

  • The only thing I changed in my coffee and I drink alot of it a day is I went down to light half and half cream and started using sugar twin instead of sugar
  • As often as i can lol. the official weigh in day is Thursday but i will record my lowest weight from any day. Hay Ill take what I can get. :)
  • Yay, I thought I had lost you all. My scale also didnt move this week at all. But I am trying to get into more exercise. Using weights and my big ball thing. And drinking more water.Tomorrow is riding day so lots of calories burned there.
  • Good morning, Just came off a really long work week. So im logging in and tyrying to touch base. I do not really do much in the way of exercise. I know i should and I know I have the stuff (bike, ab thingie weights big ball thing etc...) But I cant make myself do it. I look at it and say i should but then I dont. I make…
  • I would like to join, Having a real hard time sticking to this. Always under my calorie goal but my food choices are well lets say questionable. Name jenny Start weight 200.8 Now weight 195.6 Goal weight 112
  • I did sweet potatoes just last night. But Im no help to you either, because I opened them from a can . Just microwaved for a minute with a little butter.
  • my guy does it too, but i wasnt smart enough not to tell him what i weigh :( lol
  • thanks everyone
  • Ok so maybe im Im a dope but Im not getting this. My bmr says 1580 calories a day. But im using a 1200 calorie a day diet. so thats what 320 calories different. + exercise would lower that starting calorie count of 1200 by even more. So are you ment to eat the exercise calories and the difference from the bmr of the 320??…
  • Ok I got it. and I think it changed. thank you. I wasnt eating much before at all. Which is strange. I use to eat once a day. Usually at night after work and it would be mcdonalds more often then not. But I am now eating breakfast and by 11am I am hungry. This didnt happen before when I didn't eat.
  • I would change the setting to let you view it but I dont know how. I could copy and paste ?