The fruits/veggies you DISLIKE

FitJoani Posts: 2,173 Member
edited September 27 in Chit-Chat
For me its grapes. I do like the green grapes but regular red grapes...just not a fan. I do LOVE the rest though
How bout you guys???:bigsmile:


  • wheelieblade
    wheelieblade Posts: 323
    don't like red grapes, coconut, pineapple, brussels, cauliflower, parsnips, swede, leek
  • Bardot86
    Bardot86 Posts: 15
    swede...Sprouts, and Pak Choi! x
  • theladebug
    theladebug Posts: 54 Member
    Brussel sprout gag. Those are AWFUL. I also hate olives and sweet pickles but I dunno if those count.
  • FaithandFitness
    FaithandFitness Posts: 653 Member
    rhubarb . . . don't like rhubarb
  • ambie35
    ambie35 Posts: 853 Member
    Im also not a fan on red grapes.
    Don't like watercress or water chestnuts or whatever those little white disks that come in the frozen chinese vegetable mixes are called.
    Don't really like celery,I can tolerate it with peanut butter on top.
    I HATE cucumbers.

    I hated bananas my whole life until about 3 months ago,and now I can't get enough.
  • InstantSunshine
    InstantSunshine Posts: 355 Member
    Gherkins, as found lurking in the depths of a burger king. Not that I eat burger kings any more of course! Ahem.

    Chilli peppers and all their derivatives. Rank! :sick:
  • i do not like any of the beans! peas, pinto beans, black beans, lima beans, lentels! gross! i'm not a big fan of onions and i don't like brussel sprouts! papaya makes me sick! i can't stand the smell! blah!! for now, that's all i can think of :D
  • ShellyMacchi
    ShellyMacchi Posts: 975 Member
    fruit: any kind of melon... dislike them all

    veg: green or yellow beans, also cucumbers
  • jrueckert
    jrueckert Posts: 355 Member
    green beans...bleh!!
  • Fesse
    Fesse Posts: 611
    Brussel Sprout ..... yuck! *shudders*
  • destinyag
    destinyag Posts: 26
    Used to hate tomatoes now I eat them like candy.

    I HATE:

    - brussel sprouts
    - SQUASH
    - spinach (unless it's in a salad or pie or something)
    - CABBAGE....barf
  • catcrazy
    catcrazy Posts: 1,740 Member
    won't touch....

    Brussels sprouts
    Broad beans

    Not keen on but will eat...

    Carrots (prefer them raw)
    all fruit apart from pineapple, watermelon and grapefruit
  • JaycrazyRose
    JaycrazyRose Posts: 104 Member
    There are too many things that I dislike to really be able to post.... LOL. :bigsmile:
  • hail87666
    hail87666 Posts: 176 Member
    Gherkins, as found lurking in the depths of a burger king. Not that I eat burger kings any more of course! Ahem.

    Chilli peppers and all their derivatives. Rank! :sick:

    Noooooo gotta love the chillis, I put them in everything! well, not quite but you know.
    I either love or hate food, and if I don't like it, can't even put it in my mouth without gagging .....sprouts, cauliflour, pineable, coconut, aubergine but my biggest hate of them all ....watermelon gag gag gag!
  • JillyCornwall
    JillyCornwall Posts: 376 Member
    greens, yuk, rhubarb.....will eat most other things...but don't really love veggies
  • BigBeaver
    BigBeaver Posts: 858 Member
    Fruits and Veggies are the business--really can't say there are any I don't like, use to love steamed brussel sprouts as a kid with some vinegar--haven't had em in years--so yeah I like em all.
  • perrytyra
    perrytyra Posts: 357 Member
    I don't care for lima beans, unless they are drowning in butter. They are too dry tasting.
    Brussel sprouts, I can eat the outside leaves(especially in butter) but the insides are nasty.
    I don't like celery, I can tolerate it with cream cheese, but I see no need to eat it. Cooked, it is very gross.
    Some things I just can't bring myself to try, like rutabega, or turnips.
    I remember trying rhubarb when I was a kid and not liking it.
    Papaya is yucky, and so is Mango. Though, I can drink the Mango smoothies at Target.
    Kiwis are alright, but I usually can get myself to eat one. I geuss it is hard to get one that is not to ripe or too sour.
    Red Delicious apples. Bleh! Tasteless. I like the apples that are a mix of tart and sweet. Like MacIntosh.

    I think I like just about everything else. Canned beets wouldn't be half bad if they didn't taste like dirt.
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    Artichokes. They smell like armpits, so I don't much want to taste them.
  • Diannerv
    Diannerv Posts: 195
    The only fruit I dont like is citrus... oranges, grapefruit, yuck. I will eat almost any veggie if its raw, except green beans and asparagus. I like those cooked.
  • RiaLucia
    RiaLucia Posts: 121
    I'm chuckling at all the brussel sprouts responses. I hated them too...up until about a year ago when I discovered the joys of brussel sprouts steamed and then cooked in olive oil and balsamic vinegar with toasted walnuts and kosher salt. Yum. Most people don't know how to prepare them, and as a result you end up with nasty, bitter veggies that you desperately drown in butter to mask the taste. I know--that's how my mom tried to do 'em and it was awful!

    Anyway, my one and only answer is this: grapefruit. It saddens me. I want to like it, but that aftertaste comes back and punches me in the mouth every time. Yechhhhh.
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