chocolateblueberry Member


  • I blog about my (mostly) paleo diet, loads of meal ideas of you want to check it out! Once you get started on a few things I find you just get more and more ideas!
  • I've lost 70 pounds over the past three years, but I've only been eating paleo for about six months. I think it makes healthy options easier as the option going for something unhealhy is taken away from you!
  • I love the 30 Day Shred! I don't do it every day though, I'm not hardcore enough! I do it 2-3 times a week to supplement running, however I am considering taking up the challenge of doing it every day for a month...
  • I say keep away from the low fat variety- its yucky, but the full fat, for a an extra 30 cals maybe, is super creamy! I sometimes use the low cal version in cooking, such as instead of a white sauce in a lasagna!
  • Thank you for the replies everyone! Yup a stone is 14 pounds, so all together I've lost 31 pounds. Woop! Is there a notification system to let me know when people have replies to my comments? I remembered that I wrote this the other day and came looking for it, I didn't expect to see replies :D