onesongaboutagirl Member


  • I'm so sorry to hear about the loss of your father. Grieving is such a personal thing, and everyone tries to cope with it in different ways, so I guess with a history of bingeing and purging, it's not exactly surprising you have looked to food for comfort. I too suffer from an eating disorder - I was diagnosed in 2012 with…
  • Bump! These are the sorts of friends I'd like to make on here :) Let's support one another!
  • Thanks again everyone! Having spoken to a few people, looks like the right idea might be to up my caloric intake, take up some toning exercise like yoga, and yes I think I will seek out counselling. As for people wondering why I've developed these habits, I'll give you a quick summary, mainly so you know to watch out if…
  • God, I can't tell you all how much your words of advice mean to me. Particularly that no one has been rude about the vomiting, which I suspected could happen. Jude_V, I had a look at that website, and apparently I can eat up to about 2000 calories a day! That sounds like so much to me, but I'm a person who really loves to…
  • I'd like to join :)
  • Thanks for the replies so far! The diet I aim for is as follows: fruit salad and yoghurt for breakfast; rye salad sandwich for lunch; porridge with honey for afternoon snack and salad with omelette for dinner or baked beans. I ride my bike to university or work most days, which is roughly a 45 minute ride in total. My…
  • Oh my gosh, so many replies! Thank you so much for wanting to help me everyone, I really appreciate it :) It seems that the consensus is to start doing weight training! My younger brother is fairly experienced in this area and has been trying to get me to do some for a while, so I will ask him to help me. It seems like I…
  • Well I have to walk around a lot in the course of my study and work, but because I'm waiting on a knee reconstruction the only exercise I'm currently doing is normal and stationary bike riding :)
  • Thanks for so many suggestions! In response to a few replies - we have cheese, but its packet cheese, and always makes me feel ill. As for meat, I'm a vegetarian :) Fruit - normally we have more than lemons, oranges, apples and bananas come and go, but they get eaten quickly (my normal breakfast, and the rest of the family…