bangbangchoochootrain Member


  • Everyone has such inspirational reasons, mine seems a little silly. But I'm a teenager so my brain isn't at full capacity yet. Yeah let's go with that :) For me, it was basically a two part whammy. Part one: I was on a family trip in June and wearing a pair of shorts (as seen in profile pic) that I had had since Freshman…
  • I only *record* once a week, so for the next three months of this challenge that will be on Friday. However my scale is currently next to my bed in my dorm so I just step on it and step off it all the time because I've never owned a scale before, and rarely use digital ones, so it's kind of weirdly fun to watch the weight…
  • Couch to 5K has a pretty serious jump around week 5 I believe, and ease into 5K seemed like more of a ramp rather than a cliff. Also Ease into 5k is eight weeks, which normally wouldn't mean anything but I'd like to run in a Color Run in October which is... eight weeks away. For a really serious breakdown, read this:…
  • I second the Eat Smart scale recommendation. It's a basic digital scale, and I have had zero problems with it as of now. It was about 30 bucks, and as a special came with a tape measure as well.
  • Don't tell anyone but I'm actually doing Ease Into 5K, because I liked the program setup better, but I just started today!
  • For the converse wearing people, I have a quick question. I have cray flat fleet (like walk in the sand, can't see an arch flat) so most of the time my Converse have an insert in them for day to day life. Should I take that out when I'm lifting because it will mess with my form, or can I leave it in? My feet don't hurt…
  • Congratulations! If you feel half as amazing as you look you much be pretty pleased!
  • I also actually have this problem. It's kind of weird, but I've found if I stand up and walk around for maybe a minute I can more accurately tell if I'm full or not. This is a little harder when you're at an actual dinner table, or in polite company at like, a restaurant, but it helps me since for whatever reason if you…
  • I'm down a pound which is exciting, but considering my fitness pal has me at losing .7 pounds a week and my last weight in was Monday I can't help feel like it's a fluke. If it's not... then I guess it's welcome (back) to onederland!
  • Speaking as a non-medical professional who used to play volleyball, you might want to see a doctor. I got a grade one sprain in my ankle during warm ups (tie your shoes everyone!), and then proceeded to ignore sound advice to either use crutches or stay off it. What I have now is that although my left ankle (the rolled…
  • I've never done a challenge before and I'd love to join! Please tell me if I've done something incorrectly. Name (screen name is nickname is fine): BangBangChooChooTrain Start weight: 201 Goal weight: 180 BMI: 32.4
  • Fellow broke college student here. I finally broke down and with my new paycheck spent 30 bucks (hooray for free prime with student email!) on this scale: It's the number one best seller, and I haven't seen any…
  • This summer I have a schedule so I eat breakfast at around 7:00 am, Lunch at 11:30, and dinner between 5:30 and 6:00. I normally have a snack sometime around 10:30, like a banana or an egg. During the school year (on week days) I will eat breakfast before class (last year that was around 8:00, this year no 8:30s so…
  • SO SECONDING THE EDDIE BAUER PANTS. Literally they are the only jeans I can buy, minus Guess skinny jeans which are really more elastic than anything. It was like a miracle with angels singing when I fit them over my butt and they didn't immediately fall back down to my hips
  • That's an amazing transformation for three months! Thanks for posting, it has definitely given me something to look forward to come Halloween :)
  • Literally the first day I did stronglifts it took me an hour and a half. Not because the lifting was hard, although the rows were pretty tough. I basically walked around the gym, bumbled my way through trying to figure out whether or not the bar levels were moveable (they are, phew), finding weights that were strewn about…
  • "Cover Dance" which is basically pretending I'm a J-Pop star with a bunch of other people. It was straight practice and by the end my legs were complaining majorly but I did it!
  • SW: 206 CW: 201 Mini GW: 150 The last time I was in the 120s or 30s I was in middle school. Even when I was playing intensive club volleyball with conditioning and weight training, I was always at around 160-170 and a size 8-10. Part of that I'm sure was that I was a teenager with terrible eating habits and going through…
  • French fries. If they're offered to me, it's almost physically impossible to turn down, ESPECIALLY McDonalds. I will be steering waaaay clear of that place for now.
  • Sophomore swag! I'm an International Relations/History Major with a minor in Education Studies. Feel free to add me!
  • I think this is so important! If you sat me on a treadmill for five minutes I would get bored crazy quickly, and mentally I tire out faster. Sure I *can* keep running but I don't want to! Versus putting me on a volleyball court, or playing a squash game, where I'd go for an hour or more and not feel tired. Well maybe not…
  • If you're trying to get in shape, I'd suggest using an app, or printing out a directed workout to start. Nike Training Club is really nice, and my volleyball club used it. If you're not used to exercising, start out as low as possible though - it kicks butt. It also has directed workouts for certain areas, like butt, back,…
  • International Relations, on the East Asian History track
  • I'm Imara, 19, and going to be a college sophomore in the fall! I'd really like some friends around my age on here, because a lot of people seem to be older which is, you know, fine but not exactly who I'd talk to IRL. It would also be nice to be friends with College students because I feel like although we technically…
  • The first hardest thing for me is saying no to dessert and junk food. In a dining hall where you can serve what you want, its like your own rope to hang yourself with. My next problem is I have very little internal motivation until about two weeks of consistent exercise. And if I skip a day because I'm tired, or I have a…
  • I'm looking to lose 50 pounds by the time I study abroad, which should be around August of 2015, and then more after that! I know my problems are temptations that I could avoid at home (like dessert, soda, etc.) that have now popped up in college. I'm at my heaviest right now at 206, which means I gained the freshman…