Thanks for your reply. I considered that. but I've done the math on all the food several times and I'm pretty sure I'm doing it correctly. I'm pretty much always eating one serving of food for every meal.
Thank all of you for your help tonight. Like I said, I don't know much about dieting or nutrition, but I'll read up on it some more. You've given me a lot of information to digest and sort through, but I think the general consensus is that I should eat more calories in a day even if I'm not hungry. Once again, thank you…
For real though. lol I was expecting to have like two or three responses, but now people are concerned with eating discarders and all sorts of stuff. You should see my private messages.
I'm actually really relieved that I don't have to be so strict with my diet. Thank you for the advice. I'll be eating a burrito tomorrow as a reward for starving myself all week. :) Thanks
Oh. I was completely unaware. Thanks for the advice. I'll need to change it up a bit, I guess.
Hello. Thank you for your concern, but you've gotten it all wrong. I have been eating burritos, tacos, big burgers like no other my whole life until Saturday, when I out of the blue decided to loose weight and not be chubby for once. I've actually been eating myself full, so that I'm completely satisfied and don't feel any…
Actually, this seems like a diet I could stick to, or not veer far from for ever, I'm the kind of person who eats the same thing everyday anyways. Before Saturday it was burritos and fried chicken sandwiches and now it's canned tuna. I guess I just need to be eating a LOT of canned tuna to keep my calories up.
If it's not healthy, I don't do it, certainly. But I'm just trying to feel and look as good as possible as soon as possible.
I got it. I will definitely be eating more calories. I'm actually eating the rest of my tofu now, to avoid looking like a Christian Bale. I'm pretty convinced with all these horror stories. Your scare tactics have worked. Thank you.
Oh goodness, that's scary. I will definitely be increasing my calories then. Apparently, that increase should be from fat and I should take my carbs down even further. Thank you very much.
Thank you for the advise. Do you mean it's not possible to loose two pounds per week?
Thanks again. I wasn't aware that you could open your diary, but I've done so now. Basically, I'm eating everything raw (or as packaged) and heating up the beans. I eat the half a can of tuna for breakfast and one for lunch (with 10 raspberries, I forgot to add) and a half box of tofu and 1.3 can of beans for dinner. I'm…
Thank you very much. Alrighty then, it looks like I get my burrito after all! I'll have to be sure to make sure I'm eating enough. Thanks again.
Thank you for your encouragement. Should I just double my portions? I have a feeling I would get really full doing that.