

  • Even though strength training doesnt burn all too much calories while you are doing it, it really is the key to weight loss. Muscle mass burns more calories at rest than fat does and weight training boosts your metabolism for a longer after than cardio, so even though calories logged are less, you really do burn more over…
  • Im sure you could add some cocoa powder into the cool whip. I dont think it has many calories if you use just a little. Or maybe a tsp of sugar free strawberry jam. Yum!
  • Not a big fan of meal bars cause for me it seems too small to be a meal so I end up eating again anyway. I make my own trailmix. Usually 1/4c. almonds with 1/4c. craisins. It's got dried fruit for some quick digesting carbs and then healthy fat and protien to keep you feeling full. I also keep 100 calorie quaker chewy…
  • Weight is not always reliable because it can fluctuate based on other things (water retention). weigh first thing in the morning because you tend to retain water throughout the day and for every liter of fluid that is one kg of extra weight (2.2lbs). (This is how us nurses determine fluid retention on patients in the…
  • here's some nursing math we do in the hospital to determine how much fluids patients are retaining. Each Kg gained (2.2lbs) is a liter of fluid. It could be you are retaining water. We tend to gain weight throughout the day, ten lbs is a lot, but are you getting ready for your monthly friend? Also pay attention to your…
  • Alli is the only one that has been tested by the FDA to work. It works by blocking fat in the digestive track and eliminating it in the bowel. I had to do research on it when it first came out for one of my nursing classes and the side effects are horrible! It can cause anal leakage (which is uncontrollable) if you eat too…
  • I don't think it's really the accuracy of the measurement that counts as long as you're using the same scale always, you can see if you are losing weight or not. My scale is like 3-4lbs less than any other scale and I like it that way (hey I can say I'm lighter than I may be in actuality). Also the time of day can make a…
  • it varies a lot. When I worked at Chilis they had two different sizes (blue and red) and we would use whichever one we happened to grab. So it's not consistent. I would ask
  • Holding the bars when you are on the treadmill, even when not at an incline does decrease calorie burn. I would try maybe putting the incline down some until you are able to do it without holding on.
  • I don't feel I know enough about the situation to give you any useful advice on the relationship, but although you may be tempted to eat everything in sight, Working out is probably the healthier and more effective way to feel better. I know I always feel great after a nice workout and it gets frustration out as well. That…
    in Lonely Comment by fitgirl232 March 2010
  • it goes according to age. I am 22 and my ideal cardio heart rate is in the 160s. The older you get the lower your heart rate needs to be in order to be considered cardio. If you look on the elliptical it usually has a chart that says what the heart rate range for age should be. Also the more in shape you become the lower…
  • I know it's ridiculous! When I want coffee now I usually get a skinny vanilla latte or my new favorite is the skinny cinnamon dolce latte (each has 90 calories for a tall, just the calories in the milk. It's not super sweet but its warm and gets the job done.
  • Walking can be sufficient as long as it is cardio for you. To get benefits for your heart you should be doing 30 minutes of cardio at least 3-4 times a week. Try taking your heart rate in the middle of one of your walks to determine whether it is in the cardio zone. Ideal cardio heart rate differs with age but it should be…
  • So true. What artificial sweeteners do is your tounge tastes sweet and sends a message to your brain saying "sugar coming pump out insulin" and so your blood sugar drops because you have this extra insulin and no actual glucose. This is also why people who drink a lot of diet soda are more likely to be overweight than…
  • I dont know about the book, but one main reason why you may not be losing as much weight as you want is cause you aren't eating enough. Under 1200 calories the body goes into starvation mode and holds on to fat unstead of using it. Also, weight lost this way is gained back more readily. Eating 1400-1500 calories and…
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