The Diamond Challenge - Shining Diamonds (Wk 4: Round 5)



  • nosugarcoating
    nosugarcoating Posts: 194 Member
    I ride my bike to work every day (a total of 2.2 miles) and I run 3-4 times a week. I also use my stepper sometimes and walk sometimes (the last two are more irregular). I mostly do all this because it's cheap and I can't go to the gym.
  • ShiningDiamonds

    This week is Spirit Week Ladies! We use the last week of the Challenges to help motivate and show our team spirit on the forums!

    Wednesday: Please change your profile picture to any picture that highlights your team color! (Orange, Green, Purple)
    Thursday: Change your profile picture to a picture of yourself. We want to see our beautiful Diamonds!
    Friday: Change your profile picture to the Shining Diamond team logo. Show your team spirit!!
    >you should be able to right click on my profile picture or the image in your signature; select "Save Picture As"; once you have it saved you can upload it to your MFP profile
  • cklbrown
    cklbrown Posts: 4,696 Member
    I do at least one hour of cardio 7 days a week
  • nafroese
    nafroese Posts: 122 Member
    I'm so totally new at this, so hope I'm not being redundant with my QOTD!!! Here goes: How many days per week do you "really" do cardio? And do any of you try to get in some exercise more than once per day to get over a plateau?

    I try to do cardio 6 daya week right now, if for now other reason than to warm up my muscles before I go into another one of my workouts! And yes sometimes i do it more than once per day not the cardio but the exercise.
  • meliturtlee
    Thursday QOTD

    What's your favorite new healthy meal?

    I would say I love spinach and egg whites sandwich. I'm a big carb gal and Hispanic as well, so tortillas took over my meals. Now with my new found research, I manage to indulge in healthier carbs for my morning breakfast.
  • clarech82
    clarech82 Posts: 244 Member
    Thursday QOTD

    Mine would have to be salad I love it! Not those rubbish salads where you get just some old manky lettuce and a tomato I mean the kind with loads of veg can't beat it.
  • meggers123
    meggers123 Posts: 711 Member
    What's your favorite new healthy meal?

    hmm... I love salad, stir-fry, anything home-made. I haven't really changed what I eat- only the portion size, and have been careful about snacking. :D
  • nosugarcoating
    nosugarcoating Posts: 194 Member
    My new favorite meal? Ahh, not sure, I love pasta with tomato sauce and veggies though, or fried chicken with veggies. I haven't really changed my eating habits for main meals that much, I've mostly just stopped the excessive snacking.

    Edit: Hah, just saw I said the same thing as my battle buddy Meg. :D
  • nafroese
    nafroese Posts: 122 Member
    My new favorite meal is probably my new and creative salads!! Adding cheese and nuts and topping it all off with my own creation of balsamic vinegar and garlic in the smallest splash of olive oil!!
  • cklbrown
    cklbrown Posts: 4,696 Member
    I don't think I have a favorite new healthy meal. I enjoy eggbeaters with vegetables
  • emi_esp
    Thursday QOTD

    What's your favorite new healthy meal?

    I don't know what my fav new healthy meal is, but I can say that I LOVE roasted vegetables. Just any kind of vegetable, with a splash of olive oil or even just some no-cal cooking spray, salt and pepper and it becomes so yummy! Looking forward to some good squashes and pumpkins for the fall
  • ShiningDiamonds
    Hello Ladies!

    I had a wonderful time in Vegas, but not it's back to reality. As promised here is the weight loss by percent (%) for every one that was part of the team - I even included those that decided to leave the challenge early because I wanted to give an overall loss per team color.

