statins in 2006 but by late 2004 my skeletal muscles were lysing but heart OK and cholesterol througgh the roof. I had been fine on fibrates and cholesterol in normal limits. I have been on Lipidil for 2 years and HDL cholesterol in normal limits. LDLs hjigh but I have NO HDL receptors on my liver so always high and doctor is happy with me. She says my body NEEDS to train 6 days a week as I did body building from 1980 to 2000. I LOVE my kettle-bells and race-walking.
    I use almond milk all the time as cows' milk bloats me. Also have Chobani Greek yogurt.
    I love gardening and it looks a little sad as winter here, BUT green shoots on daffodils, iris, hyacinths, crocus and lilies, and buds on fruit trees and bushes and spring flowering shrubs. Soon be Spring again. I love going on garden tours and get inspiration, our garden and orchard is 1 acre
    Prayers for those who need them.
    Lesley in Tasmania
  • MimiPersists
    MimiPersists Posts: 94 Member
    Last night and most of today have been harder…fast heartbeat (resting rate around 100), feeling blah and emotional…some skipped heartbeats. I guess my heart is not happy about being poked, prodded, and burned. 5 hours of general anesthetic takes a toll too.

    Feeling crummy is not too surprising. The doctor told me I would feel “beat up” for a couple of weeks. And I do. Darn. When I don’t feel good, it seems as though that feeling will last forever. Of course, that’s not true but it does feel that way.

    It helps reading your posts on MFP. So many different experiences. It’s interesting and often fun (sometimes sad), getting a peek into everyone's life.

    Sylvia, congrats on the great labs. I’m sure some of it’s due to the changes you’ve made. Eventually, you might not even need the Lipitor. I know my cholesterol gets way better when I’m eating lots of veggies, etc.

    Jane, congrats on the good news (mammogram & ultrasound) and Happy Anniversary!

    JB, my mouth dropped open and stayed that way when I looked at the pics of your garden. Wow. Then wow again. Truly a feast for the eyes as well as the stomach.

    Kim, your day sounds wonderful. California’s weather can’t be beat. I might be a neighbor. I split my time between Walnut Creek, in the East Bay Area, and Placerville, up in the foothills toward Tahoe. I like everything but the traffic.

    Cynthia, I hope you enjoy your vacation. I’ve actually had French fries in the last couple of weeks and not felt any added cravings. (I’ve avoided alcohol though, for heart reasons, so can’t speak to that.) It seems to be the sugar that throws me off track. All that to say, you may have just started off your vacation in fine shape. Vacations are the absolutely hardest time for me to stay on track. “No added sugar” helped me last time (first time ever) so you may just swim along!

    Grandmaille (I’m sure you have another name but I don’t remember it!). I know about the yo-yo dieting. I’ve done it so many times. I’ve been pretty strict about the “no added sugar” thing. That seems to be making all the difference in the world.

    I’m also staying away from gluten, just because it’s easy for me to slather my bread with butter or dip crackers into a nice, fattening dip. That might be making a difference too. Or maybe not. I’ll test it one of these days.

    I’m at my parents’ house while I recover from the ablation procedure. I almost always get off track here. I haven’t even been tempted. Not even before the surgery.

    I’m reading labels and staying away from most foods that include sugar in the ingredient list. (I have used a salad dressing that has honey way down in the list and I had a little ketchup and a taste of my mom’s drink when we were at my sister’s cabin in Graeagle. (Way too sweet!))

    This is the first time that staying on track hasn’t been much of an effort. When I lost weight before (100 lbs), I did great, was happy, etc. but it was always an effort. It’s not this time. I’m hoping that lasts.

    You might have seen the link I posted to a free e-Book that talks about why sugar can be addictive. (I don’t think it is for everybody.) All I can say is, after years of resisting the idea, that book resonated with me. Here is the URL: http://authoritynutrition.com/viciouseating.pdf

    Re almond milk. I like the Silk brand pretty well but, if you have a Trader Joe’s near you, their brand (Almond Beverage, in a pink carton) is even better. Tastes like toasted almonds. It’s 40 calories per cup.

    I hear you about the sciatica. It was bursitis in both hips that stopped me from walking as much as I was. What’s the deal here, anyway? :noway:

    BTW, I cut out sugar cold turkey. It wasn’t hard after the first couple of days. It helped to add lots of good food to what I was eating. (Some of my choices might look (and were) a little weird, but overall everything’s been yummy.)

    BTW again, I noticed in a later post that you mentioned non-fat Greek yogurt with apple pie spice. Most of that stuff (that’s supposed to be good for you) has a ton of sugar in it. I opt for the full-fat plain yogurt (like Greek Gods) then pair it up with fresh fruit.

    You can add a little Stevia to the yogurt if you like it sweeter. In case you’re not familiar with Stevia, some brands taste great. Others, that include a different part of the Stevia leaf, can be a little bitter. So don’t give up, if you don’t like it at first. I count on it now. I just can’t get used to unsweetened coffee!

    Oh yah. (Gosh, I’m talkative today.) Re the calories: I agree with Cynthia. 1200 is really hard. I weigh more so have 1500+. It would be even higher if I made my target 1 pound a week rather than 1.5. I’d rather come in under a higher target than struggle to hit a lower one.

    Carol, I’m sending virtual hugs. You’re doing a great job in a tough situation.

    Yanniejannie, thank you, thank you for the tip on Straight No Chaser. I just watched their video on https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vv4WEeFhhAI. It put a big smile on my face.

    Sue, your vacation plans sound delightful. Just up my alley too. I’m lucky enough to still have my mom (age 88) and dad (age 92). I love family gatherings. We have 60+ in our immediate family (my folks on down.) How wonderful that you’re getting together to celebrate. I have a 9 yo DGD too. That age is the best. We’re lucky grandma’s.

    Cindy, great job.

    Renny, I sympathize with you, having your mom so far away. Even close by, we can be pretty helpless sometimes. My dad has some dementia so, although it has made him mellower (:happy: ), it can sometimes be difficult, particularly when he thinks he can do things that he could have – 20 years ago!

    Margaret, my prayers are with your son. My son made that transition about 5 years ago. It was rough but has turned out well. He’s now happily married to someone his boys also love. I hope your son will do well too.

    Mmmm. Contentment. That’s a lovely word – and concept. Thanks for that.

  • gmom316
    gmom316 Posts: 244
    I've attempted to skim/read and post about 5 or 6 times today but I have my Saturday ADD and kept getting distracted. It's was a dreary, drizzly day so I used that to start sorting through my piles of paper that need to go. Got some groceries, worked on the pool, a little housework, etc. Nothing exciting. Taking Aaron biking tomorrow after breakfast since we didn't get out today.

    Not sure if I posted, I made it back to Zumba yesterday for the first time since Aaron's last day of school, followed by vacation, etc. Took him and his Ipad with me so I would be sure to make it and was SO glad. Very hard, but fun, workout and a couple times I thought my thighs were going to give.

    I agree on the "no sugar" thing. You simply have to make the decision and commitment to do it. It's VERY hard....in the beginning. It gets easier as time passes, as long there are no "just this once", "I deserve this", etc. I decided I deserve not to get Type 2 diabetes, I also deserve not to be fat.

    I use plenty of Truvia and Ideal. Put it in my Fage with cinnamon most days and add chopped walnuts or pecans. I need the crunch and am not a fan of "squishy" fruit:ohwell:

    I've also found the Enlightened brand of ice cream treats, also sweetened naturally so I can get a creamy, cold chocolate fix when necessary. I also make a pudding/mousse with plain gelatin, cocoa powder, coconut milk and a natural sweetener. I've added chopped nuts and/or unsweetened coconut. YUM!

    Anyhow, finishing week 3 of my Biggest Loser plan. Hoping to see another pound or two gone on Monday morning.

    Wishing everyone fun, peace and the strength to make the right choices.

    xo- Gloria in Metro Detroit
  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Good early evening beautiful ladies:flowerforyou:

    Lesley :smile: I loved reading about how you migrated to Australia!!! A walking track and a running track, how wonderful! With you having winter right now, I bet it sounds odd for some of us to be complaining about the heat and humidity. Your sweet Mildred Beagle sounds wonderful:love: , I think all pets should be spoilt!

    Margaret :smile: Salsa dancing in the park…sounds heavenly:love: !!! Love “pick your flowers”!

    Barbie :smile: You are the Queen of line dancing and walking:bigsmile: !

    Sylvia :smile: Grrrr on the doctor’s office:explode: !!! It just amazes me the lack of intelligence of some people! A doctor’s office should be staffed with kind and caring individuals! I`m so glad your lab results are all good!!! Keep those jokes coming..I love them:laugh: ! I always know if I need a laugh to find your joke posts! How did the graduations of the swimming lessons go? I bet you were the proudest grandma there:love: ! Congrats on being down another pound!

    Jb :smile: I love your blog posts, you are an excellent writer and gardener:happy: ! Love, love, love the golden years:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: !!! I don`t like quinoa:noway: , but the plant is gorgeous!

    Joyce :smile: How is your sister doing? You are such a good sister to check on her! The amusement park sounds awesome! My oldest granddaughter turned 13 in March, they grow up so fast! I love shredded wheat too, the plain kind, however it does a number on me, my daughter says it`s “natures broom”:laugh: . Size 12 capris….woo hoo:bigsmile: !!!!

    Cynthia :smile: Another pound gone…woo hoo:bigsmile: !!! I will be cheering you on during your remodeling, just remember to do some deep breathing! I called a friend of mine one day when I was just fed up with everything, told her I thought calling her was better than pulling out other peoples hair:tongue::laugh: !

    Heather :smile: I hope you`ve had a wonderful time with your son and daughter in law, I know you`re loving on those adorable grandchildren:love: ! You can adopt me, I could be your sister:bigsmile: !!!

    Alison :smile: Our fur babies can be expensive, but I`m like you, they are totally worth it:love: !
    Sure was hoping that DH of yours was being nicer to you:explode: ! Have you talked to your Dr. about doing some exercises that won`t annoy your hip? They may have some exercises that actually help with it! Good luck my friend, you deserve the best Alison, remember to love yourself too:flowerforyou: !

    Cindy :smile: I still think I`m much younger than I am, I certainly don`t feel older than 30, actually I think I feel better now than when I was 30:tongue: . Thanks for the tip about the trash bags taped on the window. I had the painters put my blinds back up on Friday afternoon since they won`t be back till Monday, these guys are great, slow but great, while they were on the scaffolding in the great room they changed all my light bulbs for me:happy: , it`s a 18 ft. ceiling.

    Yanniejannie :smile: I have had dreams about this group too:laugh: ! How great would it be if we could all find a central location and meet up:love: , it would be the conference of the Women 50 thread! Enjoy your concert tonight!!!

    Carol in NC :smile: Wish I could just give you a hug:flowerforyou: ! Glad you didn`t strangle the boy child, sounds like you could have and would have been justified in strangling the ex:angry: !

    Katla :smile: Horseback riding on the beach:love: …I`m just a teensy tiny bit jealous!

    Jane Martin :smile: Yay!!! I`m so glad the test turned out fine:flowerforyou: !!! Happy anniversary:flowerforyou: !!!

    Vicki :smile: I love funnel cakes too, oh my I know I couldn`t work in one of those booths:noway: !!! I`m going to take my grandgirls shopping for school supplies too, I love shopping with them! Prayers for you granddaughter and her hubby:flowerforyou: !

    Michele :smile: I went to the Farmers Market today, it was packed! I usually don`t go on the weekends, I wanted to get corn and green beans and by the time I got through a gazillion people I ended up getting squash, tomatoes, organic chicken and fresh goat cheese. I still want corn and beans though:cry: !

    Ikw :smile: I think you`ll love being apart of this group:flowerforyou: !!!

    Kim Your day in San Fran sounds glorious:love: ! Hope Levi`s class went well today!

    Pat in OH :smile: Hope you had an awesome day of golf!

    Jean :smile: Welcome! Please don`t get discouraged too much, have you taken measurements? That`s a great way to measure, when the pounds are not coming off, sometimes the inches are:bigsmile: !!!

    Sue in SD :smile: I think being around my grandgirls burns calories too:wink: ! Glad you`re having a wonderful time together:love: !

    I`ve tried to catch up, I know I`ve missed a few:sad: …sorry! If I don`t get the chicken in the oven right now, it will be 9 pm before dinner is done:frown: !

    Have a wonderful night!

    DeeDee in rainy NC
  • MimiPersists
    MimiPersists Posts: 94 Member
    Lesley, I love hearing about Tasmania. It sounds heavenly.

    You mentioned that you don't "diet." I should explain that by "diet," I simply mean what I'm eating. I'm not on any program - although I don't think that's a bad thing if it's a good one and works for someone. The way I'm eating now is how I'd like to continue eating, only adding enough similar kinds of food to maintain rather than lose.

    The "no added sugar" thing will be, for me, lifelong. I absolutely resisted the idea that I'm someone who cannot eat sugar and continue to eat in a healthy way. Really. I hated the idea. After all, how weak is that?!

    However, at 66 years old, and having been overweight most of my life even while trying hard, over and over, to lose weight, (gaining, losing, gaining, losing, generally trending up), admitting I can't do sugar and maintain a healthy diet (way of eating) is a relief.

    Hey. What do you know. I'm not an idiot. I'm not lazy. I'm not lacking in persistence. I just have a problem with sugar. The same as an alcoholic has with alcohol or a cocaine addict has with coke or a smoker has with cigarettes. If anything, staying away from sugar is harder than giving up alcohol, coke, or cigarettes. Sugar is in your face, everywhere you look.

    We are inundated with the idea that sugar is delicious. Look around you when you are in the store. Ohmigosh. Sugar is everywhere. Candy bars. Ice cream (that's a hard one for me and, fortunately, not necessary for everyone). Salad dressing. Ketchup. Pastries. Most breads. The list goes on and on...and on. And we're surrounded. Try to get past the checkout counter without seeing "food" filled with sugar.

    The food industry has put big bucks into making us crave certain foods, particularly the ones with the higher profit margins. Sugar and salt are their pals. And, boy, do they put them to use. It pisses me off, actually. I don't like to be manipulated. But, that's another subject.

    The main point is...I think I'm on to something. This is old news for so many people. But it's not something I let myself even consider until recently. I'm hoping.

  • MimiPersists
    MimiPersists Posts: 94 Member
    I just finished reading a few of JB's blogs. Her spirit is contagious. Puts everything in perspective. Thank you, JB, for lighting the way.
  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,225 Member
    Hi ladies! Just a quickie post because we are heading out to dinner. We are in Pueblo now. I had such a great lunch with the Colorado Ladies who Lunch! We had a wonderful time! The only bear encounter I had was in a jewelry store with a fabulous necklace of sterling and pink quartz made by the former senator Ben Nighthorse Campbell. There was a guy we saw putting his trash can back together after it had been mauled the night before. Ok off to dinner and more later. Take care, meg who is sunburned and dehydrated!
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    I'm sorry I have not yet read everything. Today was a very eventful day and I'm just trying to recover.

    I went to my friend Debbie's house this morning at 10:30. She and I and another friend were going to drive to Springfield to see the art museum. Well, I was early and drove up to her house just as she was getting home from Yoga class. We spoke briefly on the driveway and she said I could play with her new puppy Winston while she was changing. She went inside and I went to get my stuff out of the van and she came screaming out of the house! Her poor little puppy had hung himself on the staircase. She had tethered him to the bottom of the steps because his bed was there, and his water bowl etc, and he had never tried to go up the stairs before so she didn't even worry about it. Well, he had gone high up and fallen through the railing. The poor little thing. She was on the ground sobbing. It just broke my heart. Well, I am the most squeemish, soft hearted person who ever lived, but I went inside and took the poor thing down and wrapped him in a blanket. Debbie sure couldn't do it. I was so glad I had not stopped at yard sales like I had wanted to do. She would have been there all alone. Her husband was out playing golf when it happened. She called him in tears. Well, went ahead to the museum because she said it would take her mind off of it, and when we got back her hubby had come and taken care of everything. That puppy was so sweet. He was 10 weeks old and just adorable. Everybody loved him. She normally put him in his crate but he hated it so much that she didn't this time. She felt just terrible, but I really think it was a freak accident. You just never know sometimes what will happen. She is such a sweet person and it hurt to see her in such pain. So our other friend and I tried to keep her mind off of it.

    When my old dog had to go to the vet for the last time, I was there holding him and I thought it was the worst thing I had ever done. This was worse. At least my old dog had a long and happy life. This little guy was just starting out. So sad.

    Well, I'd better get some walking done. I hope you all have a great evening.

  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,395 Member
    Did 45 minutes of the "I Want That Body" DVD by Tammy Lee Webb. Tomorrow I'm planning to do a belly dance DVD.

    After exercising went to the farmer's market and got some corn and potatoes. Came home and cooked the corn. Unfortunately, the guy with the golden beets said he wouldn't have any more this year. WAAAAA. He told me last week that he'd have some this week so I was intending to buy it today. Oh well...lesson learned....when you see it BUY IT. Got my oil changed then to Aldi (since they're next door to where I got my oil changed), went to Toys R Us because Jessica wanted some magnetic letters (why, I don't know) then -- big mistake -- went to Hamricks. Found a pair of pants that were 70% off so they cost me $5 and a pocketbook (like I needed another one) that was 50% off plus I had a 10% off coupon. Then home to wrap up the corn, put most of it in the freezer, started to get dinner ready (made the salads, etc) went to church, came home and had dinner, now on here.

    Welcome everyone new (lkw0311, Jean and anyone else that I may have missed

    barbie - yea for you getting back to yoga!

    Sylvia - awesome blood numbers! Did you have to figure out the ratio or did they?

    jane - so glad the mammo and ultrasound were normal. That's a relief

    Joyce - We went to WalMart last night, too. And you're so right, it was CROWDED. They actually had most of the registers open! Good luck at Kohl's. Update: congrats on getting those 12's! Good for Michelle making you take them in with you!

    Lesley - I love when winter is over and the bradford pear trees start blooming. Gives me lots of hope for the coming spring/summer. I know that a bradford pear wouldn't work where I want to plant a tree/bush, but I want something that blooms that early

    jb - your garden is fantastic! I never knew that that's what quinoa looked like growing on the plant. Guess it's because the only time I've ever seen it was in the box. Thanks for posting the pics. Do you ever plant golden beets?

    Heather - enjoy your visit

    We really need to cut the lawn, but for the next several days it looks like there's a chance of rain, which means it'll probably be humid, so the grass won't dry out.

    Alison - I can't get the quarts of almond milk, I have to buy it in the small boxes since I'm the only one who will drink it. If I buy the quarts, they start to go bad before I can finish them. Yes, the small boxes are more expensive, but in the end they're worth it.

    Jean - what part of northern NJ do you live in? I grew up in Clifton (Passaic County). How well I remember the humidity!

    Carol - go easy on yourself. I understand where you are coming from. Everything will work out the way God plans it. And as you know, His plan is ALWAYS the best plan. Vent all you need to, we have big shoulders

    Mimi - I've found that the fruit on the bottom greek yogurts usually have less sugar than the ones where the fruit is already mixed in with the greek yogurt. But most of the times I do have just the plain along with a bit of honey or fruit. I found that trying to go "no sugar" at first was REALLY difficult, but after a while I got so used to it that now if I have something with sugar in it, I only want a little or none. But I just can't give up my sugar in fruits. Do you have to limit those too?

    DeeDee - went to the farmer's market today. The guy who sells the good corn on the cob was there so I got -- get this -- 4 (yes, you read right) dozen. When I got home Vince said to me "why, Jess isn't here" No, that's right, but I'll give her some next time she comes down here. Unfortunately, the guy who sells the golden beets said they were done for this year. I was so hoping to get some to freeze. Oh well...lesson learned, when you see something BUY IT. As long as it can be frozen. Speaking of freezers, I understand that the fuller the freezer, the more efficient it is. Well, I have the most efficient freezer in NC....lol Grapes, blueberries, strawberries, corn on the cob, lots of other things. In a way, I hope butter doesn't go on sale...I won't have room for it!

    Meg - sounds like you're having a wonderful time. Did you forget your sunscreen?

    Sylvia - OMG!!! What a freaky thing to have happen. It's so good that you were there for your friend. I can't imagine what it must have been like

    Michele in NC
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Michele, the lab has a really nice chart online with all my results. They figured the ratio and everything. I'm almost glad the doctors office was so screwy. If not I never would have found out about the labs web site.

    I just finished my 10,000 steps and now my back hurts. Not sure why, but I'm glad to get the steps in.

    Here is today's joke of the day:


    A guy was walking along the street when he saw a crowd of people running towards him. He stopped one of the runners and asked: “What’s happening?” The runner replied breathlessly: “A lion has escaped from the zoo.” “Oh my, which way is it heading?” “Well you don’t think we are chasing it, do you?”


    Good night!

  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,097 Member
    Alison Here is that picture of the heron I told you about earlier.
    It is not a real heron, but it sure looks like one.
  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,225 Member
    hi Ladies. I am back and full of Mexican food. I have been craving it and gave in tonight.

    We have had a great trip. Started with a night in Fort Morgan, then Denver and the lunch, then on to "somewhere" in the White River National Forest. We met DH's brother, sister in law, cousin, and cousin's hubby. We were going to tent camp, but we haven't used our tent in over 8 years and it STUNK! Not molding....just an old, boxed up smell, so we slept in the cousin's RV. Then we went to Marble and stayed in a cabin for two nights. Next was Ouray, which is southwest, in a beautiful turn of the century hotel in a suite. Ouray is called Switzerland in AMerica; it looks very much like the Alps and lots of the houses look swiss-ish.

    We spent most of our time doing 4-wheel jeep trails, so we didn't get much activity at all. I feel sure I have gained weight due to the lack of activity, although I was actually quite good (til tonight) with food and carbs. I finally insisted on hiking yesterday. So I am just not going to worry about it; I'll just get back on track when I get home. The Y schedule changes on August 8, so I'll rework my schedule then.

    it is so interesting to me that people can just stop and camp or fish nearly anywhere in CO since so much of it is public land. You can't do that in NE. We didn't see much wildlife of interest. In Ouray there was a deer in some lady's yard eating her bushes and today we saw two bighorn sheep just walking across the highway. They were either female or juveniles. I saw a new bird (for me)...the black billed mockingbird and, with my wildflower book, have identified 64 different types of wildflowers. While jeeping we got out several times to take photos and the wildflowers were everywhere.

    Everyone has dogs around here and most seem to be rescues. I have gotten my "dog fix" daily by stopping and petting dogs walking on the streets. All the shops and restaurants have dog bowls and they are welcome in most places.

    DH got in touch with a former co-worker he hasn't seen in 30 years and we are meeting him for breakfast tomorrow. Then we are off to Ogallala NE which is a small town in western NE. We'll find something interesting to do there.

    I have read all the posts , but with 9 pages since I last posted, no chance of responding to all. I have missed all of you and was happy to read all the good news. I'm sending hugs to those who need them. I don't know if we'll have internet tomorrow, but the next day we'll be home. Until then, take care all. Meg who is in an enchilada coma.
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,657 Member
    Joyce – hope shopping was successful!!! update it was great job on the 12's:smile:

    Cynthia – good for you to “celebrate” the beginning of vacation!

    Alison – you can count on me! I am in your corner – I really think stress is a huge factor for you, and more than eliminating any food thing, if you could lower the stress that it would make a huge difference… I think you checked in that your weight had gone up and that made MFP give you more calories

    :angry: That card should not:grumble: be stashed away for something that is really needed:noway: – it should be saved:bigsmile: for something that is for :happy: JUST:happy: you and no one else.

    Jean – welcome, what a great intro you did! Doing what you can when you can is the best any of us can do!

    Carol – so glad you shared with your son and with us!! Venting does one a world of good, and now that your kiddos are young adults being honest with them is appropriate – telling him what the repercussions to his behavior is super important and although it can’t be changed it is a lesson that he (all teens) need to learn that your behavior can hurt folks you love in ways you never even thought of. As for telling your side of the ex situation – he had already figured it out – and if he had not it is important for him to hear it from your side….

    Sue – you’ll be close to Mimi and to me….

    Joyce – try petites… they’ll be shorter!

    Mimi…. I am in Dublin, but Wed. was in Walnut Creek!! I’ll friend you we should meet!!!

    Sylvia – oh my…. I was crying :brokenheart: :cry: :brokenheart: :cry: as I read your post, I am so sad for Debbie and her family.

    Well doggie class was exhausting for Levi, he was on full alert for 1 1/2 hours - probably closer to 2 hours with the drive over. it was really interesting, they (the 2 trainers) believe that Levi is anxious with a bit of fear, not aggressive or mean... which really resonates with me... he is so loving with people and he is afraid of sharp loud noises (but not fireworks:ohwell: ) and things that do unexpected things like balloons blowing around... and anxious goes with his history - when I got him he was 17 months old and my house was his 5th home... They are starting with exercises that distract so walking with food treats every 3rd step - a way to get by something that is an issue... a bit of massage to bring calm and games with patterns to calm the anxiousness...

    Need to market and it is already 8pm; maybe I will just do a list and go first thing in the morning I am taking a friend for brunch for her b-day tomorrow. We are not meeting until 10am so I could walk Levi and then go to the market, home and then off to pick her up. --- sounds like a plan!

    Smiles Kim in N. California
  • Poerava14
    Poerava14 Posts: 1,069 Member
    Hello Friends.
    Today’s workout was a vigorous cleaning of our humble home. A dear friend from NYC is coming to spend the night tomorrow, so an excellent reason to get the guest (actually our cat’s) room in ship shape. I’m exhausted but so pleased with the results. Why don’t we keep the place this nice all the time?

    My friend and I will be on the same flight back to NYC early Monday morning. I’ll be travelling from there to Delaware to spend next weekend with another friend, then to Baltimore for two days of work. I’ve already packed my exercise bands, a large bag of walnuts for my breakfast yougurt, and some healthy meal bars. This will be my second business trip since minimizing sugar and wheat. Three weeks into this new regime, I don’t feel any different, but the scale is finally in downward (albeit slow) trajectory.

    Carol in NC: I hope your place sells real quickly after all your hard work and stress.

    Katla: Wish I could have been at your community event with the salsa band! I would have been one of the dancers.

    Jane M: Happy 21st anniversary to you and DH.

    Heather: I have a magnet in my kitchen that reminds me of you. It says “Love people. Cook them good food.” May all your guests this weekend lavish heaps of appreciation for your fine cooking and warm hospitality.

    Vicki: Just the smell of funnel cakes adds inches to my waistline. Sending prayers for a good resolution to the issues with your DGD.

    Michele: I’m going to try your sequence for HIIT. I have been doing a lot of Tabata (10 seconds of rest + 20 seconds of work, repeated 14 times). Variety is the spice of life and you sure have that when it comes to exercise.

    Lesley: Mildred sounds like a dear. How lucky for her to have a custom made bed!

    JB: Your garden is a masterpiece. My mouth is watering just looking at the pictures.

    Kim: I went to Coit tower when I was a kid and too young to appreciate spectacular views. I’ve yet to visit Alcatraz…maybe next time I’m in the Bay Area visiting my DB.

    Grandmallie: Wish I could provide you more tangible support. I’ll be with you in spirit when that alarm goes off early on Monday AM. Even with sciatica, just going to gym to do easy exercises will help you feel back on track to good health. BTW: I swear by chiropractic care for sciatica. Well worth the $$$ for healing touch with no drugs.

    Yanniejannie: Straight No Chaser is fantastic. I’d love to see them live. Enjoy the show.

    Renny: You must have caught the nastiest flu virus on the planet. I hope the fires subside and rain comes your way.

    Margaret: Prayers going up for your son. Sounds like he’s going to need his mom a lot during this time.

    Gloria: WTG with the Biggest loser. Sounds like you’ve found some ways to cope with sweet cravings.

    DeeDee: How much work is still left to do on your house? Where can we see pictures? I have major HGTV envy!

    Mimi: I share your resentment toward the way major food producers have manipulated our tastes to generate cravings for more sugar, more salt and more fat. The book “Salt Sugar Fat” was life-changing for me. My grocery shopping is 98% done in the outer aisles where fresh, unprocessed foods are normally stocked.

    Sylvia: The story of Winston the puppy made me tear up. So glad you were there for your friend.

    Bedtime for me. I’ve been sleeping like a log since switching to a pillow with a cooling gel layer in it.

    Stay well.

    Rori in the Colorado Foothills

    July Goals
    Try out master’s swim.
    45 minutes of cardio 5x/week
    Minimize sugar and wheat.
    Read ‘Strong Women Stay Young’
    Call a friend or relative 1x per week.
    Word for 2014: Release