

  • Hello ladies. I got my BFP on my birthday August 11. I'm 13 weeks today. I have my 2nd prenatal appointment this Thursday. I have also not been going to the gym as often as I used to. I am so tired and morning sickness is kicking my butt. I'm going to try and go 3 times this week and get back up to my 5 times a week soon.
  • Welcome!
  • Hi ladies! I will be TTC next month. I really want to get to a healthier weight before I get preggers. I gained so much wieght since I got married.
  • Hello everyone! Love this thread. I will be TTC next month, but want to get to my goal weight before than. I hope I reach it. Congrats to all the preggers ladies! It appears that all of you are having girls. Is anyone having a boy?
  • Great advice! I love Hungry Girl!
  • It's nice to see some shorties on board. I'm 5'1" currently at 137. My first goal weight is 125, which is a lot heavier than most of you on this page, but I have a perfect hourglass figure that my hubby loves. When I dropped below 120 he didn't find me very attractive (I lost my booty and my boobs). I'm at a size 6 now and…