Am I the only one struggling like this???

Jaxmama Posts: 6
edited September 20 in Motivation and Support
Ok so I joined the site yesterday and I really do want to lose weight. With just watching what I eat and making a few changes (i.e. ground turkey instead of ground beef, whole wheat bread and pasta, etc) I was able to lose about 10 pounds in about 6 months but I wanted to kick start my weight loss.

Well I dont know if it was smart or not but at the same time that I am journaling my food (so I am paying close attention to what I eat) I decided to quit smoking cold turkey as well (not a fan of drugs to help you quit).

Now that I am trying to quit smoking....all I want to do is eat! And the worst part is....all I want to eat are CARBS!!!!

I need some words of advice or encouragement as I feel that I am literally on the brink of failing at one or both of my goals!



  • kwardklinck
    kwardklinck Posts: 1,601
    Exercise. It helps with stress relief. Also the more you do the more you can eat.
  • milesje
    milesje Posts: 40 Member
    The best way I have found to curb hunger is to increase you intake of Protein, usually by drinking a Whey Protein shake. Most do not add a lot of calories but add anywhere from 20g to 50g of Protein. You can pick up a container of Whey Protein powder from most Grocery Stores or from a Fitness/Nutrition store like GNC. I mix mine with skim milk which makes the drink a little thicker and much more like a milk shake and greatly improves the tast over using water.
  • nursee67
    nursee67 Posts: 503
    Quitting smoking really can be a struggle. When I quit 6 months ago, I decided to work on that before I tried to lose weight. It puts way too much pressure on you trying to take care of two life changing things at once. For now, I would concentrate on the exercise, even if it is just a walk every day. You will notice your energy increase because you quit smoking so take advantage. I quit in October and started my weight loss journey in late January...good luck to you!
  • lknorthstar
    lknorthstar Posts: 132 Member
    Oh no don't do that keep at it!!

    Congratulations on wanting to kick the smoking habit! I myself was a smoker. I wish I had some great advice that would make everything perfect for you! Just keep at it and it will be worth it in the long run!
  • SuzieQT
    SuzieQT Posts: 188 Member
    Smoking is a lot about just putting something in your mouth aside from the actual nicotine addiction. I'd try some sugar free gum or brush your teeth to help keep you from eating. I know you said you didn't want to use drugs to help but I've seen things like the nicotine patch and the electronic cigarettes really help some people out. Also as stated in a previous reply, if you feel like its too much pressure to do both at the same time then just do one at a time. You can do it though, don't forget that!
  • megamom
    megamom Posts: 920 Member
    I did cold turkey also. There was a site on line that you could download that counted down your quit days and told you how much money you were saving and how much time you added onto your life. That helped me for some reason. I can't remember what the name was but try a google. Also I found cold turkey easier because the worse was behind me as far as withdrawal in 5 days. Every time I wanted a cigarette I drank water and I lugged a water bottle with me everywhere. You really do have to take it one day at a time. For me....sometimes one hour at a time. But I can't tell you how much better I feel 6 years better. I can walk up hills and steps, my clothes smell so good. It is so worth it. Not to mention all the money I save.
  • Jaxmama
    Jaxmama Posts: 6
    Thanks to everyone for the words of encouragement and suggestions. I do think that if I try to tackle both of these things full force I risk failing at one or both! So maybe I will just log my food, do my work outs and focus more on the smoking thing and not beat myself up too badly if I go over on my calories until I get the non smoking thing under control!

    Boy this is going to be an uphill battle but I have to do it and I know that I can with the support of the wonderful people on this site!
  • GRose
    GRose Posts: 69
    I've heard that a lot of people who quit smoking gain weight because they replace their cigarrettes with food. Try doing something else, Excercize, crafts (knitting, crochet, scrapbooking), hobbies (photography, reading) all work for me! Even playing a video game will distract me from thinking about food for a while. Obviously, if you're hungry, you need to eat something, but try to cut the portion size WAY down & fill your house with healthier snacks (veggies, fruits). Good luck!
  • Jaxmama
    Jaxmama Posts: 6
    Ok I am a TOTAL TOOL! I just realized that I fat fingered my weight when I started this and made myself 100lbs heavier than I am so now after I changed it my calorie intake for the day is 350 lower than it was....OMG I'M GONNA DIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • rpolzin25
    rpolzin25 Posts: 19
    I know you said you wanted to avoid any drugs but nicotine replacement therapy...such as the gum or patch...can really help you quit smoking. You also don't need a prescription for them. Depending how much you were smoking before, using the patch can help you quit in 8-10 weeks. If you smoked less than 10 per day then 8 week and more than 10 a day 10 weeks. Also, studies have shown that nicotine replacement therapy is twice as effective as quitting cold turkey. But if you can do it cold turkey more power to you. Just try to find something to do instead of eating when you are craving. As people have said, exercising could help.
  • Robin66
    Robin66 Posts: 103
    I quit smoking almost 3 years ago and I found that during the first weeks when I had the most severe cravings, they only lasted a few minutes. What I did was focus on anything else at that moment even just taking out the trash, anything to re-focus your thoughts. I quit cold turkey and I agree with you, just do it and get it out of your systems as quickly as possibe. As for the diet, I think you aren't setting yourself up for failure by trying to diet and quit smoking at the same time, when I quit I gained 40lbs, I certainly wish I would've paid attention to both. I do think that quiting smoking should be your first priorty, so even if you just maintain your wieght until you get thru the worst of your withdrawls, you definately will come out a winner. Keep plenty of fruits and veggies on hand and snack on them. Good luck, and remember you have a little guy that needs you, so I know you can do it for both of you.
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,029 Member
    I agree with Robin. re focus when you get a craving. I used to stand up and do jumping jacks or go for a quick walk or do pushups. anything to focus on my increasingly healthy body. Also make sure you clean anything that has a smoky smell so you don't smell it anymore. You can do it and you will start to feel so much better. Good luck.
  • Jaxmama
    Jaxmama Posts: 6
    Where did you get the "I haven't smoked in...." ticker???
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