

  • OMG your a life saver! THANK YOU!
    in P90X Comment by MommaMind July 2011
  • Thanks for all the tips and help!!!! Def. going to keep them in mind!! I do do a separate yoga a couple times a week, and chase around a 3yr old and 1 yr old all day everyday. If that helps any. I'll do my best to not worry to much about the muscle issue then. Thanks all!! I really appreciate it!!
    in P90X Comment by MommaMind July 2011
  • I don't have a guide else I would :(
    in P90X Comment by MommaMind July 2011
  • I feel the same way, but I've sadly only been able to lose 2lbs :( I really don't know what else to do. I've started Yoga everyday and eating more (was always eating to little apparently) but it's just not coming off. I'm constantly watching the scale, sometime 2 or more times a day, and measuring my waist. :( It's a very…
  • Momma is ready to roll! I'm planning on signing in every day to track meals, eats loads of fruits and vegies and of course good protien (need extra Iron due to Anemia) and doing Yoga Monday-Friday. Walking during the weekends as long as weather permits. Any other ideas and/or tips??? Would be much obliged!
  • I'm 5' 3" and should be around 125-130lbs (sadly sit at 167) being an inch taller than me gives you I think it was 5lbs more on the scale? So I'd say your goal is very realistic
  • 50lbs in 6 months sounds pretty awesome to me! Let's do this thing :)
  • No I haven't tried that. I try not to take meds when ever possible. Didn't even take anything when I had my first kid and wouldn't have with the second if there hadn't been complications. I do drink Chamomile tea sometimes at night but it doesn't always work.
  • Alright, thanks guys! Will def. try and eat more through out the day and not so much at night. I think my foods them selves are ok, but we'll see. Does anyone know if Depression Pills 'cause weight gain too? Out of curiosity 'cause I'm now taking them :(
  • Vegies, crackers, lots of chicken, rice, ect. I have insomnia so I sleep when I can but that's not necessarily every night, it's next to impossible to be an Army wife and mom and not be stressed out :(
  • [/quote] Sounds alot like me. I still haven't figured it out for sure...I wasn't losing when I had it set to what i thought it should be set at - so this week I have it set higher, to see what the *more calories* does to the scale. So frustrating. [/quote] Good luck! If you figure it out please let me know!
  • I normally eat under 1,200 Cal. per day. I log everything except my drinks sometimes 'cause I forget. I don't hardly drink milk or anything 'cause it's so expensive here in Korea so I try to save it all for my kids. I know this last few weeks my diet has sucked 'cause we went on vacation back to the states. I enjoyed a lot…
  • Congrats on his return soon! Maybe try working on toning vs losing. Also instead of your weight maybe looks? like say spoil yourself with a new haircut and high lights or something. Pedicure or even a tan. Just stuff that would make you feel better about yourself but not necessarily about losing weight. Just a thought.…
  • 21, married to a soldier and have 2 kids. Determined to loose the baby fat!! Current weight is 166, goal is 125 my pre baby weight! This site is VERY useful and has lots of friendly up beet people on here! Only been on for a few days but it's already helped me drop 3lbs!
  • The hubs and I battle each other on the Wii hottest Party game. It's loads of fun, challenging, and a great work out.
  • It might just be muscle, your muscles increase faster than the fat disappears. From what I've been told anyways, if you have a lot of muscle increasing workouts you will burn fat, but not necessarily notice it 'cause the fat is covering it. If that makes sense. I'd personally do more cardio for awhile and loose the weights…
  • Good luck!!! I'm sure you'll reach your goals, just stay motivated! :)
    in hello all Comment by MommaMind May 2011
  • awesome work!!!! Looking great!
  • I need a like button :)
  • thanks for all the support!!!!! It's 1 am here so I'm off to bed. Tomorrow...burnin the fat away!!! (hopefully)
  • congrats on being a new mom!! Cute baby!
  • thanks! Awesome! I wanted 6, hubbs wanted 2. Were settling on 4 :) Good luck with your weight loss!
  • had mine taken out right after having my daughter in 2008. No complications as far as that went, but everyone is different. Good luck!
  • thanks for the support guys! Goin to need it :)
  • Steppin out of a big truck in red high heels, short denim shorts, and an awesome tank top that doesn't quite hit the top of my shorts. Then pulling 2 kids out the back :) Just WOWing! people :)