santanna935 Member


  • I know at some colleges they have trainers that work with people at the gym. You could possibly ask one if they would be willing to look over your plan and offer suggestions. From what I read about your plan, it looks to be a very good one. :) Congrats btw on reaching ur first goal weight and being chosen! That's awesome!
  • I have been in your shoes and have to warn you, it will backfire. In high school I was really overweight, did Atkins and lost 60-70lbs. I became a vegetarian for 2 years and a runner and got thin and muscular. Im 5'10 and weighed about 160lbs when I was 21-22. I kept comparing myself with people who were thinner than me…
  • Thanks for the reply lolly, I can't even imagine the boys as teens lol I just want to stay little babies ( can't wait untill they can hold their own bottles tho ;) I've always been a yo-yo dieter and would take some sort of "magical" weightloss pill, they all only worked short term and I would go back to my bad eating…
  • Very true kimothy, that is something I forget from time. :) I had to change the 1200, I would eat 1000 and be "crap, can't eat anything else!" so bad I know.
  • Thank you for the reply Connie :) I think the pic is one of my favorite of the boys, lol I really caught them in the moment. I really like your approach to getting healthy, it would suit me just fine. Lol I have a pretty craptacular scale, just by moving it to different locations on my floor it changes by 3lbs... Lol I…
  • When I was doing the 30 day shred I measured every 10 days, I defiantly saw changes. The scale was slow moving tho and when I stopped at @ 20 days my feet hurt really bad for two weeks after. Wear shoes with good support I really wish I would have.
  • Do what's right and feels right for you. We each have what we are capable of and there is no shame to that. 26 lbs lost is awesome, kudos to you! Do you have Netflix? If so I know they have a YouTube app on there with short workouts if that helps. I wish you the best of luck!
  • This is what I do! I have 4month old twins who are on opposite schedules, but once they both go down for a nap I do the 30DS. I'm home with them all day while daddy works and I don't have friends and family to help either. So far tho the 30DS is paying off :)
  • I'm on day 16 and I luv the workout! I made sure to measure myself and have lost 3 inches and 10lbs! Level 2 is kicking my butt (lots of planks!) but in 4 more days I'm going to do the measurements again... Lol is it goofy that I'm excited?
  • Stinkerbelle I'm already loving it here! Such a great and supportive site! Thanks for adding me:)
  • Thanks rcolours! So much great advice! Lol I'm a little guilty of not taking a nap when the boys do and my bf reminds me nearly I should know better. I had no idea about the 30 day shred... No wonder the weight isn't coming off a little easier! The walk in the evening is something I really should do, my poor…
  • Thanks mommiered, I do tend to get a little hard myself but I'm working on changing that. I feel confident that if I stick with this (too stubborn to quit ;) I will get where I wanna be in no time! :)
  • Thanks myosha! Your right smaller goals instead of my huge daunting goal is a better idea, lol I guess I'm getting a little ahead of myself! I wish you the best of luck with your endeavors too :)
  • Thanks philyphresh, lol I only made it to a 7 1/2 month eating binge my twins came a little early. As for a workout plan I'm on my 15 day of Jillian micheal's 30 day shred which has helped me build strength (in the beginning I couldn't do 1 pushup!) As for support, definitely my boyfriend is very supportive as well as my…
  • I'm 26 want to lose 50 also.
  • I've been doing the shred for 15 days and man it's kicking my butt! So far dropped 3inches and 10 lbs! Level 2 is so hard for me but I'm making it through the workout. I wish I knew how many calories I was burning tho (need a gadget) I have quite a bit of weight to lose but I'm starting to see definition in my arms!