Nikkita29 Member


  • Feel free to add me, I've got Celiac disease and follow the GF life strictly. :smile:
  • Hey all! I'm 33, still trying to lose the baby weight from my daughter who's turning 2 in Dec! I've lost 6 pounds in the past 2 weeks, weighed in at 176 today. My short term goal is to lose another 10 by Halloween. Getting over a terrible cold but needing some motivation to get back to the gym!
  • I'm in! I've lost 6 pounds in the past 2 weeks and weighed in at 176 today. 10 more pounds by Halloween is a great goal!! I'm getting over a terrible cold and I'll need some extra motivation to get back to the gym!
  • Well, I guess I'll try it one way for a week and see what happens, then try it the other way the next week and see which one works better. Lol. I guess every body is different and I just have to find out what works for me. I have been between 1000 and 1100 each day this week, so I guess I'll see at weigh in on Wednesday if…
  • Welcome to MFP!! This is a great place for advice, support, encouragement and accountability! I fell off the bandwagon for a few weeks after vacation and summertime craziness, but I immediately felt better as soon as I got back! As an added bonus, even while I was off the bandwagon loggin my food, I was still very consious…
  • Sounds like we're both in the same boat! I've been losing and gaining the same 2 pounds for the past 2 months! I've been eating a lot healthier than I was before, and I've been getting to the gym at least 3 days a week, but the weight just isn't coming off. All I can say is keep at it! I have the occasional weekend binges…
  • Dried veggies are always my go-to snack when I have the munchies! Better than potato chips!
  • I am right there with ya!!! Seems like every weekend we have something going on that throws me off track, and not only do I end up eating bad, but I don't have time to work out either, and then I gain back everything I've lost the week before! To top it all off, now I am having stomach issues, and don't feel well enough to…
  • Hmm.... can I just pick the answer I like best? lol... this is way too hard to figure out! I guess I need to just break down and invest in a food scale.
  • Thanks guys... makes me feel a little better to know I'm not the only one who has so much trouble on the weekends!! I wanted to work out sooo bad to make up for all the extra calories, there just wasn't enough time in the days. Guess I'll just have to work extra hard the next two days before weigh in! I'm hoping if I'm…
  • I'm having some trouble logging foods, as well. Most of the time I am just guestimating or chosing something in the Search that is similar to what I ate because I can't find an exact match to what I ate. So I don't know just how accurate some of my logs are. I'm excited to hear about this Droid app that scans barcodes??? I…
  • MicMar.. I like this suggestion!! Thanks! I'm a huge fan of Crystal Light's Peach and Raspberry Ice Teas... I'm wondering if that new Sweet Tea Vodka has as few calories as regular Vodka? Might have to find out! :)
  • I would be upset too... hurt and angry, to say the least. As long as you've said your piece and told her how you felt, there's not much else to do other than let the chips fall where they may. Hopefully she will come around and realize that even though she is hurting for money, she should never try to take advantage of a…
  • Kinda hoping you start a blog on here. Best read I've had in a while! Look into the whole writing as a career thing... you got something going there! : )
  • Thanks for asking this question... I was just about to ask the same one!! I couldn't figure out why I'm not losing any weight, and I guess I found my answer! I thought I was being healthy, eating yogurt twice a day and fruit twice a day... now I guess I've got to figure out where to make some cuts... I'm not sure I'll be…
    in Sugar??? Comment by Nikkita29 May 2011