Supplement powders & protein bars?

EdgeChic Posts: 75
edited September 21 in Food and Nutrition
I love making smoothies at home and usually enjoy them as a snack or dessert (they don't "fill" me up) so I'd like to get a protein supplement or nutritonal supplement powder to mix in so that I can enjoy the smoothie as a meal.

Also, I am out and about a LOT. Most days of the week I am gone most of the day and my food options are either eat out (I don't really have the money) or I will go without eating and then my blood sugar drops and I am RAVENOUS when I get home, so does anyone have an suggestions for great tasting bars meal bars?

Thanks in advance!


  • eekface
    eekface Posts: 44 Member
    I love the pure protein bars and you can get them in boxes at target or walmart 6 for under $6 bucks. they have about 20g of protein per bar!
  • CoachJ77
    CoachJ77 Posts: 80 Member

    I like Cliff bars. They are my favorite and they are one of the best, if not THE best for you. They are made of almost if not all complex carbs and I find them to be one of the better tasting bars

    Another bar, I keep them in my truck, is the Fiber One bars. I like the chocolate ones. They have little bits of dark chocolate in them and have decent amount of fiber ( I think you are supposed to have 25g daily).


    This is my specialty! I have tons of shakes I make, if you have the time to make a really good one this is what I do...

    Peanut butter, banana, ice and chocolate protein powder ( i have the 6lb bag of Cytosport 100% whey, costs 28.99) Add a scoop to the ice, the banana, and a table spoon of peanut butter. If you need the extra good fats or calories in your day you can make it two tablespoons. Add either 8 ouces of milk, or water (or combo of both) and blend till smooth :)

    If you want a simple fruit smoothie, I just do a banana, strawberry and OJ with ice smoothie. If you wanna make this better play with vanilla protein. If you add a half a serving of the same Cytosport brand but in vanilla, you will get an extra 13g of protein.

    Another one you can do is pretty simple, Bad Girl Scout

    12 oz skim milk
    4-8 Thin Mint Girl Scout cookies
    4 ice cubes
    2 scoops chocolate protein powder

    You can easily play with this sort of thing. Adding cold coffee and chocolate protein makes a mocha, and adding healthier ice creams too make them more smooth, shake-like.

    I hope this helped :)
  • dumb_blondes_rock
    dumb_blondes_rock Posts: 1,568 Member
    I just bought the south beach diet bars.... they were super cheap too only 1.98 for 5....but they seem to be pretty good, ill find out tomorrow i suppose:) I'm SUPER broke so i can't afford the nice protein/cereal bars from a health food store, so i spent forever at the grocery store reading the labels on every bar in that aisle and this is what i found to be the best for the price Also it doesn't have any high fructose corn syrup:)
  • gussde
    gussde Posts: 61 Member
    Agree with Eekface. They are in the vitamin section at Target. Look for the Zone bars and Target's brand is next to them. Tastes just the same with $1-$2 cheaper! Also check out Cliff Kids Z bars. Lower in cals and fat and taste really good. I order them by the box at when they are on sale! As for the smoothie mix in some whey protein powder and/or ground flax seed. I've found both to be filling and pretty good in smoothies. Good luck and hope that helps!
  • jessudd
    jessudd Posts: 133 Member
    I like Luna bars, which are the "made for women" version of Cliff bars.... fewer calories and more flavor choices. I usually keep one with me when I'm on the run. I agree that their brand does about as good of a job as a bar can do of getting you nutrients without filling you with sugar and processed ingredients.

    If you're in a hurry in the morning, try mixing a scoop of chocolate whey protein powder with your coffee.
  • glfprncs2
    glfprncs2 Posts: 625 Member
    Why not make your own? I have a recipe (I posted it on the recipe section under "Clean Eating Protein Bars" or something like that) that if you don't add 'extras' (i.e. nut butters, sunflower seeds, dark chocolate), you can get the calories under 180 and you know EXACTLY what's in it (i.e. no preservatives). If you want to use it as a meal, you can add in other ingredients to ramp up the calories in a healthy way.

    If you're interested, and can't find the recipe, let me know and I'll send it to you.
  • EdgeChic
    EdgeChic Posts: 75
    Thanks everyone for the replies! I'm going to get a few different ones to try and go from there. I just really need something because I'm hypo-glycemic and when I let my blood sugar drop I would eat the kitchen sink if it'd come attached, and it's not healthy to roller coaster like that.

    Thanks again!
  • stormieweather
    stormieweather Posts: 2,549 Member
    Think Thin is what I eat if I'm too busy to make my own. 230-240 calories, 20g protein, and all natural.
  • immacookie
    immacookie Posts: 7,424 Member
    They're not really a protein bar - but I've recently discovered "Kind Bars". They're mostly nuts and dried fruit, and YUMMY! :love:

    I also like Luna bars and Clif Mojo bars.

    For protein powder I've been buying Trader Joe's Aria.
  • fitgirl232
    fitgirl232 Posts: 17
    Not a big fan of meal bars cause for me it seems too small to be a meal so I end up eating again anyway. I make my own trailmix. Usually 1/4c. almonds with 1/4c. craisins. It's got dried fruit for some quick digesting carbs and then healthy fat and protien to keep you feeling full. I also keep 100 calorie quaker chewy granola bars in my locker at work and will grab a piece of fruit when I leave and eat those together.
  • tommygirl15
    tommygirl15 Posts: 1,012 Member
    One thing I ALWAYS keep in my purse is a little baggy of raw almonds. I actually end up needing them more than I expect to. They got the fiber, protein, calcium and all that good stuff!
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