Eight glasses of water a day - really? Maybe not..read this


There have been many studies regarding the amount of water we "need" a day, and a recent study published in the British Journal of Medicine debunks the myth that you need that much water a day.



  • jayb0ne
    jayb0ne Posts: 644 Member
    I drink 20 glasses a day - or 5 litres.

    You may not 'need' 8 glasses a day - I think that figure includes the water you consume in food - I found that my biggest single week loss was 5 pounds in a week near the beginning which can be mostly attributed to increasing my water intake from virtually zero to about 10 or 12 glasses a day

    Like the much discussed 'starvation mode', I believe that the body holds onto what's scarce. Drink hardly any water and you'll find that your body hangs onto as much excess water as it can get.
  • fitaliciag
    fitaliciag Posts: 373
    um, sure we can SURVIVE on less than that. But it's common sense that drinking plenty of water will help you flush out toxins in your body and help you lose weight. drinking less than 8 glasses a day when working out and trying to stay healthy is just a stupid move.
  • SpaceMarkus
    SpaceMarkus Posts: 651
    Most of the more "cut" trainers I know drink at least 3 liters a day.

    Definitely an interesting article. Thanks for sharing :)
  • joehempel
    joehempel Posts: 1,761 Member
    I'm sure that we don't NEED 8 glasses a day, but it's also in everything you eat or consume, so you get water that way too....I consume like 3 during my workouts LOL.

    Another 3 in the morning and another 3 in the evening...so it's like 8-9 a day.

    I also am not a believer of the "starvation mode" there is no solid medical research.....the theory is sound, but I don't see the research behind it.

    Just feed yourself every couple hours and your good, I don't even really eat my exercise calories back.
  • carrieyw28
    I think part of it at least for me is that when I am drinking water all day, I'm less inclined to pick and eat all the extras which are always my down fall. I find that getting the small 8oz bottles make life a bit easier to get it all in. It's easy to drink one of those, you don't even hardly think about it.
  • JCubbins
    JCubbins Posts: 92
    I have mixed feelings about that, y'know? I'm trying to drink 8 glasses per day, and I mean water and green tea (no sugar). Sometimes I can't manage to drink more, so I eat apples, apricots, melons, etc.
    HOWEVER, I can definitely see a difference in my body when I drink like 2 glasses a day and when I try to drink 8.
  • livi_cowgirl
    livi_cowgirl Posts: 198 Member
    See, I tried the whole 8 glasses a day thing. I made it to around 5 or 6 before the constant need to pee became unbearable. Then I had to bring it down a bit just so I could actually sleep at night without needing to get up every half hour to pee.
  • dougstevens
    dougstevens Posts: 208 Member
    I don't know much about studies or the science behind it. I have heard that keeping yourself hydrated helps with weight loss.

    For me, I was curious and thought I would drink the 8 servings of 8oz water (64 oz) per day for about a month. The loss in weight was fine and just okay. However, when I nearly doubled that amount, over the next month, the weight was much more significant. So that is all it took for me to be converted.

    Give your body time to adjust to increase of water intake. Also, I found out that cutting out caffeine will reduce the number of restroom trips. Oh yes, for me, I had to learn to drink my water 32 oz bottle of water over a hour or so, not gulp it down in 10 minutes. (Slower intake of water helps my body absorbs it better; instead of flushing it through my system.)

    So count me in as one of those who believes that healthy hydration is a good thing.
  • mlemonroe2
    mlemonroe2 Posts: 603
    i read in womens health that as long as you drink water when you are thirsty, and eat fruits and veggies every day, that should be enough. i try to get 8 in because i'm trying to lose weight and i know that helps, but otherwise, i just drink when i'm thirsty! :drinker:
  • drh1111
    drh1111 Posts: 46 Member
    I drink approximately 14 cups of water each day. I don't know if that really helps that much, but I know that it doesn't hurt. One study stated that you should drink half your weight in ounces each day. So it seems that the data in the studies have some wiggle room either way. Probably if you make sure that you are drinking "enough" water each day to make sure that you are staying hydrated, you are in good shape.

    Not to be gross, but your urine is always a good indicator of how hydrated that you are. If it is pale or clear, you are hydrated. If it is amber colored, you need to drink more. This is the simplest method that I am aware of.
  • Atlantique
    Atlantique Posts: 2,484 Member
    I generally get between 12 and 15 glasses of water per day. My weight loss was very steady the whole way.

    I guess I don't see the harm in advising people to try to get at least 8 glasses a day, more if you're exercising or live in hot/humid climates or eating a lot of protein. It certainly can't hurt, may very well help and it's free. Can't ask for more than that.
  • kumarprabhat
    kumarprabhat Posts: 116
    I don't get it....

    It starts by saying..."there was no firm evidence backing up claims that drinking so much (6-8 glass) was necessary to prevent dehydration." Though I start thinking...is that strong enough argument to not to??? :frown:

    It ends by saying..."...EFSA's opinion to drink 1.5l to two litres of water per day is sensible for a normal woman or man"..Does Danone or any other commercial water company own EFSA??? :smile:

    Highly ambiguous article...
  • sgrinavi
    sgrinavi Posts: 80
    I hate stupid rules -

    Because a 240 lb college football player needs the same amount of water as a 110 lb office worker.

    The 8 glass rule is just a starting place, in all reality if you are heading to the rest-room every hour, or so, and your "product" is fairly clear and does not have a strong odor then you are drinking enough water/
  • JenayMichele1982
    Hmm, I think your body needs water, maybe you dont have to drink 8 glasses to survive but well I am a water lush! lol I drink 1-2 gallons a day. Sounds ridiculous but I dont even think about it anymore. I just stopped drinking anything but water and I feel great.