pascaljoly Member


  • Insanity day 19 - Cardio power and resistance done! I felt good today although I am plateauing on the push ups which is starting to annoy me. but it doesn't mean I am going to give up, no way! I did burn more cals than normal for this program so i do think I have been pushing a bit more as I was consciously trying to focus…
  • Insanity day 18- cardio recovery - Boy did I enjoy that... - I started with doing 3kms on the rowing machine to warm up at moderate pace - I followed the session with weights, and 6 sets of the following sequence: pull-ups (alternating pull-up for one set and chin-up the following set) / dips / push ups; the numbers went…
  • Arghhh, no, it was day 17!!! Man I wish I had a brain sometimes
  • By the way, the above was Insanity Day 18 - Pure cardio & cardio abs
  • another session done; I felt better than yesterday, thank God! I burned around 600cals in an hour (2 sessions in a row remember). I do struggle with the abs as they hurt my lower back so I have to take breaks but overall, that's fine. I intend on doing other core exercises at the gym a couple of times a week on top of that…
  • Thanks Jurgen! I am maintaining my weight by consuming around 2,400 calories at the moment so I will keep doing it and see how it goes. apparently, in the first few weeks it's hard to see any changes since your body retains water in order to protect your muscles and once it gets used to it, it releases it and the weight…
  • @ dcaschetta; thanks for the comment; I do feel like it's helping and I always welcome comments/advice as one can always learn something. I love insanity to be honest, it's the first time I do it but I think it's brilliant. How can you sweat that much and feel great about it? probably cos we're insane, right? I think you…
  • Insanity Day 16 - Plyo, Done! OMG it was hard today for some reason. maybe it's because I've had 2 bad nights in a row but from the beginning I was like, man that's gonna be a long session! but I did it and am glad I did; after I went to do some weights, pull ups/chin ups, dips and push ups. Now I really feel like I need…
  • Hi, sorry, not sure what your first name is! Anyway, I am on day 15 today (which means I had my second fit test). I started just a few days before you so you should have yours shortly. below are my results as I posted them on the message boards. Insanity day 15: fit test ok, so I have improved on the 7 first exercises and…
  • Any suggestion re the amount of calories you guys are consuming? I am still unsure as to whether I am doing it right. I mean I do try to stick to the macros as per the Insanity diet plan (40% protein, 40% carbs and 20% fat) and obviously these have to come from healthy food so I am ok on this one. but, if I followed the…
  • Insanity day 15: fit test ok, so I have improved on the 7 first exercises and maintained the same level on the last; this is a better improvement than I anticipated as I didn't think I'd improve at all or certainly not by this much. so here are the results (in brackets are my previous results for each exercise): Switch…
  • Insanity Day 13: did it on Saturday; felt good although I was looking forward to my rest day afterwards; my stomach is still not great, I don't know why; I wonder if this is this new healthy diet that my body is trying to get used to.
  • Insanity day 12 - cardio power and resistance: Done :-) I felt better that I thought I would considering I felt slightly sick last night and completely drained. come to think of it , I did eat something that tasted funny a couple days ago and let's just say I spent quite some time in the bathroom yesterday so maybe that…
  • Hi all, I started insanity last week and am on day 10; I have increased my calories intake in order to match the insanity requirements as I want to maintain my current weight. my weight seems to stay the same so far and so are my measurements. I guess it's too soon to tell the difference but since nothing has changed at…
  • Insanity Day 10 - Plyo: Done! I added the usual 10 min rowing plus a few squats and lunges as a warm up; after the session, I did some weights plus some assisted pull ups (can't do them on their own right now, not enough strength) and some assisted dips; I am now pretty tired. Very much looking forward to the recovery…
  • day 8: cardio power and resistance; done! I felt good after my rest day yesterday; started with 10min rowing to warm up then did the squats and lunges that you do during recovery day and then dived into the session; I burned 490 calories in the session itself; afterwards, I did some weights; overall I burned 750 calories;…
  • Day 7 - rest day; much needed; sometimes you don't realize how much you need something until you get it; these little pleasures in life :)
  • Day 6 - did it on Saturday; it felt good so I added the cardio abs in the end even if it was not part of the program for the day (although I skipped the warm up in this session as I obviously was warm enough...) and I finished with extra push ups (70). Yesterday was a rest day and a cheat day in the evening re my diet as I…
  • also, what can be better than my wife telling me that I look good! love her!
  • tomorrow is plyo! I am going to need it as I am taking my 5 year old daughter on a "date" for her birthday; she wants to go to crazy tykes (soft play area) and to the restaurant; and I am not eating a salad when I go to the restaurant; will probably have a meat calzone (folded pizza) with a cheesecake or apple tart for…
  • ok- Day 5 - pure cardio done :) I found it difficult through the warm up for some reason and I thought "Man it's gonna be a long one...". But then I remembered those videos where I saw these people like me, digging deep, and listening to ShaunT and it gave me a boost. At some point, I did get better throughout the session…
  • Day 3 - I felt very stiff when I woke up this morning; I also put some ice (well, a bag of frozen vegetables...) of my left thigh last night as I can still feel a little something. this morning I felt good during the session. I burned 490 calories and I did a few weights after the session for the shoulders and the biceps,…
  • sorry, made a few mistakes in the above post so here it is corrected for most of them... day 2 - plyometrics: that went well, I burned 535 calories; my legs are tired now and a bit stiff. I really don't want to get injured so I hope it's just normal pain and not a strain or something like that. I think I need to up my…
  • day 2 - plyometrics: that went well, I burned 535 calories; my legs are tired now and a bit stiff. I really don't want to get injured so I hope it's just normal pain and not a strain or something like that. I think I need to up my calories intake. I thought I would do better on the push ups. I mean I kept with ShaunT but…
  • hi, I will be starting insanity next month after coming back from travelling for work. I have been on a diet and have lost 4kgs in 7weeks and want to lose 5kgs so nearly there. Having said that, this week, my weight hasn't changed so far but my percentage of body fat has dropped by 1% so that's even better. As for my diet,…
  • Hi, I have just received the DVD for insanity and also live in the UK (Leeds). I have entered info about my profile if you're interested. I won't start until mid-October since I will be travelling for work from mid-September until then and I want to be able to dedicate myself to it with no excuses so delaying is the best…
  • Hi, could anyone help me with ideas? I mean, I am always pretty low on fat so have to add olive oil and eat nuts to compensate but with all the fruit that I eat I always end up being to high on carbs. I'm ok, calories wise but too many carbs. I am also drinking whey protein shakes (1 a day but will have to go to 2 a day…
  • Hi, I am new at this too; anyway, you don't need to read tons of books, all you need to understand is these basic principles: 1 pound of fat = 3,500 calories it means that you need to create a calorie deficit of 3,500 over a period of time. That's what I did and have been losing 1 pound per week (3kgs so far). I have now…