

  • Track what you eat on here and be honest about it. You can be surprised how easy it is to make better choices when you simply see and visually recall what you've already had. Good luck and add me if you want to keep each other motivated :)
    in Hello! Comment by Gulbuth August 2011
  • I hear ya, the desk job where the only workout you get is walking from the parking lot to the office :) I'm in the same boat. Just coming here is a great step. Next is sticking to it. If you do that, you'll succeed. Believe in yourself and you will make it happen :) I'm looking for fellow MFPer's to motivate/keep me…
    in New Girl Comment by Gulbuth August 2011
  • All great suggestions. I will definitely be putting these into action. And soon, since it looks like I'm going to be headed out again this week. Thanks everyone.
  • That's awesome. Keep it up :)