bangbangchoochootrain Member


  • Haha I understand. It's just that I've eaten a whole burrito bowl maybe once, and that was when I hadn't eaten anything all day. If I eat a whole bowl I go into food coma city haha.
  • I can't eat a whole burrito bowl anyway - if I'm getting Chipotle it is both lunch AND dinner. AND I get my white flour tortilla on the side to help scoop up the deliciousness. Chipotle is high in calories, and high in delicious flavor. I accept it the way it is.
  • YES. I biked today so I knew I could order whatever I wanted so I got my usuals (frappucino, wahtever burger, fries, etc.) and although today I'm under calories it made me so sad to see how much it was normally :cry: And to think I'll have to do this for at least a year, if not more if I turn out to be one of those people…
  • LW - 199.2 CW - 195.6 I lost last week's .2 pound gain and then some - nearly 3 and a half pounds! I think at least part of it was water weight, since I stopped lifting my muscles could let go of the water I know they were retaining, and part of it was maybe the running I've been doing. It was my second week of…
  • EDIT: Nevermind, I entered my proper weigh in weights (I apparently weighed in last Friday and forgot the spreadsheet), and it fixed it up just fine! Keeping my original comment in case anyone else has a similar problem. ***Hi MsPooPoo, when I entered my weight today my percentage got a divide by zero error. I haven't…
  • Parmesan and sage crusted thin cut pork chops and couscous. Delicious!
  • Whenever I had cramps I would HATE going to practice. However I've actually only ever had one time when while working out I could feel them. In fact, I don't know if its the endorphins or what, working out makes my cramps feel better! Granted this applies to running and upright activities like the elliptical. I would avoid…
  • Honestly very little change. Gained .2 pounds. But to be super honest this week was rough, with two quizzes, a test, a final exam, and I'm leaving my program so of course there was a group banquet, group party, and I went out with my friends. However last week was a greater than expected loss, so I'm just glad I have…
  • Not matter how many shots you take, you really shouldn't drink on an empty stomach. It messes with your alcohol tolerances and makes you drunk way quicker. So if you can swing it don't eat breakfast or lunch, eat dinner, and then drink. But don't just drink for the day. Of course you want to lose weight, but no one knows…
  • Gum is my best friend in the evenings, and during study time. Also make sure you're drinking enough water. If it's just a "want to eat" kind of feeling and your stomach doesn't actually feel hungry, it may be your brains mildly delusional way of telling you you are thirsty.
  • That sounds really tough! Here are some random suggestions: On my longest days last year (Class from 8:30-4:30, work in between, then club from 7-9 or 10) I would sometimes hop on the reclining stationary bike and read. It never gets my heart rate as high as when I just focus on working out, but every little bit helps.…
  • That's totally fine, especially if you aren't used to running! Next time do the 60 second run, 1:30 walk, and make sure you aren't sprinting. Also if it's hot by you, I know it was by me today, you run way slower and overheat faster so please make sure you don't injure yourself!
  • Congratulations on your weight loss! I too hope to one day strut my stuff in a bikini instead of a tankini or t-shirt, and you have given me hope!
  • Thanks everyone! I'll go back to the basics for all of them and take it from there. I didn't even think about classes and sleep schedule yet so that will probably help, because at least for the beginning it will be quicker than it is now.
  • It's actually a different color run, in Providence, RI! Boston doesn't have one this year, although there is allegedly one in the works for 2015, so I decided I'd abuse my friend's hospitality and run it! And yeah if you have asthma exacerbated my particles, flying cornstarch while running is probably not the best bet. But…
  • Well one, everyday moisturizing is important (not that I follow this because I'm lazy) because your skin is like a sponge... or a rubber band sponge combo. So when it has water it holds itself together better than when its dry. So I think the theory is that if you restore some of the lost moisture to your skin, it will…
  • For restaurant food I try to pick a similar item. For bistro coffee shops, I stalk the barista with my eyes while they make my stuff and input the ingredients. For my own made stuff I just input each ingredient. I forgot about the recipe button though so I'll do that for the whole week and a half I have to make my own food;
  • I definitely believe that. Take two girls on my volleyball team, both the same height at 6'1", ate the same amount, did the same strength and workout training thanks to being on the same school and club teams. One was so thing if you didn't see her lift you would assume she would snap when trying to pick up milk. The other…
  • Banana and watermelon! It was hot so I didn't want anything heavy, but still had a sweet craving.
  • I have no idea what my LBM is (I have a lot of questions for my doctor at the next physical), but right now my ticker is set for 125 as well. Since I only became an "adult" last year, I can safely say I have never been that low in my adult life. In fact the last time I remember that weight is from around when I hit…
  • Everyone says to start now, so I did. I'm really enjoying it! I have about 50~ pounds to "normal" and ~70 to my ideal goal weight in my head. Plus, I think that a good part about being heavier when you start is that your body is already used to carrying around a lot of excess weight so it's almost easier than waiting.
  • You look awesome! Keep up the good work :drinker:
  • I'm a college sophomore who has been steadily gaining ten pounds on the nose each year at her physical since 8th grade and finally hit the 200 mark. I'm looking to change that before I end up with diabetes, kidney problems, or high blood pressure like my dad's side of the family. Please feel free to add me :)
  • Workout: I started Stronglifts 5x5, and recently just decided to start Ease Into 5K so I can be ready for the Providence Color Run in October. I do them on alternate days. I also play volleyball with my friends, joined a dance group this summer, and when I'm back at home from school I bike downtown and back to save money…
  • I went with three of my friends to New York. We were too young for hotels, so we looked at airbnb. Not only was it cheaper and in a great location, but it was a private apartment. So if you decide to go for it (which you totally should), just make sure to read the reviews and review in turn so that future airbnb-ers can…
  • If I'm not mistaken, there is a quick add exercise calories feature. Also the calories that MFP gives you aren't set in stone- just click in the box and add your own. I do this a lot when I use gym equipment that gives me my own burn and MFP over or underestimates.
  • I have 70 pounds to go until my goal weight, I'll make sure to add you :)