

  • What is your activity level set to? If it isn't set to sedentary I wouldn't log things like walking. Since your base level is already 1600+ calories a day you may just need to work the logging system better. Either log everything active and lower your base activity level or only log actual work outs. I don't log things…
  • I'm a big fan of Zevia, it's a diet drink with no artificial sweeteners. It uses stevia which is a natural zero calorie sweetener. There are some people who claim it's not good either, but I like it better than aspartame. I'm a super picky eater, but I'm trying to eat better. I google recipes meant for children that hide…
  • Hi! I'm running my first 1/2 marathon at the end of May :)
    in Hi! Comment by Kiwi_09 May 2013
  • I don't like telling people because then I get the "oh, you shouldn't eat that aren't you on a diet?" I count my calories, and I try to eat healthy but I also treat myself once in awhile. Plus I'm training to run a half marathon, meaning some days I need to really eat after running for two hours, so yes, I'm on a diet and…
  • I run outside so I always look at houses and think about what kind of house I'd want to live in.
  • add little exercises into your daily life; take the stairs, park in the furthest parking spot, etc. Remember that you can still eat candy or dessert or whatever it is you like. If you try to cut everything out you'll crave it more. Just make sure you're tracking and allow yourself to have a treat once in awhile!
  • I don't usually measure either but I usually will pick the bigger option over smaller. Especially with drinks, remember how small "one cup" really is. Most actual glasses are closer to 2 cups.
  • I say yes to eating them back. There are lots of opinions out there though. As long as you are recording EVERYTHING and being honest you'll see results. Having a HRM really helps since it's much more accurate. I'd say give it a month with eating back calories and if you don't see anything then maybe try only eating half.…
  • I'm 23, anyone can add me :)
  • You can use it in baking too... I've made bread with it and I've seen recipes to put it in cookies! I've also added it to wraps, you can make it into patties for veggi burgers. It's quite versatile.
  • If your goal is 1640 and you're only eating a little over 1000 then you need to eat more, especially on days you're working out.
  • I think a lot of people on here pay too close attention to the 1200 mark which is hovering pretty low. I eat around 1800 calories a day and I still lose weight. Cutting back on sugars and crap food will make more of a difference than starving yourself.
  • You can try body brushing. I've used the nivea cellulite cream before and it helps but it's one of those things you have to keep using or it comes back.
  • I'm not having the same problems but we have the same goals. I'm trying to get in the best shape I can before I get pregnant. I renewed my birth control last year and it runs out in October, we decided that once it's gone I'm going to stop taking it. Feel free to add me as a friend. I'm trying to eat more healthy since I'm…
  • I use a HRM ... My basic intake is supposed to be 1930 plus after my hour run was 651 so I'm at 2581... I also usually walk or bike to work so if I add that I'm getting even closer to the 3000 mark. I checked my settings and I'm actually set at "light active" and if anything my work is more active then that since I'm a…
  • I take thursdays and saturdays off from running. I bike or walk to work so I'm still getting some kind of exercise but it's less time and lower impact on those days. I haven't been doing any actual weight lifting. I have a yoga DVD that I do to help stretch out which incorporates body weight training... should I be doing…
  • I probably will lose weight.. or at least fat. I'm around 140lbs & 5'9. I don't own a scale and I'm not too concerned about weight loss. The marathon isn't until october and I'm not quite at the whole 20+KM level yet. I ran for an hour today and my suggested intake is already around 3000 so once I start doing even longer…
  • I'm almost always over my sugar limits each day. It's really hard to be under, it seems so low! And I also eat my exercise calories back and I've lost at least 1 lb a week, each week. So, it hasn't affected me too much.
  • I only have about 10lbs left to lose, I was trying to lose 20 in total. I've been doing really well so far. You have to remember that since you only have a little bit of weight to lose it's not just going to fall off the same as someone who has 100lbs to lose to their goal weight. Which can sometimes be discouraging on…
  • I take a multi-vitamin, fish oil and cayenne pepper. I feel most rested as well and also that I don't get as hungry as quickly after meals. I used to get shakey feeling after an hour or two of not eating. That also might be because I'm eating a bit healthier than I was before too.
    in Vitamins Comment by Kiwi_09 July 2011
  • I hate when packages do that. I've had the opposite happen before too. I thought these little bagels I bought were 140cal each but turns out it was for 2, so that was nice.
  • A size 4's gotta be a size 2 though. I've been losing weight and all my size 6's are getting looser except my American eagle jeans are still tight. I'm not sure how I got in to them when I was 10lbs heavier.
  • I'm 5'9 and currently a size 6, trying to get down to a 4. There are pictures of where I'm at on my profile, feel free to look at them. I'm also pear shaped so it's a little harder for me to get down a pant size since that's where most of my weight likes to hang out.
  • I do lots of lunges and squats. It's helping a bit, but inner thighs seem to be the biggest problem to tone. Use heavy weights too, legs can typically take a lot.
  • I take a cayenne pill daily. If you take it you should take it after you eat a decent sized meal. I'm not sure how much it's helped since I take other pills and have been dieting and exercising but I've been losing the expected 1 lb a week I'm targeted to lose. It's supposed to be good for blood flow and metabolism so, I…
  • I love my elliptical. I'd say do both! I have a big butt, but it hasn't made it bigger.
  • It's all about how your body is shaped. I'm 5'9 and weight 143lbs and wear a size 6. So I weight more than this person I quoted and am a smaller size.
  • Is it too late for me to join?
  • And just because you lose weight it doesn't go away. I've had cellulite while being at a size 2. It's not horrible, just on the back of my thighs but I don't think mine will ever completely go away. I found the the nivea cream helps reduce it a bit, but if you stop using it, it becomes more noticeable again.
    in cellulite Comment by Kiwi_09 June 2011
  • As long as you don't eat it every day ;) I added you!