Gained 10 pounds since morning????????

I weighed in this morning and for some reason, decided to this afternoon as well. It's showing as 10 pounds heavier than this AM, where I had lost 5 pounds. ARGHHHHH! I have felt continually more bloated as the day has gone that possible??? It's showing I weigh 5 more pounds than I did three days ago, and 10 pounds more than this AM, when I thought I had lost 5 pounds.


  • ZebraHead
    ZebraHead Posts: 15,207 Member
    Same scale? Same environment? Same clothes? Do you have couple or rolls of quarters in your pocket now? I don't see all things being equal how this could possibly be true. Just saying....
  • AlannaPie
    AlannaPie Posts: 349 Member
    you've got food and water in you, plus other stuff if you know what I mean. IGNORE before you drive yourself crazy
  • ZebraHead
    ZebraHead Posts: 15,207 Member
    you've got food and water in you, plus other stuff if you know what I mean. IGNORE before you drive yourself crazy

    I'll give you all that, but 10 pounds worth??? :noway:
  • aproc
    aproc Posts: 1,033 Member
    Water weight. :) Thats why you should not weight yourself later in the day. I went up about that much in a day before. It was because I had been out and overdid my sodium intake and some other factors played into it. Just relax and weight yourself in the morning after getting up.
  • Nich0le
    Nich0le Posts: 2,906 Member
    Learn from this error in judgment and NEVER do this again!

    Our weight fluctuates through out the day and little things can affect it, like humidity, hydration salty foods etc. This afternoon weigh in of yours needs to be forgotten about and continue on with what you have been doing to lose the 5 you already accomplished. I would recommend, HIGHLY, to pick only one day per week to weigh in, I use Mondays because it gives me good reason to do well over the weekends when I am most likely not using my counters etc.
  • ron2282
    ron2282 Posts: 2,772 Member
    Last month my scale told me I went up 14 pounds in one day. Now I only weigh once a week, first thing in the morning.
  • kspeach
    kspeach Posts: 179 Member
    Same exact scale and environment. Same hardwood floor. I forgot, I think I was clothes-less this AM when I weighed, but had a heavy shirt on this afternoon....ok, maybe give that 1 pound at most.

    And that's why I mentioned being 'bloated'...almost extensively. I don't want to be too graphic, but I think I'm retaining some of that at the moment....and I hit PMS any day now. Perhaps today, given how cranky I've been this afternoon, but my crankiness could come from the weigh in. I was just soooooo excited that I'd lost those 5 pounds I wanted to see it again!!!! :)

    I am drinking a lot of water, but not really much more than usual. And I've cut out Pepsi, so less sodium.

    Thanks y'all for the support. Being new here, and all that...I'm excited to be involved! :)
  • fitgirl232
    here's some nursing math we do in the hospital to determine how much fluids patients are retaining. Each Kg gained (2.2lbs) is a liter of fluid. It could be you are retaining water. We tend to gain weight throughout the day, ten lbs is a lot, but are you getting ready for your monthly friend? Also pay attention to your sodium intake which can cause you to hold on to fluids. Potassium rich foods (oranges, bananas), help to flush out sodium and water.
  • knittygirl52
    knittygirl52 Posts: 432 Member
    Definitely water weight (does anyone find it amusing that a man questioned whether this is possible?)--sorry Zebrahead. All of us ladies know that it definitely is possible. 10 pounds is an awfully high figure for someone in good health, but it is not impossible. Then there was the time I went to a Weight Watchers meeting wearing an outfit that I later discovered weighed 11 pounds! I didn't know clothes could be that heavy.
  • ZebraHead
    ZebraHead Posts: 15,207 Member
    Definitely water weight (does anyone find it amusing that a man questioned whether this is possible?)--sorry Zebrahead. All of us ladies know that it definitely is possible. 10 pounds is an awfully high figure for someone in good health, but it is not impossible. Then there was the time I went to a Weight Watchers meeting wearing an outfit that I later discovered weighed 11 pounds! I didn't know clothes could be that heavy.

    Sorry - man scampers for nearest exit....
  • JennyD1963
    I'm 47, post-menopausal and have an incredible amount of fluid retention. I am on a diuretic, prescribed by doctor, but even then my fluid retention fluctuates daily. If I don't take my pills every morning, I have seen an increase of up to 10 pounds in one day!!! And I do weigh daily not just to watch my weight, but to watch my fluid retention as well. So, yeah...It is very possible. But if this becomes frequent, check with your doctor...there could be an underlying cause for the bloating and fluid retention that needs treatment.
  • HealthyChanges2010
    HealthyChanges2010 Posts: 5,831 Member
    Definitely water weight (does anyone find it amusing that a man questioned whether this is possible?)--sorry Zebrahead. All of us ladies know that it definitely is possible. 10 pounds is an awfully high figure for someone in good health, but it is not impossible. Then there was the time I went to a Weight Watchers meeting wearing an outfit that I later discovered weighed 11 pounds! I didn't know clothes could be that heavy.

    Sorry - man scampers for nearest exit....
    what if there were no exits?:glasses: :tongue:
  • ZebraHead
    ZebraHead Posts: 15,207 Member
    Definitely water weight (does anyone find it amusing that a man questioned whether this is possible?)--sorry Zebrahead. All of us ladies know that it definitely is possible. 10 pounds is an awfully high figure for someone in good health, but it is not impossible. Then there was the time I went to a Weight Watchers meeting wearing an outfit that I later discovered weighed 11 pounds! I didn't know clothes could be that heavy.

    Sorry - man scampers for nearest exit....
    what if there were no exits?:glasses: :tongue:

    I've had nightmares like that :sad:
  • HealthyChanges2010
    HealthyChanges2010 Posts: 5,831 Member
    I skimmed the other responses so I certainly could of missed it, but did anyone mention it could simply be the scale. Eons back when I was scale addicted I moved the scale even a few inches for whatever reason (sweeping ?? I dunno!) an it could show 2 lbs difference or a - or 20+...

    Scales LIE!:devil: That's why I rarely use one unless the mood strikes me, if my sweat pants are falling down, chances are, I lost a few!:tongue:
  • HealthyChanges2010
    HealthyChanges2010 Posts: 5,831 Member
    Definitely water weight (does anyone find it amusing that a man questioned whether this is possible?)--sorry Zebrahead. All of us ladies know that it definitely is possible. 10 pounds is an awfully high figure for someone in good health, but it is not impossible. Then there was the time I went to a Weight Watchers meeting wearing an outfit that I later discovered weighed 11 pounds! I didn't know clothes could be that heavy.

    Sorry - man scampers for nearest exit....
    what if there were no exits?:glasses: :tongue:

    I've had nightmares like that :sad:
    Oh you're so funny, glad you're on this site Zebra Head:smokin:
  • Always_lil_j
    I would def say water weight. I have personally never gained this much, but I have gained 3 or 4 lbs in a day. Also watch your sodium intake.
  • TropicalKitty
    TropicalKitty Posts: 2,298 Member
    Just to give you an idea: remember 1 gallon of water = 8lbs.

    So, if you drank the meager 64oz of water that you are supposed to that would be 2lbs.

    Add in clothes and you have at least a couple pounds more.

    Now I'm sure you ate today too...

    Logic my dear. And....

    Step. Away. From. The. Scale.
  • HealthyChanges2010
    HealthyChanges2010 Posts: 5,831 Member

    Step. Away. From. The. Scale.
    What she said and NicOle, wise words:drinker: :heart:
  • TropicalKitty
    TropicalKitty Posts: 2,298 Member
    I skimmed the other responses so I certainly could of missed it, but did anyone mention it could simply be the scale. Eons back when I was scale addicted I moved the scale even a few inches for whatever reason (sweeping ?? I dunno!) an it could show 2 lbs difference or a - or 20+...

    Scales LIE!:devil: That's why I rarely use one unless the mood strikes me, if my sweat pants are falling down, chances are, I lost a few!:tongue:

    YES! Not for the scale location reason, but you can skim through and find a list of reasons why the scale really isn't the best thing. It's a nice "tool" but there is so much more than weight. Really, it's body fat I'm betting you want gone. The scale takes all of what you are, water, bone, muscle, brain, boobs, feet, etc. I stopped weighing daily and I'm so much happier with myself.
  • KellyBurton1
    KellyBurton1 Posts: 529 Member
    Well, the same happened to me this morning. The scales are out to get