Too Few Calories? 600-800?



  • recensaetas
    recensaetas Posts: 2 Member
    change your goal to something realistic.

    with 20 lbs, change it to 0.5 lb per week. Then eat what it tells you.

    Undereating will do you absolutely, POSITIVELY no good in the long run.

    I have to disagree about choosing a more realistic goal - 2 lbs weekly is within the realm of resonability, and is within a healthy range to shoot for.

    I would encorage you to follow the app's recommendations - the body runs and maintains itself around 2200+ calories (depending on body type, size, activity level, etc.), and having a deficet around 1000 calories is more than enough to force your body to access fat stores. Dropping your caloric intake any lower than that can actually make your body hold onto fat, slow your metabolism, cause organs to shut down, etc. etc. etc. - DANGER WILL ROBINSON!!! Don't do it - feed your body!!

    If you're having a hard time eating that much, try eating more often - instead of 3 large meals, do 6 smaller ones. I'm a grazer - I eat all day - so I set MFP to let me track by 4 hour increments instead of by "snacks" or defined meal titles.

    Are you planning on working out as well? If so, you should eat those calories back too.
  • trogalicious
    trogalicious Posts: 4,584 Member
    Thank you for the advise. Do you mean it's not possible to loose two pounds per week?

    No, it's possible, I've lost 2 pounds already this week since monday. I eat between 650-900 calories.

    and you're doing it wrong too.

    No, I think I eat enough calories for my body. And I'm pretty healthy, I run a lot.
    I don't care what you think.
    Science will tell you that you're wrong.

    It isn't opinion.. it isn't "What Trog thinks" either.

    You're doing it wrong.

    ..but that's okay. Keep eating that little and we'll see you on the forums again asking why your period stopped or maybe why your hair is starting to fall out.

    You do realize that your body needs calories just to exist right? I mean, like.. you know... for your heart to beat, or brain to function? Maybe hepatic functions?

    Wait til you realize that your hormones are screwed up.

    I'm trying to save you grief later... please understand that.

    I don't really care if it comes across as harsh, you need to really... REALLY understand how WRONG you are.
  • Becka99x
    Becka99x Posts: 16 Member
    Thank you for the advise. Do you mean it's not possible to loose two pounds per week?

    No, it's possible, I've lost 2 pounds already this week since monday. I eat between 650-900 calories.

    and you're doing it wrong too.

    God why do people think it's a good idea to eat like this ... What do you want to achieve? Cos I will tell you attractiveness is not on the menu with that approach lady. Sorry no matter what you think you are wrong. Just ... for gods sake be told. I mean hell you even run. You are gonna crash and burn lady. I would even dare to say you have exercise Anorexia.

    Wow, you people are so nice... And I am by no means anorexic, I eat 3 meals a day.
  • trogalicious
    trogalicious Posts: 4,584 Member
    Thank you for the advise. Do you mean it's not possible to loose two pounds per week?

    No, it's possible, I've lost 2 pounds already this week since monday. I eat between 650-900 calories.

    and you're doing it wrong too.

    God why do people think it's a good idea to eat like this ... What do you want to achieve? Cos I will tell you attractiveness is not on the menu with that approach lady. Sorry no matter what you think you are wrong. Just ... for gods sake be told. I mean hell you even run. You are gonna crash and burn lady. I would even dare to say you have exercise Anorexia.

    Wow, you people are so nice... And I am by no means anorexic, I eat 3 meals a day.

    So? I eat two meals a day.

    I'm also not required to be nice when people are bragging about effectively starving themselves and having literally no idea what they're talking about... or what they're doing to their body.
  • Becka99x
    Becka99x Posts: 16 Member
    Thank you for the advise. Do you mean it's not possible to loose two pounds per week?

    No, it's possible, I've lost 2 pounds already this week since monday. I eat between 650-900 calories.

    and you're doing it wrong too.

    No, I think I eat enough calories for my body. And I'm pretty healthy, I run a lot.
    I don't care what you think.
    Science will tell you that you're wrong.

    It isn't opinion.. it isn't "What Trog thinks" either.

    You're doing it wrong.

    ..but that's okay. Keep eating that little and we'll see you on the forums again asking why your period stopped or maybe why your hair is starting to fall out.

    You do realize that your body needs calories just to exist right? I mean, like.. you know... for your heart to beat, or brain to function? Maybe hepatic functions?

    Wait til you realize that your hormones are screwed up.

    I'm trying to save you grief later... please understand that.

    I don't really care if it comes across as harsh, you need to really... REALLY understand how WRONG you are.

    Yes, I do realize that my body needs calories to exist which is why I eat 900 sometimes, my body really doesn't need more than that.
  • Becka99x
    Becka99x Posts: 16 Member
    Thank you for the advise. Do you mean it's not possible to loose two pounds per week?

    No, it's possible, I've lost 2 pounds already this week since monday. I eat between 650-900 calories.

    and you're doing it wrong too.

    God why do people think it's a good idea to eat like this ... What do you want to achieve? Cos I will tell you attractiveness is not on the menu with that approach lady. Sorry no matter what you think you are wrong. Just ... for gods sake be told. I mean hell you even run. You are gonna crash and burn lady. I would even dare to say you have exercise Anorexia.

    Wow, you people are so nice... And I am by no means anorexic, I eat 3 meals a day.

    So? I eat two meals a day.

    I'm also not required to be nice when people are bragging about effectively starving themselves and having literally no idea what they're talking about... or what they're doing to their body.

    I wasn't bragging, he asked if it was possible to lose 2 pounds per week and I gave an honest answer.
  • trogalicious
    trogalicious Posts: 4,584 Member
    Thank you for the advise. Do you mean it's not possible to loose two pounds per week?

    No, it's possible, I've lost 2 pounds already this week since monday. I eat between 650-900 calories.

    and you're doing it wrong too.

    No, I think I eat enough calories for my body. And I'm pretty healthy, I run a lot.
    I don't care what you think.
    Science will tell you that you're wrong.

    It isn't opinion.. it isn't "What Trog thinks" either.

    You're doing it wrong.

    ..but that's okay. Keep eating that little and we'll see you on the forums again asking why your period stopped or maybe why your hair is starting to fall out.

    You do realize that your body needs calories just to exist right? I mean, like.. you know... for your heart to beat, or brain to function? Maybe hepatic functions?

    Wait til you realize that your hormones are screwed up.

    I'm trying to save you grief later... please understand that.

    I don't really care if it comes across as harsh, you need to really... REALLY understand how WRONG you are.

    Yes, I do realize that my body needs calories to exist which is why I eat 900 sometimes, my body really doesn't need more than that.

    You're 5'8
    You're 18
    You weigh 108 lbs
    You're eating 900 calories a day
    You're borderline underweight
    Your previous posts have been deleted because of these facts.

    Please seek help.

    If you aren't already elbow-damn-deep in an ED, you're well on your way. You have absolutely no idea what you're talking about when you're saying you know what your body needs.
  • Elliot315
    Elliot315 Posts: 16 Member
    Oh goodness, that's scary. I will definitely be increasing my calories then. Apparently, that increase should be from fat and I should take my carbs down even further. Thank you very much.
  • Becka99x
    Becka99x Posts: 16 Member
    Thank you for the advise. Do you mean it's not possible to loose two pounds per week?

    No, it's possible, I've lost 2 pounds already this week since monday. I eat between 650-900 calories.

    and you're doing it wrong too.

    No, I think I eat enough calories for my body. And I'm pretty healthy, I run a lot.
    I don't care what you think.
    Science will tell you that you're wrong.

    It isn't opinion.. it isn't "What Trog thinks" either.

    You're doing it wrong.

    ..but that's okay. Keep eating that little and we'll see you on the forums again asking why your period stopped or maybe why your hair is starting to fall out.

    You do realize that your body needs calories just to exist right? I mean, like.. you know... for your heart to beat, or brain to function? Maybe hepatic functions?

    Wait til you realize that your hormones are screwed up.

    I'm trying to save you grief later... please understand that.

    I don't really care if it comes across as harsh, you need to really... REALLY understand how WRONG you are.

    Yes, I do realize that my body needs calories to exist which is why I eat 900 sometimes, my body really doesn't need more than that.

    You're 5'8
    You're 18
    You weigh 108 lbs
    You're eating 900 calories a day
    You're borderline underweight
    Your previous posts have been deleted because of these facts.

    Please seek help.

    If you aren't already elbow-damn-deep in an ED, you're well on your way. You have absolutely no idea what you're talking about when you're saying you know what your body needs.

    My previous posts have been deleted?
  • trogalicious
    trogalicious Posts: 4,584 Member
    Oh goodness, that's scary. I will definitely be increasing my calories then. Apparently, that increase should be from fat and I should take my carbs down even further. Thank you very much.

    you don't have to restrict carbs to lose weight.

    As long as you're at a calorie deficit, you'll lose weight.

    Change the goal on your profile, eat, log / weigh your food accurately...

    ...and don't listen to 18 year old girls on the forum with ED's.
    My previous posts have been deleted?

    Not sure. Maybe I have you mixed up with another person with a name almost identical to that... another teenager with an eating disorder.
  • RHachicho
    RHachicho Posts: 1,115 Member
    Wow you really are Anorexic. And no that isn't name-calling but that's what it is. Cos I hate to break it to you but if you ate 900 PER DAY it still wouldn't be enough. And you seem to think of that as a cheat day. But I would wager that's what happens when you just can't stand to eat 600 one day because you are feeling so awful. I offer my honest sympathies. I am a recovering comfort eater myself. Eating disorders are no joke please realize you have one and seek help. I honestly and truly wish you luck. I fear you may need it.
  • Elliot315
    Elliot315 Posts: 16 Member
    I got it. I will definitely be eating more calories. I'm actually eating the rest of my tofu now, to avoid looking like a Christian Bale. I'm pretty convinced with all these horror stories. Your scare tactics have worked. Thank you.
  • RHachicho
    RHachicho Posts: 1,115 Member
    Oh goodness, that's scary. I will definitely be increasing my calories then. Apparently, that increase should be from fat and I should take my carbs down even further. Thank you very much.

    It's cool mate your just starting out and your not expected to know everything. Cutting carbs can indeed help you lose weight. But I wouldn't recommend it if you wanna have a steady gym habit. Cutting carbs will probably cut into your available exercise energy pretty badly. The real key macro-nutrient is protein. Get enough of that and lift some weights and you will minimize muscle tissue loss. If your interest in weight loss is aesthetic .. then time in the gym is essential.
  • Wow, this thread got crazy, lol.
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    You may be able to lose 2lbs a week. If it is a good idea is a whole other issue.

    I currently have low cal days at 1500 cals (with regular refeeds of at least 3000 and I'm 3 days out from first bb show) I have NO IDEA why anyone would want to decrease cals so hard. (especially while doing further cardio exercise) I feel like a lethargic weakling while on these low calories.

    OP: carbs are not the enemy. I would at least double your intake. Get enough protein (around .75g/lb of BW should be fine) and fat (.3g/lb of BW minimum) and fill the rest with carbs.

    Remember that if you aren't doing resistance training then the weight you lose is not likely to be just fat but lean body mass also. (it's not a good look, I've been there)
  • Quasita
    Quasita Posts: 1,530 Member
    Thank you for the advise. Do you mean it's not possible to loose two pounds per week?

    No, it's possible, I've lost 2 pounds already this week since monday. I eat between 650-900 calories.

    and you're doing it wrong too.

    God why do people think it's a good idea to eat like this ... What do you want to achieve? Cos I will tell you attractiveness is not on the menu with that approach lady. Sorry no matter what you think you are wrong. Just ... for gods sake be told. I mean hell you even run. You are gonna crash and burn lady. I would even dare to say you have exercise Anorexia.

    Wow, you people are so nice... And I am by no means anorexic, I eat 3 meals a day.

    Anorexia is not defined by the number of meals you eat.

    The average anorexic eats anywhere from 400-900ish calories a day. They often accomplish this by sitting down to every family meal but just eating so little of said meal that they don't every spike higher than 1000 calories a day.

    Anorexia is also characterized by having unrealistic weight goals (trying to lose very quickly, having a goal weight that is underweight, being of a normal weight currently but still believing they need to lose more), biological impacts such as loss of period, hormonal changes, hair loss, organ failure, even death... psychological issues such as fear of gaining weight, fear of looking at oneself in the mirror, body dysmorphia, obsessing over things like "thigh gap" and seeing their ribs or other bone structures... and so much more.

    Just for the record, I am an anorexic/bulimic. It's a lifelong struggle that has acute bouts of problems. By eating less than 900 calories a day when I was 6'2" and overweight, I effectively ruined my metabolic function (my thyroid shut down while I wasn't eating). I didn't understand what I had done, and developed binge eating problems (which really meant I started eating a more normalized diet most days), which caused me to not only have stomach issues and digestion problems, but also to gain weight exponentially. I gained about 150lbs over 2 years before a doctor gave enough of a crap to believe I wasn't just gorging all the time, and they finally did tests. It took hormonal therapy to get things back to any sense of normal.

    I've been fighting for years against that extra weight ever since. If I drop down under 1600 calories a day, I will not lose. I have found that I lost MORE weight MORE consistently when I ate appropriately for the workouts and lifestyle I was employing. You should probably consider it... As if you haven't ruined your internal mechanisms yet, you eventually will. It's a scientific fact. Not feeling "hungry" is not always a sign of satiation. It can also be a sign of long term starvation and low calorie intake, meaning that your body has grown accustomed to not getting what it needs so it simply stops asking for it. If you up your calories consistently, you will find yourself hungrier than you've ever been in your life.
  • AmyRhubarb
    AmyRhubarb Posts: 6,890 Member
    I got it. I will definitely be eating more calories. I'm actually eating the rest of my tofu now, to avoid looking like a Christian Bale. I'm pretty convinced with all these horror stories. Your scare tactics have worked. Thank you.
    You've gotten some great advice here already.

    For what it's worth - I'm twice your age and female, a wee bit taller, but still - I lose very well and reached goal weight eating 1800-2000 cals a day. And I'm over on my carb & fat goals on a regular basis, but I still lose. :smile:

    Eat the proper number of cals, grab some weights, plenty of water, get good sleep, take rest days, and enjoy that burrito when you want to. You want to do this for life, right? Good luck!
  • Elliot315
    Elliot315 Posts: 16 Member
    Thank you for the advise. Do you mean it's not possible to loose two pounds per week?

    It's possible, but what is your motive for wanting to lose 2 lbs a week?

    If it's not healthy, I don't do it, certainly. But I'm just trying to feel and look as good as possible as soon as possible.
  • Elliot315
    Elliot315 Posts: 16 Member
    Actually, this seems like a diet I could stick to, or not veer far from for ever, I'm the kind of person who eats the same thing everyday anyways. Before Saturday it was burritos and fried chicken sandwiches and now it's canned tuna. I guess I just need to be eating a LOT of canned tuna to keep my calories up.
  • trogalicious
    trogalicious Posts: 4,584 Member
    Thank you for the advise. Do you mean it's not possible to loose two pounds per week?

    It's possible, but what is your motive for wanting to lose 2 lbs a week?

    If it's not healthy, I don't do it, certainly. But I'm just trying to feel and look as good as possible as soon as possible.
    this is a marathon. not a sprint.

    take your time, find a good.. healthy loss... nice and slow.. and it'll be sustainable.