Please help me : (

I'm 20 years old, 5"5 and I started last Jan when my weight was 264 lbs... right now I weigh 200 lbs so I got 35 lbs to lose more in order to reach my goal.. so I've lost 64 lbs in 6 months is that healthy? because I exercise six days a week 2 to 4 hours and I eat healthy, I stopped eating junk food and drinking soda. I do have stretch marks and it is normal but not from losing weight more like I had them when I was fat..I do not plan on stopping the gym because I have future goals which is to be fit and healthy also to be a trainer..and yes I do plan on getting my abs too lol..My main concern here is loose skin ''of course''. I'm worried about my arms here are some pictures, please tell me whether it's fat or loose skin :( Uploads/1406462103531_zps6581c400.jpg Uploads/1406462297976_zps6d43f37a.jpg

It will mean a lot to me <3<3 thanks...


  • awesomejdad
    awesomejdad Posts: 493 Member
    this early in the morning on a Sunday is not the best time to get many responses on this. I would look but photobucket is blocked from my work so I will have to look later from home. Regardless, congrats on your progress to this point, your doing great!!!
  • Valpinglow
    Valpinglow Posts: 31 Member
    I think your arms look fine. As you continue to lose weight they'll shrink. Exercises that target the triceps will help. You are only 20 so your skin should firm up nicely.

    Congrats on your progress so far.
  • I totally understand <3 but thank you so much!!!
  • chubby_checkers
    chubby_checkers Posts: 2,354 Member
    It looks like it could be a little bit of both. Do you lift weights at all when you're at the gym? Incorporating strength training can help things tighten up.
  • yes I lift 3 times a week and I do cardio 6 days a week plus my arms used to be triple the size before since my weight used to be 120 kg...right now I weigh 90 and my goal is to reach 75 kg. But yeah I mean I'm still overweight and that is why I do not expect my arms to look tinier since it did get smaller a lot..but I'm just worried about the loose skin :(
  • awesomejdad
    awesomejdad Posts: 493 Member
    switch your routine around. Less cardio and more lifting weights. That is the answer!!!!!!!
  • SunofaBeach14
    SunofaBeach14 Posts: 4,899 Member
    First off, congratulations on your success. Please, for the love of Pete, give yourself a huge pat on the back and revel a bit in that success.

    Second, I honestly don't see loose skin and your arms look fine. You've managed to drop an incredible amount of weight in a short amount of time. At some point, you will want to slow that down for a variety of reasons (health, body composition, loose skin, being happy, etc.) and yes, perhaps starting to focus more on weight training would be a good idea. That said, you've made some great strides already.
  • sounds cool :] thanks
  • lishie_rebooted
    lishie_rebooted Posts: 2,973 Member
    2-4 hours in the gym a day. 6 days a week... thats 12-24 hours a week in the gym.

  • I know it might sounds bad and weird but trust me I do not plan on starving myself or killing myself at the gym.. I honestly don't know why..but it's a hobby and I was not forced to do it I just love working out..and I honestly don't mind lifting weight more than cardio...maybe the reason is anger? because it is why I joined the gym I was angry with myself because I used to be healthy before and I never gained so much weight until 6 months ago..

    And thank you all :)) it means a lot to me..I honestly didn't think 6 months is a short time for losing such weight because I was taking my time..maybe it's because I love working out a lot..i don't know
  • aldousmom
    aldousmom Posts: 382 Member
    good job! Your arms look fine, and as long as you continue at the gym you'll see more muscle definition. You're just not used to your arms looking like that. :)

    Congrats on your hard work! The first amount of weight always seems to fly off, then slows down some, so don't let that freak you out or discourage you when/if that happens either.

    Nice work, keep it up!
  • Thank you <3
  • yasmine334
    yasmine334 Posts: 187 Member
    you have made a great achievement, I wish I had lost 64 lbs like you did, so congrats :)

    Your arms look fine, I think some strength training will tone up the arms, you are still young also so the skin is quiet elastic.

    dont worry and keep on doing whatever you do, because you have great results :drinker:
  • PrissyPisces
    PrissyPisces Posts: 117 Member
    Girl NO! You do NOT have loose skin. Your arms are GREAT! LOL!

    Skin is VERY thin. A way to tell if you have a loose skin issue, is to pinch the skin on the back of your hand. See how thin that is? THAT'S skin. If you had thin skin like this hanging from you LOOSELY, then YES, that would be considered loose skin. People often mistake loose skin for extra fat that they need to lose. Great job on losing the weight! I can not WAIT to lose 60 pounds. Even though I have 95-115 to lose, I'd be SO happy after losing that amount. You have done a great job! Congratulations!