

  • One thing I got was "You have lost enough weight, don't lose anymore." I was just like I want to get to my goal weight and be happy with my body, it's not up to you to dictate how much I should weigh. It's my standards, not yours. Created by - Free Weight Loss Tools
  • I get this with my mum and sister all the time. I have educated them about the effect of certain fattening ingredients, but they won't have any of it and I will end up making my own separate meals. They always comment on how good and colourful my food looks but they won't make changes themselves. I care about their health…
  • I do get your point I do want to prove him wrong, but also I want to help him too as he drinks too much and eats a lot of junk food. Hes always said he wanted to join a gym but he never did it. Me losing weight can hopefully influence him aswell. I'm sorry about your dad though, it puts into perspective how lives can be…
  • Thanks for sharing your story. As you can see I have put this thread in the 'Success Stories' category, I have found that despite my upbringing I have made a huge change in my life. His comments haven't made me give up, it has made me push even harder to prove him wrong. He himself has some faults and he could have been…
  • Thank you so much for your advice. I have learnt that this journey is about me and your advice just motivates me even more. His comments did get me down for a bit, but I know I can reach my goal and live a much healthier life. Your theory with the cheat days it true I know I would want another cheat day on top so I try to…
  • Yeah, his so called tough love has helped me a lot, and has made me more determined to reach my goal
  • One of he reasons is because i haven't seen him or spoken to him in 9 months. I would like to get to my goal first to show him I can do it & then i can find the reasons why. I am now taking responsibility for myself and no one can change that. Thanks for the advice.
  • Funny enough I noticed in smaller places like my neck, wrist and ankles
  • Thanks for sharing your story. I'm keeping on track with my eating habits very well and eating balanced meals, however I do become obsessed with the numbers on the scale. I'm trying not to but I don't want to go back to how I was. I hope your journey goes well
  • 6 years old is crazy!! I'm glad you're getting through it and I'm sure I can too. I know I will forgive him but just not now. I may read that book aswell. Thank you
  • Thanks so much for your advice. I'm actually amazed now at my willpower and determination during this journey, it seemed to come from nowhere. I can safely say I never gave into temptation at the start of my weight loss and I don't plan too.
  • WOW you are an inspiration 102lbs lost is amazing. I do want to have a chat with him once I lose the weight and I hope I can get some closure but until then...
  • I was exactly in your position. I wouldn't even realise how much I was eating because the rest of my family was eating it too! Now i've made this change I trying to convert my mum & sister to eating healthier (even though my sister is being stubborn). I hope for him to see me and see I have done it and not for the reasons…
  • I'm not holding a grudge against him. I have just realised why I was how I was, and decided to get others opinions. I really want to prove him wrong though with a much healthier me
  • I have learnt this, thank goodness it wasn't too late. I know he wasn't force feeding me but the annoyance of him always weighing me and unhealthy food in the house their was lack of choice. And the fact he is still putting me down even when I'm losing weight is just disgusting. I'm just happy I've changed now before it…
  • Thanks for your story. Its true that I am responsible and I realise that now but then I was misguided. The psychological harm is really the worst. And I'm also glad you're on this journey too. Best Wishes.
  • Has anyone else have problems with parents and their weight?
  • Thanks I'm glad too
  • Thanks, I think I'm this obsessive because of my past and I panic on the first sign of me gaining weight
  • Oh no majority is him to blame. Even when I was losing the weight at the beginning of the journey. I told him I was changing my eating habits and would wave Mcdonalds in my face. He even said "You won't keep it off" and "You're just doing this to find a man"!! I told him I'm doing this for myself and to be healthy. Now he…
  • Your words mean a lot to me. It has been a real challenge for me but I'm working through it. I never knew it was so psychological, but me taking psychology in school was actually the key to why I gained the weight I had. I know I have some way to go but I am determined to beat the demons that my dad basically installed…
  • I experimented to see how much I put on after eating
  • I think its much more of a mental thing where I feel like I have lost the willpower to do long exercises, but I'm really disciplined with my calorie intake.
  • Thanks for your advice, i feel less guilty now
  • However, doesn't it make sense that low impact will use fat stores, and carbs are used for immediate energy?
  • How many calories do you burn??
  • Hello :D