

  • I don't know if you cook for dinner, but I will always try to make a little extra for lunch. Leftover whole wheat pasta with veggies keeps really well, I even bring turkey burgers on sandwich thins (really yummy if you add fresh herbs and onion to the burgers). Steam-in-bag veggies can be tasty and portable, and there's…
  • Sorry to be the skeptic...but is this kind of weight loss really sustainable? Yeah, 7 lbs in 7 days sounds wonderful but doesn't it just come right back on after you introduce normal food (even if introduced slowly?) Also, can you exercise while just consuming juice? I'm willing to try things but I just have some…
  • It may be your limited brand choices. The Kroger brand turkey bacon I buy is much less calories and fat. Haven't checked the sodium. Most of the time I'd rather have 2-3 slices of bacon every once in a while than turkey bacon all the time. Same way I'd rather have 1/2 a slice of pie than that silly pie-flavored yogurt!
  • Haven't loaded my before pictures yet...I'm only on day 6...I'm between 5'5" and 5'6" tall Highest weight - 146 SW: - 142 GW: 120-124
  • I have this same inner and outer thighs are where I carry a lot of weight. I think the only answer is run, run, run...not exactly my cup of tea.
  • Weight fluctuates like 1-5 lbs due to water weight, etc. If you just started, it's probably not a "gain" just a random fluctuation. That's why this site says to only record weight periodically. Great job on resisting the dang cinnamon rolls!
  • I feel like we need some professional advice here...I wasn't confused before I read this thread and now I am confused. What exactly is "starvation mode" and why is it bad/good??
  • I haven't been using long enough to see the snack on my log, but I bet it's going to be almonds, low-fat string cheese, or fruit like bananas and apples - all these seem to be very popular!