milesje Member


  • I have sent you a friend request. I have also been watching the scale rise over the last 4-5 years and started on my life changing healther self a few months ago.
  • Just being in your calorie rang is NOT enough for effective weight loss. You MUST eat healthy foods and snacks. I could easily eat a McDonalds twice a day (if thats all I eat) and still be within my calorie rang, but I will not lose any weight do this. Why? Because the body is getting its food so infrequently that it will…
  • Everyone is different, but the general rule-of-thumb is that YES you eat the calories that you burn. Try it for a few weeks and if you do not see any weight-loss then try not eating the calories you burn.
  • 3850 plus my 30 = 3880
  • Just checking in after a three week vacation. I went to Washington D.C. for a week and then to Orlando for the rest. I was sooo excited when I went to Universal Studios and actually got to see Hogwarts (at a distance) for the first time. They actally has a path through WWOHP open to reach one of the rides called The…
  • I have a co-worker who is all for the "Healther living through science" but even as he has told me many times "it takes healthy eating and working-out to make the science work". Most of the weight-loss pills will boost your motabolize through a high amount of caffeine and so most will recoment you start by taking only 1…
    in VPX Meltdown Comment by milesje May 2010
  • Welcome to the site and good luck on your weightloss journey!
  • I'm in as well. I have been through the C25K program once, but I am starting it again to work on improving my speed. I ran my first 5K last weekend and thought I did OK for someone who just started running this January.
    in COUCH TO 5K! Comment by milesje May 2010
  • Your doing great, now keep jogging and it will turn into running. I highly recomend the C25K program if you want to continue your jogging journey. I started it in January and last weekend ran my first race called Warrior Dash, its a 5K run with 14 obsticals along the way.
  • What kind of "working out" are you doing? Cardio, resistance, running, walking, ..... What is your diet like? 1200 cal, 1500 cal,.... Do you eat your excersie cals? Most people should start by eating the extra calories earned by working out, then if that is not working for you try cutting back and only eating a part of the…
  • Welcome and good luck on your journey!
  • Welcome and good luck on your journey!!!
  • Software Engineer
  • Welcome, and good luck on your weight loss journey.
    in I'm NEW!!! Comment by milesje April 2010
  • You may also want to look at another workout set called "Insanity"! It is also from the makers of P90X ( It is a 60 day workout set with each day being about an hour each. One of the big differences between Insanity and P90X is that there is no need for weights, push-up bars, or a pull-up bar with Insantiy.…
  • Useing a soft corn tortilla instead of flower tortillas would be best. Soft vs hard taco shells (tortillas) - it will alway be better to use soft because the hard shells are deep fried! Hope this helps.
  • Yes, a day or two at 500 cal will not be too bad for you, but every day at this rate will. You need to increase you intake of good healthy foods. After looking at your diary the easiest way to do this would be to add a snack between both breakfast - lunch and between lunch - dinner. These should not be big cal snacks,…
  • Well with two weeks left before my May 1st mini-goal I am only ONE pound away!!!! :)
  • Gamers: Dorkness Rising Fanboy Grandma's Boy
  • Welcome to the site! Have a good look around the forums there is a ton of info to help you out, and don't be afraid to ask questions. ENJOY!!
    in New Here Comment by milesje April 2010
  • Welcome to the site and good luck on your WLP!
  • Welcome to the site. For building lean muscle I would like to recomend the P90X workout system. If you have the time and money it is well worth it. If you do use the system be sure and to the weight lifts at the muscle building reps and not the lean (toneing) reps.
  • @Home6 Glad you found the site, I am semi-new myself. I have been on here for about two months and I am really enjoy the site. I also have two children (both boys) that are 3 and 1. I am trying to get back in the shape I was when I got married 10 years ago. Then I was at the gym for 6 hours a day doing everything from…
  • The best way I have found to curb hunger is to increase you intake of Protein, usually by drinking a Whey Protein shake. Most do not add a lot of calories but add anywhere from 20g to 50g of Protein. You can pick up a container of Whey Protein powder from most Grocery Stores or from a Fitness/Nutrition store like GNC. I…
  • Welcome to the site, ejoy and don't be afraid to ask any question; the support of the message board is GREAT!
  • Northeast Texas
  • Well keep an eye on Apple this June. There are rumers going around that Apple has finished development of a CDMA iPhone. CDMA is the signal type that Verizon and Sprint use, so I would look for the new iPhone to be released this somer on either Sprint or Verizon (more likely on Verizon).
  • Congrats on staying witht he workouts. But, eating a healthy diet is a HUGE part of both cutting fat and gaining muscle. The P90X system does come with a nutrition guid that is very helpful, and has options where it can tell you what to eat and when to eat it if you have a flexable enough schedule. The P90X workouts are…
  • It is in the works.
  • I would like to join in! I have been a HP fan sence book 4 came out. My wife tells me I have gotten a little too much into the HP fandom, but hey that just me. I have read all the books more time then I can count, and many many more sci/fi books. My goals are CW: 257 5/1: 250 8/1: 230 11/19: 210