

  • I did it to kick of my Advocare journey and loved it. I ate clean - cut out processed foods, coffee and diet coke. I have not had any of that since January 8th. I lost 8 pounds on the challenge and so far I am down almost 15 pounds. The supplements have been the best part of the deal for me. I saw my doctor yesterday and…
  • Congratulations! You look as awesome as I am sure you feel! People like you are what motivate me so THANK YOU for sharing your story. Blessings, Cam
  • I'm in North Houston... please don't shoot me but I don't like either one! I'm a mustard kind of girl... :)
  • ME, ME, ME!!!! (jumping and waving hysterically) I love to laugh, cut up and be a littl sarcastic at times, but not in a mean way. I need motivation and love to enourage others as well. Add a way peeps... i love new friends!
  • I can't believe all the sugar that has been lost!!!! I work in the food industry and food is what I struggle with so I equate everything back to that. My actual goal is to lose a case of ground beef. 80#. Eight -10 pound tubes of raw burger. If you ever shop at Sam's take a look at a tube of ground beef in the meat case.…
  • I lost 50 pounds on WW and then life knocked me down. I gave up, went back to my old ways and gained the 50 pounds and more. Stick with it and YOU can do it! You have the right attitude... work the plan or IT WON'T WORK! I hope you have a fabulous POINT day!
  • Lindsay, WW does work just like any other program when you have your heart and mind in the game. For those of us with weight issues food is like a drug and unfortunately it is easily attainable. MFP will work as long as you want it too. Just like WW. Everyday when I finish my diary I add up the points I used for the day. I…
  • I have done weight watchers so many times and lost 50 pounds with it. Then.... I hit my 40's and the game changed...not so easy to lose anymore. Today was my first weigh in and I lost 5 pounds so I am liking MFP so far! Feel free to add me as a friend... I would love to be part of your cheering squad! have a blessed day,…
  • Hi there... I am new too, just started last Thursday, and need friends as well. Send me a request and we can encourage each other. Have a blessed day, Cam :)
  • I'm a WW investor too but no matter what it is the only way I have ever been successful. I lost 50 pounds in 2008 and then life knocked me down. Anyway, add me as a friend and we do this together. :)