

  • Um yeah, thanks Google... I'm not so sure about it now, lol.
  • HI Rhonda, I'm quite new here too but finding MFP a great place to record my food intake and to spur me on if I'm flagging. I can't imagine what having six kids would be like... I have one, and she's enough work, lol.
  • You've done amazingly well, congratulations. When you reached those plateaus, did you change anything - e.g. reduce calories, change the foods you were eating or increase exiercise - or did you just keep going as you were until you eventually started to lose again?
  • I tried green tea for the first time today. I bought Twinings, which I think is a good brand. It said on the box to brew for only 1 to 2 minutes which I did... I quite like it. It doesn't have a strong flavour (possibly because I bought the caffeine-free version), but it's pleasant enough and I can happily drink it without…
  • This is a very useful thread! I'm definitely a Diet Coke addict - around five cans a day, and have been drinking little else, apart from a small amount of water. I've been doing this for twenty years. I crave it, especially after meals. My teeth are perfect, so I suppose I thought it wasn't harming me at all. However -…