Why do you hate being fat?

What motivated you? Why do you hate being fat?
•I hate feeling like everyone is staring at me when I'm out
•I hate feeling masculin and bigger than everyone else
•I hate being known as the person who will always eat the left overs
•I hate always seeing back rolls in all of my clothes
•I hate my double chin
•I hate feeling like ill squish my husband if I sit on his lap lol

Now, how about you?!


  • jw17695
    jw17695 Posts: 438 Member
    Why I hate being fat...

    * It is way too hot to be fat in the summer of Texas
    * My sister is fit & she is a life guard
    * I want to be able to complete a 100 mile bike race.
    * I wonder if anyone else notices how big my hips are when I walk past them.
  • makeachange22
    makeachange22 Posts: 151
    people staring at me,
    not finding clothes that fit
    being unhealthy
    being called fat when i wear shorts around people ive never met
    being with my really skinny friends and having the guys hit on her because they are big breasted, and perfect bodies
  • MemphisGirl75
    MemphisGirl75 Posts: 80 Member
    Great topic!

    1. It's too hot to be this big in the South in the summer.\
    2. Tired of being the biggest of all my cousins (I'm an only child, so they are the closest thing I have to siblings)
    3. My dad died at 54 of heart disease and diabetes complications, and I don't want to follow in his footsteps.
    4. I hate being the fattest mommy at church and/or our homeschool group gatherings.
    5. I'm tired of being the happy fat friend that I was in college and still am to this day.
    6. I don't want my son to be embarrased to bring someone home to meet me.

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
  • marchegt
    marchegt Posts: 156 Member
    I hate being fat because:

    - it makes me cry when I look in the mirror
    - it makes me cry when i workout (doing crunches are the worst.. watching the belly fat pool together...)
    - it makes me feel like my boyfriend is too good for me (fitness freak, soon-to-be cop)
    - it makes me not want to work out because i feel like its hopeless
    - my best friend called me voluptuous in high school and i realized that it basically meant not thin...6 years later and the comment has stayed with me.
  • cmo115
    cmo115 Posts: 73 Member
    *i was always the fat kid*
    *I am already tall.....being fat and tall his not a good combo...it makes me feel like a man*
    *I can't enjoy shopping*
    *i hate untagging myself on facebook*
    *the fact that people think I have let myself go in college*
  • angeljamin
    angeljamin Posts: 234 Member
    I hate the way I look in pictures! I don't feel as fat as I look.
    I hated feeling out of breath after playing with my kids for 5 minutes! This has improved so much in just a month of exercise at the gym.
    I hate feeling embarrassed when I order food in front of certain people!

    My biggest motivator-Realizing that I wasn't in any of the pictures of my daughter for her first 7 months of life. I was always saying don't get me in the shot, and well, nobody did.
  • MrsBees
    MrsBees Posts: 3
    * How clothing fits on me
    * How unhealthy and unfit I am
    * How warm I am all the time
    * Being glossed over when around my skinny friends. Sure I'm taken, but it's still depressing.
    * Scared to lie on my boyfriend for any reason, despite him saying I'm OK.
    * Stretch marks that resemble a fight with a honey badger
    * How mortifying when my shirt gets caught in the folds when I sit.
    * Just not feeling good about myself in general
    * Knowing I'm far prettier thin.
  • arodriguez2
    arodriguez2 Posts: 218 Member
    - I HATE feeling like the "cute chubby" friend (all my friends are skinny)
    - I hate going anywhere with my two nieces (who are 6 yrs and 10 yrs younger than me) and are size 3 and size 5. THe 22 yr old has TWO KIDS and looks AMAZING.
    - I hate trying on clothes and knowing they would be so cute if I were just skinny
    -I hate trying to suck in my stomach ALL the time!
    ** untagging myself in fb pics---yup!
    I have a ton of other reasons lol
  • MrsVagus
    MrsVagus Posts: 82
    Makeachange-- I LOVE Your profile pic! I highly recommend the book Women, Food, and God to anyone that hasn't read it.

    I hate being fat because my jiggly jello tummy, arms, and legs are so gross!
    I hate being fat because my hubby is now skinny-- I cannot be the fat wife- Jack Sprat and all that...
    I hate being fat because I feel like people judge me. Actually I know they judge me because I'm fat. Lazy, out of control, bad mom....etc. etc.
    And I do not want to be a bad role model for my daughter. She is so perfect and beautiful. I cannot let my bad habits and self-loathing rub off on her!
    No more- I am going to start treating my body how it (I) deserve to be treated.
  • JD92
    JD92 Posts: 253 Member
    I hate being fat because I feel so unattractive and so certain that no guy will ever look twice at me. I'm sick of being lonely.
  • callymac66
    callymac66 Posts: 20
    I hate being the only fat one in the family
    I hate the fact that I won't let my partner see me with the light on
    I hate the fact that my kids think this is ok
    I hate the fact that I hate getting my photo taken
    I hate that people think your stupid and lazy because you're overweight
  • blueillusion3
    blueillusion3 Posts: 151 Member
    -i hate not being able to shop at the trendy stores.
    -i hate seeing my back rolls in EVERYTHING i wear.
    -i hate being nervous about travelling b/c i might be squishing someone.
    -i hate feeling like people are looking at me because i'm fat.
    -i hate not being able to wear a bathing suit comfortably.
    -i hate pretending i'm happy being fat.
    -i hate being the fat girl in my circle of friends!
  • adrianamezam
    Why I hate being fat...

    * It is way too hot to be fat in the summer of Texas

    ain't that the truth!

    *i'm tired of feeling the rolls in my tummy when i sit
    *i hate seeing the double chin in pictures
    *i don't want to rip the lining of anymore of my suit jackets :'( ...i keep telling myself that happened because the blazer was old...
    * i'm tired of my big fat jiggley arms...
    *i can't be this big for my brother's wedding
    *i'm NOT going to do the non-competitive walk for this year's race for the cure! 5K, HERE I COME!!!
  • ladybg81
    ladybg81 Posts: 1,553 Member
    Pure and simple answer. Vanity. I hated my self before. Nothing fit right, I always felt like a slug, I hated everything.

    NOW, I look and feel amazing. I get disappointed when I go a week without having any compliments about how I look. Shopping (shich I love to do) is much more fun now. I used to go around and pick out a bunch of stuff to try on, get in the dressing room, see myself, and leave because no amount of clothes was going to make me love myself again. I had to lose the weight. And I did. And I am HOT once again! :bigsmile:
  • tanyaMax
    tanyaMax Posts: 524 Member
    Lets see here... I hate being fat because....

    *I hate having to settle my personal style for clothes that just fit
    *I hate not being able to be naked with my husband and trying new things in bed
    *I hate having to wear a cardigan durring summer (so that i may feel comfortable)
    *I hat not being able to wear just a swimsuit to swim in
    *I hate that this is a major risk in TTC (trying to concieve)
    *I hate that i cant wear freakin doc martins anymore :(:(:( cause they dont lace shut around my massive fat calves

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Weight Loss Tools

    Heaviest weight: 278
    weight started on MFP: 240 (i think)
    current weight: 220
  • TheKitsune6
    TheKitsune6 Posts: 5,798 Member
    -I hate not recognizing myself in the mirror or in photos
    -I hate not being able to go shopping without feeling depressed that nothing looks flattering and then just buying the thing that covers up the most
    -I hate feeling guilty whenever I eat
    -I hate that when I visit my folks my mother remarks about how big I've gotten
    -I hate that my sister and father have successfully lost weight and kept it off and I haven't
    -I hate being the only girl on the speech and debate team that is not hit on constantly.
  • tlcAK
    tlcAK Posts: 671 Member
    I hate being bigger than my husband
    I hate not feeling confortable in clothing that I think is super cute
    I hate not being able to do the things I use to do sports wise
    I hate feeling guilty when I eat more than my husbad
    I hate being the only one of my friends who is not healthy enough to do some sort of even (5K, swimming, biking, martial arts etc.)
    ...... There's more I know it I just can't think at the moment!
  • pauo_cj
    pauo_cj Posts: 1
    i hate that i don't feel comfortable wearing some of the clothes that i want to wear
    i hate the feeling when my boyfriend lifts me up and i feel like the heaviest person in the world
    i hate when i walk with my friends and everyone are thinner than me
  • RiaLucia
    RiaLucia Posts: 121
    *Back fat
    *A tummy that stops shimmying long after the rest of me does when I bellydance (see also: why I am very limited in costume choices)
    *Feeling like a behemoth next to my friends
    *Not being able to run very fast for very long because it stresses my shins and joints
  • destinyag
    destinyag Posts: 26
    I hate being fat because:

    - my best friend called me voluptuous in high school and i realized that it basically meant not thin...6 years later and the comment has stayed with me.

    I hate being fat because:

    - Obesity runs in the family and it makes me feel like a victim when I give in
    - Diabetes runs in the family and I'm really low-maintenance and I'd like to stay that way
    - I feel like I smell worse
    - of the way it makes me feel when I sit "indian style" and the hip/butt cellulite rides up and presses down on the floor...barf
    - I teach high school kids and preach about the advantages of eating healthy and exercising, but up until a few weeks ago was a complete hypocrite
    - it's made me feel so uncomfortable to be intimate with my boyfriend that we rarely, if ever, have sex (TMI?)
    - When I was in high school my best friends, who were twins that both wore 00 (no joke) said I'd be a really great plus-size model (they thought they were being really nice). I was about 5'10 and 140 lbs at the time. It has stuck with me forever and now I know it was a complete sham. I was as fit and beautiful as I'll ever be, but I let the comment get to me, anyways.