

  • it depends on your weight..when I started at the weight of 256 lbs.. I've lost 27 lbs in my first month but then it stopped losing that much and I started losing 7 lbs monthly instead : ) ..
  • Been there done that.. I did the same thing when I used to weigh 265 lbs and I'm only 5"5...my calories intake used to be around 500 to 600 calories a day..yes I did lose weight at first but it got stuck later on.. Do you know what I did to solve that problem? I ate more and I exercised..the only reason why your body is…
  • Thank you a lot :smile: I will try my best since it is really hard to get used to a good habit such as being very active to this.. it sucks but I am trying my best to cheer myself up..thank you!
  • I'm new to this and the whole time I've spent on losing weight and since the beginning of my weight loss journey, I never asked anyone for help nor I asked doctors..I've done this whole thing on my own I did do my own research because I could. But with this injury and researching for answers isn't working much and even if…
  • But I tried doing that first two days I felt super bloated and like I'm an active person so when I used to eat in such amount I knew I can burn it off later..but after eating the same amount the first two days I stopped and I felt that I need to eat way less since I'm not moving.. god this sucks.. x(( I miss gym..
  • I would only believe that I've lost weight if I was working out and eating healthy but I honestly don't know and yes I wanna talk to physicologist because it bothers me a lot and I need help :(
    in help! Comment by darkiichyuu August 2014
  • Thank you <3
  • I know it might sounds bad and weird but trust me I do not plan on starving myself or killing myself at the gym.. I honestly don't know why..but it's a hobby and I was not forced to do it I just love working out..and I honestly don't mind lifting weight more than cardio...maybe the reason is anger? because it is why I…
  • sounds cool :] thanks
  • yes I lift 3 times a week and I do cardio 6 days a week plus my arms used to be triple the size before since my weight used to be 120 kg...right now I weigh 90 and my goal is to reach 75 kg. But yeah I mean I'm still overweight and that is why I do not expect my arms to look tinier since it did get smaller a lot..but I'm…
  • I totally understand <3 but thank you so much!!!