Hey new here

Im at a point now in my life where I want to lose weight! I'm 4 months post partum and hate to admit that I completely splurged throughout my pregnancy... Which resulted in this extra 50 lbs :/ I've been at this for 15 days now but seem to hit a plateau, the weight is fluctuating between 206-207. Even though it's frustrating I'm still pushing through it! Wish me luck :)


  • PhilyPhresh
    PhilyPhresh Posts: 600 Member
    Best of luck! I know it can be difficult to lose weight, especially after birthing a child and having been on a 9 month long eating binge... glad you are working on changing that though! Do you currently have a workout plan, network of support, dietary plan...etc?
  • Myosha86
    Myosha86 Posts: 46
    Hi Santanna, I'm new to MFP and just wanted to introduce myself and wish you the best of luck. Congrats on your new baby and your journey to healthy. I find it very hard as well but I try to set small goals for myself instead of saying I'm want to lose 50lbs I say I want to lose 5 pounds then keep it moving from there.. Set small goals to achieve your ultimate weight lose goal. Again I wish you the best of luck :)
  • santanna935
    santanna935 Posts: 18 Member
    Thanks philyphresh, lol I only made it to a 7 1/2 month eating binge my twins came a little early. As for a workout plan I'm on my 15 day of Jillian micheal's 30 day shred which has helped me build strength (in the beginning I couldn't do 1 pushup!) As for support, definitely my boyfriend is very supportive as well as my family. My dietary plan leaves something to be desired. I try eating really healthy but limit myself to lean cuisine pizzas and sandwiches....I really need to learn how to cook healthy! I am all ears for any advice you can give me and congrats on your 43lbs lost! Wow!
  • santanna935
    santanna935 Posts: 18 Member
    Thanks myosha! Your right smaller goals instead of my huge daunting goal is a better idea, lol I guess I'm getting a little ahead of myself! I wish you the best of luck with your endeavors too :)
  • Feisty_Red
    Feisty_Red Posts: 982 Member
    every pound you lose is an accomplishment.. remember that :) Good luck..and you can do it! Don't beat yourself up for slipping(we all do) just pick back up and start the next day fresh!!
  • Stinkerbelle84
    Just keep on working at it! You will love it here =)
  • angfin
    angfin Posts: 6 Member
    Just do what you're doing and don't give up and you will be successful.
  • rcolours7
    congrats on ur babies :-)

    a few things- in making the small goals w/ur food - make them easy. like - adding more fruit to 1 meal at a time.

    also, exercise for @ 30 mins. each day in the a.m. while the kids are taking their morning nap. this leaves u some time to get other quick household chores done / laundry in & rotated. (guessing the kids are sleeping for @ 1+ for each nap)

    afternoons - nap when they nap

    evenings - after dinner - go for a walk in the park, around the block etc.

    most of ur weight should come off pretty quickly. i gained 50 lbs w/my 2 pregnancies.

    doing the 30-day shred - it is more about losing inches & building muscle than losing weight.

    feel free to add me as a friend too.

    have a fun w/this journey and enjoy ur little ones.
  • santanna935
    santanna935 Posts: 18 Member
    Thanks mommiered, I do tend to get a little hard myself but I'm working on changing that. I feel confident that if I stick with this (too stubborn to quit ;) I will get where I wanna be in no time! :)
  • guppy1697
    guppy1697 Posts: 148 Member
    Good Luck! Keep up the good work!
  • santanna935
    santanna935 Posts: 18 Member
    Thanks rcolours! So much great advice! Lol I'm a little guilty of not taking a nap when the boys do and my bf reminds me nearly everyday...so I should know better. I had no idea about the 30 day shred... No wonder the weight isn't coming off a little easier! The walk in the evening is something I really should do, my poor great Dane needs a little mommy time. I really do appreciate all the info! Thank you :)
  • santanna935
    santanna935 Posts: 18 Member
    Stinkerbelle I'm already loving it here! Such a great and supportive site! Thanks for adding me:)