

  • I have to say I haven't really done anything crazy to lose weight. There have been times when I binged and ate too much and wanted to puke but couldn't bring myself to physically or psychologically :/
  • I don't know what my fav new healthy meal is, but I can say that I LOVE roasted vegetables. Just any kind of vegetable, with a splash of olive oil or even just some no-cal cooking spray, salt and pepper and it becomes so yummy! Looking forward to some good squashes and pumpkins for the fall
  • Well I don't have a car, but I do have a job on the campus I just graduated from. My walk to work is about 50 min, so I have to walk 100 min every day no matter what's happening. I probably go to the gym 5-6 days a week as well, b/c the gym is on the same campus. It's exhausting sometimes, but the physical part of losing…
  • For the QOTD. . . actually the last time I tried something new was last Wednesday! I have done Zumba a lot of times, but I got to try the Kukuwa dance workout at this "Taste of Fitness" event held at my gym. It was a lot like Zumba except with African music and much more intense, very focused on working the core muscles.…
  • For me, no, I don't have any older items of clothing that I'm waiting to fit into or anything...I do however reward myself for every 5 lbs loss with a small purchase of some cute shirts or something :) My size hasn't really changed that much, I guess medium shirts are just a bit loser now
  • For me, no, I don't have any older items of clothing that I'm waiting to fit into or anything...I do however reward myself for every 5 lbs loss with a small purchase of some cute shirts or something :) My size hasn't really changed that much, I guess medium shirts are just a bit loser now
  • I think that in the earlier stages of trying to lose weight, I may have thought about it sometimes but less now. And once that thought enters my head and I act on it, I usually feel remorse later and get back on the horse. Also I dont feel tempted to go back because eating healthy and exercising regular make me feel good…
  • I met my oldest friends (that I've had for the longest time?) in the 6th grade. They're sisters and we were all new to the county so we bonded over that :) Also, I'm totally going to do all 3 parts of the challenge tomorrow so that I can lose a bit more for the weigh-in Friday >.<
  • I'm sorry to hear that your mother is in the hospital, that's really tough and it's no wonder that dieting would get harder. I struggle a lot with mindless eating sometimes too, the only thing I can say is to have something on that can distract you. For instance, I always have a sudoku book in my room in case I want to…
  • QOTD Tuesday - I honestly can't pick out a single body part :/ I looked in the full-length mirror to see if I could isolate one area but...to no avail. I suppose I could say I like my body proportions, that I'm smaller in the middle and not too big top or bottom. I also like that I'm starting to become more muscular :)…
  • Going to have to try this tonight with dinner!
  • My favorite snack right now is Emerald's Cocoa Roast Almond packs; delicious, chocolate, and only 100 calories. They're a really good source of energy too :) Also, carrots and hummus
  • I wouldn't say I was clinically depressed, nor I have I been depressed/sad for terribly long periods of times but I have been very sad before. After my grandfather died I was pretty depressed and spent a lot more time in bed than I ever had before, just sitting there. It definitely contributed to my weight gain, along with…
  • I used to take a general daily vitamin for women, or for weight loss, or energy or something like that. But I stopped taking them when a guy at this talk said something about not taking vitamins if you haven't talked to your doctor or examined all of the ingredients. Idk, it was one of those things where someone just…
  • I have to agree with you, Zumba is awesome! I actually really enjoy working out and have for quite some time, it's the diet part of losing weight that I struggle with more. I think that I enjoy any form of workout simply for the feeling of expending myself and really breaking a sweat. It is more fun though, if I'm working…
  • I have to agree with most everyone else, that this is a difficult question for me...I'm sure I got overly excited a lot of times as kids do, but it's hard to remember specific events! One that I can remember is Easter when I was 5...I think. My dad, who is generally very creative when it comes to gift-giving, had gotten me…
  • For me, I struggle with nighttime eating, that's usually when I overeat or just eat something bad. I'm still programed to think that I need to have a sugary treat after the meal so I end up going back to the kitchen for something more even if I've had enough for dinner. I'm hoping to work on this for the challenge, maybe…
  • Excited to be in this group and I hope to really challenge myself! Can't wait to hear more
  • Catching up on some of the daily questions~ QOTD #1: What is your favorite kind of exercise and why? I don't know if I have a favorite type of exercise, I like to mix it up a lot. Probably my favorite workout would be to play badminton though :) QOTD #2: How did you find MFP, and how do you like it compared to other…
  • NAME: Leah It's time I joined a group and I'm glad one is open! AGE: 22 HEIGHT: 5'7'' START WEIGHT FOR CHALLENGE: 163 GOAL WEIGHT FOR CHALLENGE: 150 START PANTS SIZE: 10/12 (US) GOAL PANTS SIZE: 8/10 (US) FOLLOW ANY SPECIAL DIET: just vegetarian and trying to cut down on sweets DIET GOALS: to stop binging and start…
  • If it's not too late to join this group, I'd like to. I'm really pumped to get some group support and help others if I can :)
  • Hi, I'm 5'7'' (or something just about), currently 163 lbs or so. I've lost 20 lbs so far and would like to get somewhere in the 133-143 range. I really don't know what my ultimate goal weight it. Right now I'd just like to have a heatlhier BMI and thinner in general :)
  • Hi, my name is Emily and I would like to join this group! I just started using MFP a few months ago and have found it very useful for keeping track of my calories but haven't really used the message board feature actively yet. I started out my weight loss journey this January at 183 lbs and am currently 165 lbs. My weight…