Is there a way to view the ingredients used for each entry? I'm just worried about going with one that has extra stuff in it that this bread doesn't have and paying dearly for the calories where I don't actually have to. Thank you!
Hack is really good!
Watch the movie Thirteen for a little insight.
Know it alls!
Anyone listen to Art Bell?
FYI you are gorgeous. Give yourself the satisfaction and empowerment of loving yourself as a woman and embrace the inherent beauty.
I had an mfp girl crush once but I'm too chicken. There is always a lingering paranoia about if the person is a serial killer or something. Freaky internet!
Oh, that sucks!
Am I the only one slightly irritated that, in general, the 20s crowd doesn't get a lot of credit for weight loss? I'm 22, my metabolism is sucky, I'm tempted by the high calorie foods all around my college buds, sheesh! Is it really that much harder as you age?
5'4 is a strangely specific kink for the OP to have. I wonder if there is some underlying stat, like, more blondes are 5'4 or girls who are 5'4 tend to have a certain bust size. In the interest of discovery of a secret stat, I am 5'4, brunette (too embarrassed to post a pic right now ><).
I just eat whatever on Thanksgiving!
If you have been eating 5 to 10 cans a week and are fine the sodium is probably okay too? I dunno, but, a decent alternative may be tilapia if you can't solve the tuna dilemma - same kind of flavor profile and maybe less sodium. :)
I make separate meals if what I am having isn't appealing.
I know the gluten thing has some criticism surrounding it. I also know this thread is 2, but it is relevant. The same thing happened to me as it did with the OP - ate Taco Bell, joint (ankle) pain. Would gluten intolerance be a feasible, likely culprit in 2014?
Yum! Turkey jerky
Crazy, but, if you post in a few weeks saying that this isn't working and you weighed everything,'ll be the first I believe. :P
I wouldn't say a single bark is "super annoying". OP, don't dwell on it! It happens to me too. Just brush yourself off and do great tomorrow! I try to keep some calorie friendly but super good foods in the house for those moments, like peanut butter cracker packs! For under 200 calories I get comfort that vegetables cannot…
The 100 was decent in a pinch. Grimm and Constantine are awesome and free on!
Oh and AMAZING job!!!!!!
Switch social venues and branch into some cool things to do that are less food oriented!
Yeah, I would estimate. You could try to call the pizza place and ask for the nutritional data. If it isn't available don't panic. If it were me I'd estimate as honest as possible and quick add an extra hundred calories to make up for other hidden ingredients (oil, etc). Enjoy it!
I feel the same! I can only get on track if I don't eat til late on the first day. Second day I am in complete control. Weird, but, hey! Worth a shot :)
I started at 180 with a goal of 120. I'm now 108 shooting for 104. It all changes!
One day I will be strong enough to just say no or control myself. Just starting, I walked by my favorite cereal in the store and really contemplated if I am strong enough yet. I am not, so I didn't buy it. I don't live alone so I just keep myself full or busy so that I am not tempted by things I can't yet handle. Diet Soda…
Oh my gosh, that is high but at least you enjoyed it right? Both replies are very reassuring, thank you! I can do this for my 20lbs I want to lose, but for life seems really excessive and difficult. Happy to hear that it gets easier!
Oooh, me too. Maybe that is why.
I actually lose more weight on my period than any other time. I am good for a 2 pound loss each time it hits, but then again, my appetite vanishes.
TWD, AHS, OitNB, Hemlock Grove, The 4400, BtVS, Angel, but... True Blood was hands down the best. Sadly, that is Amazon Prime. My tastes tend to lean towards horror themes with touches of light heartedness.
I would visit a doctor to determine the severity of the "injury", or if its even an injury at all. Backs are pretty critical to life. Personally, I would wait for the pain to subside, get checked to be safe and maybe join a gym to have guidance on form. Good luck!