I did ww a number of years ago, before they made all the changes. At that time, I liked the fact that I didn't have to count calories, but rather, tracked points. I was able to lose all my weight, even got to maintenance, but then, I gained much of it back. I think for me, I was so focused on points that I didn't make a…
Exercise is not required lose weight, but if your overall goal is to get healthier, then it is an important component. There are times when we need to rest our bodies and that is okay. However, if you are doing it because just don't want to, that could be a different story. I try to work out /exercise 5 days a week.
The only thought I have is your activity level set accurately? I thought I was light activity,until I actually read the definition. I had to change to sedentary, which lowered my calorie allotment a bit.
I am the same way, I am better off not having even taste or the flood gates open. I have been known to successfully use some sarcastic humor. When I have said no and they come back with something, I just look at them, ask what part of no they don't understand, and then smile at them. Good luck!
I don't know if you have CVS drug stores in your area but they carry leggings for 6.99. I love them.... they are ultra soft and flattering. I get more compliments on them than my more expensive ones.
Mine is still not working.
I do Pilates, which is helping me to build my core.
Just checked and they are back. Strange.....
Love it. I am in my mid 60's and it is helping me reshape my body and learn to use it correctly. I do a private session once a week, an equipment class once a week and a mat class once a week. Pricey, but well worth it as far as I am concerned.
I know how you feel. Maybe, rather than taking one long wall, you can do a couple of shorter walks. As we get older, movement is so important for us.
I just hit 370 days and I am about 10 pounds from goal weight. I am okay with that as I am in this for the long haul.
It is happening on both my Android app as well as the website.
Your gorgeous eyes just pop out in the second picture.
Same here. My husband and I are both from the Midwest and now live Florida. Our bodies thank us for the move!
Sometimes they can be elevated because of meds you are taking. I am on medication for my lupus and have to have bloodwork done every 60 days to keep an eye on my SGOT.
For me, even though I have lost 25 pounds so far, it doesn't seem that people are noticing except for my face being slimmer. My husband put it into perspective for me.... he said that my shape is the same, just smaller, which is why people probably haven't noticed as much as I thought they would.
Without a support system, it is understandable that you are feeling overwhelmed. You have a lot on your plate right now. Without knowing what your mom's current health issues are, are there any local support groups that you can turn to? Or maybe support through a church? It sounds like your mom is fortunate to have you…
Maybe you aren't eating enough? I started at 1200, but after about 12 pounds, it just seemed that I couldn't lose anymore Once I bumped up to 1300, my body was happier and I started losing again. You have to find what works for you.
This. I am 66 and have gotten pretty serious about dropping pounds and exercising. Doing it slowly but have dropped 25 pounds over 9 months. My legs are more toned than they have been in years. I think some people...... myself included........ give ourselves permission to gain some weight as we get older, but then it hits…
Maybe set a mini goal to not do it for one meal per day or not finish each child's leftovers.
Take her to the doctor. Could be thyroid, low iron, etc. None of us are doctors and we are just making guesses. Please let us know what you find out.
I have finally come to the realization that I can't stop logging, even when I reach goal weight. I need that daily accountability.
Mine was syncing this morning...... then stopped.
Same here.
I use either Luna or Pure Protein bars.
Mine isn't syncing today either. Heading over to the help area.
Monday and Thursday and I log in both days.
Glad to know that I am not the only one who was having these issues.