sprincess59 Member


  • drink lots of water before your workout, and then you can carry a water bottle with you, or run around a track and leave your water on the side. adding chia seeds to your water helps keep you from getting dehydrated too
  • i read once that brushing your skin helps. http://www.ehow.com/how_4871467_dry-skin-brush-beauty.html http://www.livestrong.com/article/173269-step-by-step-body-brushing/
  • you look great! keep up the good work :)
  • i would definitely recommend massage, and maybe icing your lower back when it starts to hurt
  • i used to get knee pain after my runs but as long as i make sure to stretch and then ice my knees afterwards for at least 10-15 minutes, they usually don't hurt. i've also heard that toning your quads will help with knee pain.
  • i definitely agree with this! it also tends to make your neck muscles very tight and painful: wearing heels throws off your spinal alignment, which inevitably affects you from head to toe. Just be careful about how much you are wearing heels, as it can cause other physical problems.