

  • looks good, I dont eat pork though...might have to find a subsitute.
  • Hmm, I think your body needs water, maybe you dont have to drink 8 glasses to survive but well I am a water lush! lol I drink 1-2 gallons a day. Sounds ridiculous but I dont even think about it anymore. I just stopped drinking anything but water and I feel great.
  • I had the same problem, I cant seem to hit my calorie goal (ever) and I get a bunch of people on my butt about it too, Ive been maintaining the same weight and cant seem to lose no matter how much I work out, eat or dont eat.....I started using protien shakes and changed my regular workouts to HIIT workouts and its…
  • I have cut most meats and all processed, sugary foods from diet and i never reach my calorie goal either and i seem to be doing fine. Not eating enough can be very unhealthy but as long as you are eating and you are healthy, i wouldnt worry about it.
  • I am having the same problem, even bought proactive and no doesnt help and my hair is oily all the time too. I can wash it in the morning, no conditoner, no hair products and a few hours later its so oily that i have to wash it again or i like dirty. My face is always oily and breaking out. I have been sticking…
  • It is awesome that you are keeping your sodium that low! I have such a hard time with sodium, but generally stay under 1200mg. I drink tons of water, usually a gallon a day at minimum and I never drink soda ever. Too much fiber can make u feel bloated especially if it comes from sources such as fiber bars, cereals, or…
  • Wtg! It gets easier and easier!