

  • Started C25k on june 6th :) just now found this forum woot hows everyone doing on it ?
  • Loved the 30 Day Shred very well worth my time
  • weight loss tends to go up and down a lil each day i have lost 95 lbs with my lap band so far and i have found weighing once a week is best for me it keeps me on track and i dont get depressed cause im missing those up days so i weigh and measure on the same day each week and forget about the scale inbetween :)
  • Hello everyone i am kinda new ive had the site for a while but never really used it . I have lapband and i have a question about adding food to my daily food. With the band im not able to eat the food portions they have so ive tried to add in my own and it wont let me . For example mashed potatoes i can only eat about a…
  • Hey everyone my name is Melonie i have a lapband ive lost 92 lbs since september i have 25 more lbs to go , this has been a struggle but time well spent i would do it all over again :) looking forward to meeting others on there weight loss journey .
    in Greetings! Comment by MelonieB June 2011