Blog. why do we have to take up less space?



  • lucisept61
    lucisept61 Posts: 20
    Well, I am more than twice your weight, so my reason is to be able to get on an airplane and NOT have to pay for an extra seat or require a seatbelt extender. Other than that, I am an outgoing person and love an audience, so I don't really want to take up less space - just to not worry about which chair I sit on or feel like the floor is groaning as I walk across it. According to your profile picture you are an adorable girl (I'm an old mommy, so most females are "girls" to me) and I think you deserve as much attention as you want. Be thinner if you like, but don't take up less space in your world! You should stand out and be confident just as you are, because that amount of space you take up does NOT have any relation to your value to the world and the people you love.
  • jcdfish
    jcdfish Posts: 31
    I'm with Luci on the travel thing. If I happen to fly someday, I don't want to have to buy two seats. I also want to feel better.

    I was in a store recently with plans to spend. I was very, very tired and needed to sit down. They had one chair that I wouldn't have sat in on a bet. I had to go back to my car. We left and I ordered what I was buying online.

    Has the idea occurred to you that maybe that last 10 pounds you are fighting so hard to get rid of, that is fighting back is not weight you need to lose? Maybe you'll be healthier with that 10 pounds than without it.

    The trend in our society seems to be to want to be underweight. But if you go do the research, you'll see that being underweight is as dangerous as being obese. If your body is fighting it that hard, maybe it's weight you are supposed to have.

    Your picture is adorable. You are a pretty girl.
  • sbwood888
    sbwood888 Posts: 953 Member
    Ouch--that hurts my eyes. :ohwell:
  • sarah307
    sarah307 Posts: 1,363 Member
    Thanks guys - yeah, maybe i wasn't clear about my post.
    I was referring to "why do we have an obsession with losing those last 10 pounds? Why can't we keep them?"

    **That is was I was meaning...*

    Thanks everything! and good luck on everyones journey!!
  • lucisept61
    lucisept61 Posts: 20
    Good! Thanks for explaining that. You had me a little worried about you. I know when I was young and only needed to lose a few pounds I would have been better off making peace with the POUNDS and just doing some stomach crunches so those pounds weren't sitting right on my belly where I could see them all the time. Healthy and fit is much, much better than some obscure number on a scale.