As stated above, I indirectly track it because I have a fit bit. What I have noticed is I actually walk around the grocery store quite a bit so, it depends on how you shop. I am a run and grab things, forget something, run back and grab it again kind of person so I spend a lot of time going from one side of the store to…
Cute top!! That color looks very nice on you.
It takes time to see change. 92lbs. is a huge accomplishment. A suggestion might be to try some new clothes. Sometimes if you have the same old stuff, it is hard to see that change. Also, look for the little things! I am only done 19lbs but already I noticed my shirts a bit looser and my belt is two notches farther down.…
Oh so bad for you but oh so yummy.
:( you can now
@krizzo87 3rd one in on the top row, Such a pretty smile!
I like to add a tbsp of vanilla protein powder. Surprisingly yummy <3
I think McDonalds prices might be regional because that seems about right for where I am, but I live in a city. I know they are cheaper up where my boyfriend is attending school in the country. Also my mom has had this opinion forever, and I showed her we could buy groceries for $40 versus her normal $120. So, eating…
I just dyed my hair pink for the first time!
My bad foods are Soda mostly and junk foods in general is the second but nothing really specific. I really need to kick my soda habit and try to replace sweet junk foods with healthier alternatives.
I whole heartedly agree with this statement. And this is me <3
Bananas <3 Lettuce Apples
Thank you for the friend requests everyone!
I am glad to have so many awesome people here!
I am team FitBit, I wear it on my bra all day and it does a great job. I even wore a heart rate monitor one day to measure how accurate it was and it was within 10 calories of each other. So, its pretty effective. The only thing is it takes a while for the MFP food diary to update on the fit bit site BUT the calories…
I would say take it slowly. I messed up my knee at 250 lbs. running, but that was due to high impact on uneven ground. Just take it slow and first and build up your leg strength.
<3 23 year old, I just graduated with a degree in Object Design (Fine Arts)! But, will also be taking a class in the fall as a self improvement kind of thing. Anyone feel free to add <3
I work right outside a chick-fil-a, so it is naturally the place I eat all the time! I have learned they have a lot of really great options for people watching their weight. I recommend their side salads in place of the waffle fries! They are so good and pretty big. Also, I recommend a wrap instead of a sandwich. It is the…
Danskin makes a lovely pair of running capris that are about $20 and are sold at walmart. Try on a few different pairs they have a lot but I like the really silky shear running ones that they sell.
Mine is ALWAYS apples and peanut butter,. its just right.
Okay good! I was feeling that I was looking for something to blame but for two weeks I was drinking only tea with raw sugar(and only a glass a day) and water and I was doing GREAT! But then over the weekend, I had a Sprite, which turned into to more diet mountain dews and a few Diet Dr. Peppers and I had about 4 bad days…
I gave up chips by replacing them with a healthier food. I have been doing well with apples and peanut butter when I want some chips. It's worked for me, maybe you should try that to make it easier.
245.3 :) down from last week but I was doing better before the weekend.
Yoga right now puts too much pressure on the knee at the moment.
I know this is a different caliber of loss for me but it hurts just the same. My dog of 16 years died on Tuesday night. It was hard and all day Wednesday I cried and even thinking about it now has me teary eyed and looking for cake. But, I have been pushing pass this. When I just want to EAT EAT EAT I go for a run or a…
Wow! So many posts. I would love to be part of this.
I do 30ds. It is a great 20 minute workout, though right now I am out of commission due to a inflammed bursa in my knee. I have to admit I have been getting good results so far, but that is paired with running 4 times a week and yoga 3 times a week.
It is AWESOME! Its a lot of planks and downward facing dogs so you will feel it in your arms and legs the next day but its really a great workout.
Guys just finished Week 1 Day 3 of Couch to 5k. I ran every time for the full time and increased from 15 minute miles to 12 minute miles! I am so pumped, hope everyone else can get this feeling this week! Get out there and find out what gets you pumped guys!