tanek747 Member


  • Thanks I'll try that! I've been doing single leg standing calf raises (from ankle) with 20kg in each hands but it's a bit harder for balancing with no free hand and back and arms get quite worked out that way even if it's leg day. Maybe having the knee bent not straight will let me lower the weight and get a good effect…
  • I find it's becoming challenging positioning and holding enough dumbbell weight into position on my knees to really progress on for example seated calf leg raises. Leftovers of walking a lot from when really heavy perhaps. We don't have any barbells currently.
  • Wondering what happened to the %lost of start weight tab? Doesn't seem to be in the spreadsheet anymore. Keep meaning to update 8th milestone but when I'm at a pc I'm busy. Although only 1 lb loss to 214 this time, not concerned though as long as I at least maintain now my goal is done. Losing 12% (iirc) body mass in 70…
  • There's alot of plant protein sources beyond soy you can look into incorporating. Including beans, chickpeas (e.g. hummus), quinoa, even broccoli mushrooms and spinach are all ways of adding more whole food protein that isn't animal for your thyroid issue. Also for the powders there are ones based on rice and pea proteins…
  • 30Lbs gone, hit my goal today, lost a bit over 12% of my body weight so far, very happy about it.
  • Based on how you're doing with the challenge you'll get to your end goals too I'm sure :)
  • Thanks a lot for the advice and replies. Seen a new doc who was a lot more helpful and I am cleared for progressive weight programs . Also been working with YAYOG for a few weeks, like the mobile app a lot. Going to progress to weights fairly soon as some of the YAYOG exercises require a slighty casual attitude to…
  • Bought a pajama set in a size large. Not XXXL or XXXXL no extra's at all just large as. Feels good.
  • Really helpful thread, as only have dumbbells so far, thanks!
  • Is nice to read the changes that everyone is seeing :) Several nice things for me for this week: First time under 100kg in 20 years. Today I hit 99.6kg so I've left the obese bmi now. Bought new better fitting clothes this week, feel goodin them,some of them don't have any X's on the size labels.
  • If buying find ripe fruit like bananas or nuts without too much added to them. About subway, won't use them anymore. explained at length I was vegan and I wanted something with zero animal products, no cheese no dairy no eggs. Was given a veggy patty sub. Both myself and better half were sick from it for following 2 days…
  • Milestone 4 has been tough. Abdominal injury a week ago and the last 6 days it's so much harder to work out or hit good targets when nearly everything requires some core muscle use. Happy to have made 3 pounds loss considering. 4 pounds to go to 200lb and cross from obese to overweight bmi range, keeping myself motivated…
  • Excellent :) this group is really good motivation for me especially on tougher weeks.
  • Hi @lujo321 I injured my back too (double hernia ops). The conventional advice I was given was here's prescriptions for pain killers etc, but eventually they'll damage your liver and or kidneys. Physio didn't help. Losing 30 lbs via calorie restriction didn't help. Pain demotivated me from moving well and I gained…
  • Thanks a lot for the response! I'm looking into all the equipment and programs you mention. Some home gym and body weight until my other half feels ready for going to the gym too, we're on this journey together, and that's the most important bit. I wanted to ask specifically, with the hernia repairs did/do you vary your…
  • 10,055 cal deficit so far, for the 8 days since last milestone. Yet it's been a motivation challenge to have bounced several lbs above last weigh in each day until this morning when I'm back to some loss finally. Earlier this period i worked over night on a client project and that seems to have had a jetlag effect, poor…
  • I think your nutritionist is getting his brainwashing from bad websites. Stopped all medication, fixed my back, dropped bad cholesterol nearly 50% then went on to lose 80 lbs so far as a vegan eating lots of quality whole plants ie. masses of carbs. Just log your exercise and weigh food by the gram not inaccurate cups etc.…
  • Interesting I had chronic acid heartburn and took medication for some time at various weights while having a standard diet. When we first went vegan we tried full on: raw vegan, no gluten, no coffee, no alcohol, no cooking oils, no processed stuff, no supplements. Acid went immediately and permanently. We've since put…
  • I totally get that it's maybe a bit late in the day for the height to bmi idea. It came to me because I'm planning to leave the obese bmi range sometime in the next couple of weigh-ins and reach just overweight (under 4kg to go now) but any of the charts and online calcs I've found really clunky to use for bmi, and most of…
  • The more unprocessed vegetables and fruits your family eats the better your family health will be. You could try to embrace variety in vegan recipes for home cooked largely unprocessed Asian, thai, indian, Malaysian also Mediterranean etc cuisine. Don't try and recreate vegan versions of Anglo meaty cuisine that doesn't…
  • Explore more options than diet soda or water. Personally I find it helpful to drink teas (many different types). This helps me to not drink diet sodas any more and not miss flavoured no cal drinks as I have healthier ones now.
  • @rwieber this is one of the most informative, and science based, websites we've found http://nutritionfacts.org/2011/09/12/dr-gregers-2011-optimum-nutrition-recommendations/ also get your daughter perhaps to look on there and do some of her own research too :)
  • So finally had a moment to enter my values for 20 days in. Frankly a bit surprised by my progress. In the 20 days I've dropped 16lbs from 245 to 229, so that's 53.3% of my 30lb goal already. Expecting to slow down or get some sort of plateau as I get closer to my ultimate goal weight of around 185-190. Just going to keep…
  • Seitan & tofu & tempeh. Soya milk and yoghurt. Nuts and beans. Kale broccoli and spinach all have a not bad calorie to protein ratio for a little help with proteins. Vegan rice and pea protein powders like Absorice and Pulsin etc are a possibility too. Protein needs could well be exaggerated because of all the people…
  • Like all restrictive diets it only causes weight loss if the restrictions of food groups and accompanying exercise causes an ongoing deficit beyond the initial period. Anyone who eventually out eats their restrictions and exercise will maintain or gain whether atkins or vegan. Specifically regarding atkins I believe he…
  • An interesting link on the topic: http://nutritionfacts.org/2013/05/07/is-there-a-safe-low-calorie-sweetener/ You can take things either way maybe no one has conclusively proved harmful, but equally there's no conclusive proof they're safe either. Quite a number of studies of concern though. And when lots of money is at…
  • Tea. Seriously. Green tea fruit teas white tea red bush rooiboos teas white tea You don't need sweeteners or sugar or milks when you develope a taste for them. Helps curb hunger, snacking feelings, wanting something while watching a program etc. Tons of good planty antioxidants and phytochemicals too.
  • @janeir36 Preheat 200c can take quite different times depending on Apple variety and size and number. Often between 15 to 30 mins. We just check until they look right. Is ok for skins to brown up, you want the Apples to collapse a little it means the insides are becoming hot yummy thick Apple sauce. :)
  • @janeir36 for baked apples depends on cals available that day simplest we wash them use an apple core tool to cut out the column of pips stem etc always leave skins on and bake at 200c in a tray but it's nice to plug the lower hole with dates keeping all the juices inside the Apples or fill hole entirely with date almond…