

  • I'm a night owl, too. I always add it to the day I woke up on. I'll be up late tonight, but if I eat after midnight those calories will go on Thursday's report.
  • I love soup at Chinese restaurants because I can get Egg Drop Soup. But, now that I'm gluten-intolerant I usually have to make my own. I find it as comforting as I used to find chicken noodle soup as a child. This recipe is what I came up with when I experiemented with copying what the restaurant serves. Egg Drop Soup 2…
  • Wow, I was so thinking along a different line when I read the title. I was imagining a strip club where you weren't qualified for the job unless you had at least four stretch marks and your breasts have been used to feed a baby. On your actual question, my husband would probably say: If you're only making $35,000 a year…
  • Great question! Thanks for asking it because I benefitted from reading all the responses! :happy:
  • Yup. We are at a very similar place - don't believe me? I had a hot fudge sundae for lunch after promising myself that I was going off of sweets TODAY. That said, I have lost over 20 pounds this summer, mostly because I'm being more active, I'm posting what I eat honestly (though I keep it private because I'm not here to…
  • Eat LOTS of dark leafy vegetables - really boost your folic acid intake. Make sure you're getting a healthy protein intake, but you shouldn't need to eat more than normal just to conceive. I personally would avoid foods with soy in them, but then, my body makes too much estrogen. Exercises are usually good, as long as your…
  • Darn! I was hoping someone would have posted a recipe for tapioca pudding with whey protein a'la "New In Town." I've never used whey protein so I sadly cannot help.
  • You are doing GREAT! Congratulations! If you've been cutting fats, spend a week or two eating at the upper end of your fat range instead of the lower edge. If you've been cutting carbs see if you should be adding more whole grains or milk for a week or two to get some nutrients your body is craving. Who is your exercise…
  • His voice. I love to sing with him, and I love resting my head on his chest and listening to him talk - the best vibrations! :smooched:
  • Fascinating topic! I'm so glad you asked because I learned a lot just reading through the answers! :happy:
  • How many fruit servings are you eating? You may want to cut back to no more than 2 servings per day and cutting out refined grains, potatoes, corn, and other things that send your blood sugar into a spike. If you haven't looked at the Glycemic Index for which foods shoot sugar right to your blood stream do a search for the…
  • Lots of the advice here is great. Definitely look over a list of Glycemic Index food (GI) because it's amazing what foods will raise your blood sugar... foods like corn, beets, peas, bananas, potatoes, ... y'know, all that stuff our mothers told us to be sure and eat! I am not worrying about fat right now. I have just…
  • Good! Thanks for explaining that. You had me a little worried about you. I know when I was young and only needed to lose a few pounds I would have been better off making peace with the POUNDS and just doing some stomach crunches so those pounds weren't sitting right on my belly where I could see them all the time. Healthy…
  • for my PCOS symptoms I use Progesterone Cream to help balance my hormone during the second half of my cycle.
  • I have PCOS too and I noticed on the yahoo PCOS group I joined that it seemed like many of the PCOS women did much better on a gluten-free diet. That means you avoid wheat, barley, rye, etc., and watch the glycemic index of the grains you do choose to eat. I haven't been dieting all that long, so I don't know how well my…
  • I just started last week and I have 4 adult daughters - youngest is 21, eldest is 27. LIke you, I gained weight with each baby. I had my tubes tied because I was tired of "feeling pregnant" then gained another 20 pounds or so and have had a belly big enough to be 8 months along nearly ever since! Personally, I'm thinking…
  • Well, I am more than twice your weight, so my reason is to be able to get on an airplane and NOT have to pay for an extra seat or require a seatbelt extender. Other than that, I am an outgoing person and love an audience, so I don't really want to take up less space - just to not worry about which chair I sit on or feel…