

  • I totally understand the non-supportive family deal. My family is continually super shocked that I keep losing weight and refer to it as my "diet" (which indicates that it will end at some point) and while they love that I'm doing it and compliment me on how I look, they also assume TONS of stuff and tell me that I'm…
  • You look amazing! Great job!
  • Great article MaggieMay! Thanks, Kitsune for introducing me to the concept of "skinny fat". I always knew it existed, but never knew it had a name! =)
  • They featured the abuse animals by Perdue and Tyson (and many other companies) in Food Inc. and since then I've never eaten anything they produce and my boyfriend went full vegetarian. It's horrifying what humans think they can do just because they're human and they are capable.
  • THANK YOU! Yes. So many people act like I'm an elitist depriving myself of life because I'm not indulging every time my stomach growls. - My best advice is to look at the big picture. Check out some before/after forums on MFP and see how long it takes to really get where you want to get. You didn't gain it overnight, so…
  • I'm in! 9/5 is two days before my birthday and if I plan to have a party (for the first time in...EVER) it'll be a great goal to work toward looking good and treating myself to some things I enjoy after a big, 3 month milestone! Posting on Monday!
  • Getting a small filet is actually not that bad on calories, so long as it isn't smothered cheese or other creamy delicious sauce. =) Get some veggies on the side and lush up on the water and it won't be so bad. Enjoy it!
  • My two pups...these pics are from when they were younger, but they are still equally cute now. They are Mini Pinscher-Shihtzu boyfriend likes to call them Shiht-Pinschers. :laugh:
  • Well, it's the basic concept of PNF, but I stretch alone so it's not reallly PNF. I also do it every day (sometimes 2x) which isn't PNF at all. However, it feels like no matter what I do I'm never gonna get my center split/straddle. That's something I've never been able to achieve EVER....grrr....
  • I'm 5'10 and have probably been so since I was about 11 years old (that was a fun time). I've learned to accept some things that come with being tall, but I still think it's incredibly frustrating that I've lost 10lbs and no one noticed at all (and I'm pretty sure if I told my family they'd say "Really?? Doesn't look like…
  • I'm a color guard director and can tell you first hand that no such docking of points would EVER take place. I think it's terrible that your instructor would tell you that to get you wear a girdle under the uniform. I also had guard instructors that would tell me they thought my butt was getting bigger, etc. Wish I could…
  • I hate being fat because: - Obesity runs in the family and it makes me feel like a victim when I give in - Diabetes runs in the family and I'm really low-maintenance and I'd like to stay that way - I feel like I smell worse - of the way it makes me feel when I sit "indian style" and the hip/butt cellulite rides up and…
  • I started weighing myself everyday and it worked until the 2nd week. I've decided never two days in a row. Most of the time I can see success every other day and sometimes I forget and then it's a really nice surprise when I remember a few days later and saw a huge jump down (most of the time anyways...). =)
  • You can DEFINITELY see it in your face! Great job! Keep up the awesome work! 40lbs! Woot!
  • Well, I've been living with my boyfriend's mom for two years and she eats TERRIBLY. She has the worst stuff on hand allll the time (like literally THIRTY boxes of girl scout cookies right next to the garage freezer where I keep all my frozen healthy stuff). It's understood that I COULD eat her food if I really wanted to,…
  • Used to hate tomatoes now I eat them like candy. I HATE: - brussel sprouts - SQUASH - spinach (unless it's in a salad or pie or something) - CABBAGE....barf
  • In the beginning it was about finding the core of why we were choosing these places to eat. In the end we realized it was because it was 1) cheap and 2) reallllllly convenient. The drive-thru made it entirely to simple to get fat at 3am when we usually were done with work and school. Since our lives still involve working…
  • Top 3 would be: 1) The too too cute body of Lea Michele. [ img ] [ /img ] 2) Growing up I always but to be Holly Hunter; <a href="">mind and body</a>. 3) And the…