

  • As a couple people have said already-reverse crunches. they are easier than regular crunches and work the muscles better IF you do them right. Also, anything that gets the obliques, such as bicycles.
  • Value on my life is debatable (I'm one of those people that never thinks they've done enough in life), but I do acknowledge the value my wife and children place on my life. And yes I feel worthy of love. I work hard to provide for my family and they love me more than I could ever hope for. I don't think the perception of…
  • I definitely don't, that's why I'm trying to do things differently this time instead of falling into what I did 15 or so years ago. I'm not doing anything near as extreme now as I did then but it sounds like I might still be pushing it a bit, which was my wife's concern and why I thought I'd come here and ask. Sometimes…
  • I got chubby and slow. After years of working desk jobs and getting caught up in raising kids and whatnot I just let myself go. One day I woke up and realized I had a pot belly going on and decided it was time to get in better shape. I've lost the weight I set out to lose so it sounds like I need to make adjustments to get…
  • Thanks for the feedback guys. This is why I asked. I know I'm not a good judge of what my body actually looks like, and while I appreciate my wife's concern she's not exactly impartial. Maybe I should adjust my MFP settings. It is still set to weight loss rather than maintenance, and it is set to sedentary, though I don't…
  • I find myself with the night hungries as well, usually craving sugar because my daytime foods don't have much unless its from fruit, and I usually pig out on cereal or chocolate after 8 pm. MFP sent out an email a few weeks ago with some recipes in it, one was for tuna salad with avocado instead of mayo. I've been trying…
  • sandwich thins. Fewer calories, whole grains, and they don't overpower a sandwich with too much bread. Not as good on egg salad or pulled pork though because you really need a regular bread to soak up the juices.
  • I think most people with a normal daytime schedule get that hunger around 3pm. You should eat something more filling earlier in the day to keep that hunger at a minimum, and do not go crazy snacking. A little will go along way if the rest of your diet is adequate. I usually go for fruit, almonds, or a protein bar for that…
  • I'm trying to get down from 155 or so to 135 at 2 pounds a week and MFP targeted me at 1200 a day. I work out everyday. I try to do 3 miles on the stationary bike at least 3 times a week, and most days I do a set of 300 various crunches and 3 sets of 40 pushups. I don't track steps or anything like that. I've hit my goal…
  • I don't do much for breakfast. I usually do a large piece of fruit, or a hard boiled egg, maybe a glass of milk, or on a day where I feel like splurging I may go for a egg white delite at McDonalds, and follow up with a piece of baked chicken around brunch time. I find it hard to get my hunger going in the morning, even if…