Harry Potter: DH Part 1 CHALLENGE



  • kath711
    kath711 Posts: 710 Member
    Not sure how I managed to miss this topic but hope it's not too late to join.
    Mande-G: I think we are in the May day challenge together that is getting ready to end.

    My goal this next week is to work on my salt intake, especially at night. I seem to crave salt at night like tonight with popcorn so I am going to try to limit it.
  • feeny
    feeny Posts: 110 Member
    i'm in! I love HP. I'm so excited for the HP theme park, I just wish I lived closer. It's gonna be a while before I get to see it lol.

    Ok so my starting weight on mfp was 300lbs

    cw 285
    gw (11/19) 248

    I've been losing steadily around 2lbs per week so that seems reasonable.
  • Mande_G
    Mande_G Posts: 599 Member
    Not sure how I managed to miss this topic but hope it's not too late to join.
    Mande-G: I think we are in the May day challenge together that is getting ready to end.

    My goal this next week is to work on my salt intake, especially at night. I seem to crave salt at night like tonight with popcorn so I am going to try to limit it.

    Never too late to join, my dear! Welcome!! :flowerforyou:

    Salt has never been my problem (except very rarely during TOM) -- me, I have a sweet tooth. Good for you that you're making the choice to limit your salt -- cutting out something that you really really crave is HARD -- I applaud your efforts!
  • Mande_G
    Mande_G Posts: 599 Member
    i'm in! I love HP. I'm so excited for the HP theme park, I just wish I lived closer. It's gonna be a while before I get to see it lol.

    Ok so my starting weight on mfp was 300lbs

    cw 285
    gw (11/19) 248

    I've been losing steadily around 2lbs per week so that seems reasonable.

    Welcome! :flowerforyou:

    Yeah, I probably will not have a chance to visit the theme park for AT LEAST another year. But I SO plan to get out there before too long. :wink:

    Looks like you're making really good progress! 2 lbs per week is awesome. I usually range between .8 to 1.8 per week (sometimes as little as .2, sometimes as much as 3 lbs) but slow and steady really DOES seem to be the key. Keep up the good work! :happy:
  • kath711
    kath711 Posts: 710 Member
    The theme park sounds awesome! We're gonna wait for our kids to be a little older so they can all enjoy it. My oldest son is almost 10 and he has read all the books so many times I've lost count!! Maybe by the time we go it won't be super crowded.
  • TheMaidOfAstolat
    TheMaidOfAstolat Posts: 3,222 Member
    We plan on going next year, yea! My daughter will only be 7 at that time but it'll be so much fun. I started reading the books when I was a senior in high school (yep I had already missed out on the first 4 being released) but after that...I couldn't wait. I'm so sad that they are over but you never know JK could come up with somthing else just as wonderful.
  • Mande_G
    Mande_G Posts: 599 Member
    Checking in!

    Start weight: 180.8 (30 lbs to goal)
    Mar. 26: 179.4 (-1.4)
    April 02: 178.4 (-1.0)
    April 09: 177.6 (-0.8)
    April 16: Didn't check in
    April 23: 174.0 (-3.6)
    April 30: Didn't check in
    May 07: Didn't check in
    May 14: 173.6 (-0.4)
    May 21:
    May 28:
    June 04: Mini goal: 170
    June 11:
    June 18:
    June 25:
    July 02:
    July 09: Mini goal: 165
    July 16:
    July 23:
    July 30:
    Aug. 06:
    Aug. 13: Mini goal: 160
    Aug. 20:
    Aug. 27:
    Sept. 03:
    Sept. 10:
    Sept. 17: Mini goal: 155
    Sept. 24:
    Oct. 01:
    Oct. 08:
    Oct. 15:
    Oct. 22:
    Oct. 29:
    Nov. 05:
    Nov. 12:
    Nov. 19: Final Goal Weight 150!!

    Hey all -- sorry for the long absents. :embarassed: My husband graduated from law school last weekend, and we've had family in town.

    And, of course, with family visiting and celebrating -- there was a lot of less-than-healthy food, coupled with no time for exercise. :sick: My weight went up a couple pounds, but after getting back on track yesterday, it's back to where it was 2 weeks ago, for which I am grateful. Looks like I was mostly retaining water from the excess sodium, not gaining actual FAT (thank god.)

    Though I am back on track, tomorrow night I'm going out to eat with friends to celebrate my 30th birthday. Then come June 4, I'm having my wisdom teeth removed (all 4 :sad: ) and will probably be on a liquid diet (protein shakes, smoothies, and ensure) for at least a few days (and no exercise for about a week while I recover.) After THAT this summer should be smooth sailing as far as diet/exercise go.

    On a happy note -- the job I had working for my mother-in-law ended, and now I'm gearing up to start working on my first novel! :bigsmile: After TEN years of working, going to school and waiting for the timing to be right, I FINALLY get to pursue my dream of being a writer! I am SO excited. :drinker:

    I hope everyone is having good success with their fitness goals this month! Be sure to check in when you can!! :flowerforyou:
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,029 Member
    Mande - How exciting to be able to persue you novel writing. Good luck.!!!
  • kath711
    kath711 Posts: 710 Member
    Good luck with your novel, might be the next Rowling!! :)

    Checking in, same last week but did lose inch off waist so still happy!
  • Mande_G
    Mande_G Posts: 599 Member
    Checking in!

    Start weight: 180.8 (30 lbs to goal)
    Mar. 26: 179.4 (-1.4)
    April 02: 178.4 (-1.0)
    April 09: 177.6 (-0.8)
    April 16: Didn't check in
    April 23: 174.0 (-3.6)
    April 30: Didn't check in
    May 07: Didn't check in
    May 14: 173.6 (-0.4)
    May 21: 172.8 (-0.8)
    May 28:
    June 04: Mini goal: 170
    June 11:
    June 18:
    June 25:
    July 02:
    July 09: Mini goal: 165
    July 16:
    July 23:
    July 30:
    Aug. 06:
    Aug. 13: Mini goal: 160
    Aug. 20:
    Aug. 27:
    Sept. 03:
    Sept. 10:
    Sept. 17: Mini goal: 155
    Sept. 24:
    Oct. 01:
    Oct. 08:
    Oct. 15:
    Oct. 22:
    Oct. 29:
    Nov. 05:
    Nov. 12:
    Nov. 19: Final Goal Weight 150!!

    I hope everyone is doing well!
  • Mande_G
    Mande_G Posts: 599 Member
    Checking in!

    Start weight: 180.8 (30 lbs to goal)
    Mar. 26: 179.4 (-1.4)
    April 02: 178.4 (-1.0)
    April 09: 177.6 (-0.8)
    April 16: Didn't check in
    April 23: 174.0 (-3.6)
    April 30: Didn't check in
    May 07: Didn't check in
    May 14: 173.6 (-0.4)
    May 21: 172.8 (-0.8)
    May 28: 171.2 (-1.6)
    June 04: Mini goal: 169
    June 11:
    June 18:
    June 25:
    July 02:
    July 09: Mini goal: 165
    July 16:
    July 23:
    July 30:
    Aug. 06:
    Aug. 13: Mini goal: 160
    Aug. 20:
    Aug. 27:
    Sept. 03:
    Sept. 10:
    Sept. 17: Mini goal: 155
    Sept. 24:
    Oct. 01:
    Oct. 08:
    Oct. 15:
    Oct. 22:
    Oct. 29:
    Nov. 05:
    Nov. 12:
    Nov. 19: Final Goal Weight 150!!

    Tweaked my goals a bit.

    How's everyone doing?

    [Edit: Un-tweaked my goals. :laugh: I'd rather surpass these than set the bar higher and miss.)
  • Mande_G
    Mande_G Posts: 599 Member
    Also... I will probably check in next week, but I'm having my wisdom teeth out that afternoon. :ohwell:
  • milesje
    milesje Posts: 40 Member
    Just checking in after a three week vacation. I went to Washington D.C. for a week and then to Orlando for the rest. I was sooo excited when I went to Universal Studios and actually got to see Hogwarts (at a distance) for the first time. They actally has a path through WWOHP open to reach one of the rides called The Dualing Dragons. They had big black partition walls up so I could not see much of WWOHP except the tops of the buildings.
    As far as weight went while of vacation, well lets just say it was not very good, I gained two pounds. But, considering that the only exercise I did was the masive amounts of walking in both DC and Universal & Disney, and the horible eating habits (Buffets almost every night) I am OK with this slight increase in weight. I am back home and have redoubled my training and I am working even harder on my diet.
  • madgoth
    madgoth Posts: 60
    I haven't been doing anything lately, but I am back again, starting today. I have had such a difficult time eating right, and I haven't exercised at all.

    But I want to be good and my reward will be a trip to Harryworld. I need a goal of somesort. So I will go to Universal this fall (cooler) if I stay on my plan, both food and exercise, for at leaset 25 days out of each month. That gives me about one day a week to goof off, and a few extra for splurges.

    Does this sound reasonable or too easy? I don't want to limit it with pounds, I am aiming at changing behavior mostly. (which will result in pounds lost).
  • Mande_G
    Mande_G Posts: 599 Member
    Just checking in after a three week vacation. I went to Washington D.C. for a week and then to Orlando for the rest. I was sooo excited when I went to Universal Studios and actually got to see Hogwarts (at a distance) for the first time. They actally has a path through WWOHP open to reach one of the rides called The Dualing Dragons. They had big black partition walls up so I could not see much of WWOHP except the tops of the buildings.
    As far as weight went while of vacation, well lets just say it was not very good, I gained two pounds. But, considering that the only exercise I did was the masive amounts of walking in both DC and Universal & Disney, and the horible eating habits (Buffets almost every night) I am OK with this slight increase in weight. I am back home and have redoubled my training and I am working even harder on my diet.

    Welcome back!! :flowerforyou:

    A 2 lb gain is not bad at all for 3 weeks! It could even be water weight, not fat, due to sodium from eating out so much -- drink plenty of water and get back to cleaner foods and I bet those 2 lbs will melt away like nothing! :smile:

    It sounds like a very nice vacation, all in all.
  • Mande_G
    Mande_G Posts: 599 Member
    I haven't been doing anything lately, but I am back again, starting today. I have had such a difficult time eating right, and I haven't exercised at all.

    But I want to be good and my reward will be a trip to Harryworld. I need a goal of somesort. So I will go to Universal this fall (cooler) if I stay on my plan, both food and exercise, for at leaset 25 days out of each month. That gives me about one day a week to goof off, and a few extra for splurges.

    Does this sound reasonable or too easy? I don't want to limit it with pounds, I am aiming at changing behavior mostly. (which will result in pounds lost).

    Glad to see you! :flowerforyou:

    I think that sounds totally reasonable for getting back into the swing of things. Better to set smaller goals and achieve them and be happy, than to set the bar to high and feel miserable if you DON'T meet your goals!
  • jacolyncoker
    jacolyncoker Posts: 86 Member
    I am so with you!
    SW: 140
    CW: 136
    GW: 125
  • mapnerd2005
    mapnerd2005 Posts: 363
    Alan Rickman is probably my favorite actor EVER. Love him.
  • Mande_G
    Mande_G Posts: 599 Member
    I'm getting my wisdom teeth (all 4) out tomorrow. I get to be put under for the procedure, which is nice (my first-ever surgery)!

    I'm going to spend the week focusing on recovery, NOT calorie counting -- so I wont be around for a few days. But as soon as I can eat solid food and get cleared to exercise, I'll be back!

    Wish me luck! :ohwell: :laugh:
  • kath711
    kath711 Posts: 710 Member
    Good luck tomorrow with the surgery, i had that done years ago and from what i remember it wasn't so bad. my husband took a horrible picture of me with my cheeks all swollen so that wasnt too good of a memory. :)

    been doing okay with exercise. weight does not seem to want to come off, but at least i am not gaining.
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