OBG4 Member


  • Down another 2 this week.
  • Lost 2 this week. Back on track baby!!
  • Unfortunatly I haven't lost any weight this year. I have maintained since the first of the year. I can blame it on the long days for no exercise, busy schedule so not eating better but I'm not gonna do that. Told myself this morning I don't care about excuses. So what if I had to get up at 3:30 this morning to exercise…
  • Count me in.
  • Well I hate to dampen the party, but I gained 1.4. Not sure how or why but thats the past, here's to this weeks loss :explode:
  • Same thing has happened to me. The scale goes down this week up last week etc but pretty much staying within the same 5 lbs, but when people say "hey your losing weight" its like a little boost to keep you going. I'm thinking, hey maybe something is happening, and it helps me get up early and work out again, maybe all this…
  • Ok, stop pushing, I burned my 1000 yesterday. Geez if I really wanted to lose weight I would join oh I don't know myfitnesspal.com and get in a group.......wait, nevermind. :laugh: Congrats to everybody so far, lets keep up the great work.
  • Happy Friday. Its my wife's birthday so my girls and i are going to take her out tonite and tomorrow we are having her birthday dinner at her parents house. I hope and pray I can keep my eating under control. I am just excited its the weekend!!!!
    in FAB FRIDAY Comment by OBG4 January 2013
  • Good morning everyone. SW-260.2 Goal -200 To lose-60.2 (pretty sure I can tackle the .2) I have challenged myself to work out in the mornings before work, that means getting up at 4:30 everyday. So far this year, I am 4 for 4 on getting up. Today I almost hit the snooze but I got up, worked out, and feeling great about it!!
  • My 2013 begin weight.....260.2....Yikes.