Too Few Calories? 600-800?

Hello. I'm a 20 year old male, 5'4 175 lb. who wants to shed 25 to 30 pounds. I've always been a bit heavy, but this is the first time I'm seriously trying to lose weight. I know absolutely nothing about dieting or nutrition.

I did some reading around the web and figured out that a low-carbohidrate diet is one of the best diets to loose weight. So I did some more reading and then some more and found a few low-carb foods that are easy to prepare and protein-packed. Last Saturday, six days ago, I started eating only canned light tuna in water, canned chicken, tofu, pinto beans (I'll replace these with boiled eggs once I'm out), raw spinach and almonds (sparingly).

I've been keeping track of the nutritional values on the My Fitness Pal app. I'm trying to keep below 25 grams of carbs per day and I have only gone over by 5 grams a couple of days. The app says that I should be eating 1200 calories a day to lose two pounds per week, which is nice since I'm only eating between 600 and 800 calories per day, which I believe is rather low. I know that there are adverse effects to eating too little, so I'm worried about those, but still trying to lose weight, of course. I don't feel very hungry anytime besides the constant craving for a burrito :), which can be curbed by a tofu snack. I don't feel like I should be eating more to meet this calorie mark if I'm not feeling hungry or getting tired. I've gone over and over the nutritional values to make sure that what I'm logging matches up with what I'm eating. Could it be that I just don't need as much food as the app predicts? Or do I really need to be eating more? Thank you for your help, Elliot


  • Hello. I'm a 20 year old male, 5'4 175 lb. who wants to shed 25 to 30 pounds. I've always been a bit heavy, but this is the first time I'm seriously trying to lose weight. I know absolutely nothing about dieting or nutrition.

    I did some reading around the web and figured out that a low-carbohidrate diet is one of the best diets to loose weight. So I did some more reading and then some more and found a few low-carb foods that are easy to prepare and protein-packed. Last Saturday, six days ago, I started eating only canned light tuna in water, canned chicken, tofu, pinto beans (I'll replace these with boiled eggs once I'm out), raw spinach and almonds (sparingly).

    I've been keeping track of the nutritional values on the My Fitness Pal app. I'm trying to keep below 25 grams of carbs per day and I have only gone over by 5 grams a couple of days. The app says that I should be eating 1200 calories a day to lose two pounds per week, which is nice since I'm only eating between 600 and 800 calories per day, which I believe is rather low. I know that there are adverse effects to eating too little, so I'm worried about those, but still trying to lose weight, of course. I don't feel very hungry anytime besides the constant craving for a burrito :), which can be curbed by a tofu snack. I don't feel like I should be eating more to meet this calorie mark if I'm not feeling hungry or getting tired. I've gone over and over the nutritional values to make sure that what I'm logging matches up with what I'm eating. Could it be that I just don't need as much food as the app predicts? Or do I really need to be eating more? Thank you for your help, Elliot

    Welcome to MFP, and best of luck on your journey.

    For your stats, 600-800 calories is WAY too low. If you're not feeling the effects (fatigue/lack of energy, hunger, etc.) yet, I can guarantee you eventually will. A calorie deficit is important, but you don't need to go to this type of extreme to still get the weight loss results you want.
  • Elliot315
    Elliot315 Posts: 16 Member
    Thank you for your encouragement. Should I just double my portions? I have a feeling I would get really full doing that.
  • chadya07
    chadya07 Posts: 627 Member
    yea, too little. in the long run slow and steady is better for you and your organs and muscles and such, which need calories in much larger qty's than that to work properly.

    a diet that low in calories puts strain on... well everything.
  • You're welcome. As for doubling portions, I can't say one way or the other because I have no idea how you're planning your meals. You mentioned what you're eating, but I don't know how you're preparing these foods. For example, when you eat tofu or tuna -- how are you preparing these items? If you're logging all your food in the database, it might be a good idea to open up your diary so other members can see it and give better feedback.

    BTW, I would strongly encourage you to read these threads for information on how best to utilize MFP:
  • amnsetie
    amnsetie Posts: 666 Member
    try eating some more calorie dense food like nuts
    still v healthy
  • Elliot315
    Elliot315 Posts: 16 Member
    Thank you very much. Alrighty then, it looks like I get my burrito after all! I'll have to be sure to make sure I'm eating enough. Thanks again.
  • trogalicious
    trogalicious Posts: 4,584 Member
    change your goal to something realistic.

    with 20 lbs, change it to 0.5 lb per week. Then eat what it tells you.

    Undereating will do you absolutely, POSITIVELY no good in the long run.
  • Elliot315
    Elliot315 Posts: 16 Member
    Thanks again. I wasn't aware that you could open your diary, but I've done so now. Basically, I'm eating everything raw (or as packaged) and heating up the beans. I eat the half a can of tuna for breakfast and one for lunch (with 10 raspberries, I forgot to add) and a half box of tofu and 1.3 can of beans for dinner. I'm snacking on spinach in between. I'm adding some spice to every meal, which I don't put in the diary because there aren't nutrition facts on the label. I hope this gives you some information about my diet.
  • Elliot315
    Elliot315 Posts: 16 Member
    Thank you for the advise. Do you mean it's not possible to loose two pounds per week?
  • RHachicho
    RHachicho Posts: 1,115 Member
    Not 2lbs of fat no. You are quite close to healthy weight. And once this happens your body holds on to the fat more. If you starve it you will still lose the same weight for the same deficit. But a large portion of that will come from your muscles.

    If you want to look like christian bale from the machinist feel free to starve yourself. If you want to look lean and awesome then that's gonna take time I'm afraid.

    Oh and in case you don't know what I'm talking about.

    That my friend is what extreme low calorie diets do to a body.
  • trogalicious
    trogalicious Posts: 4,584 Member
    Thank you for the advise. Do you mean it's not possible to loose two pounds per week?
    Do you want to lose fat? Cannibalize muscle? Lose bone density as you go... so when you're older, things break a lot easier? Maybe hair will start falling out first for you.

    I'm telling you. Man to man. I've been down that super low calorie road.


    I'm telling you that with only 20 lbs to lose, you're being too aggressive with.. well... not eating.


    Change your goals to something more realistic. Eat enough protein. Lift weights. Maintain lean body mass and lose fat slowly.

    When you initially set up your account, it should never have given you the option to set your goal at 2lb per week... but it does.

    Don't use that goal.
  • Becka99x
    Becka99x Posts: 16 Member
    Thank you for the advise. Do you mean it's not possible to loose two pounds per week?

    No, it's possible, I've lost 2 pounds already this week since monday. I eat between 650-900 calories.
  • Thank you for the advise. Do you mean it's not possible to loose two pounds per week?

    It's possible, but what is your motive for wanting to lose 2 lbs a week?
  • trogalicious
    trogalicious Posts: 4,584 Member
    Thank you for the advise. Do you mean it's not possible to loose two pounds per week?

    No, it's possible, I've lost 2 pounds already this week since monday. I eat between 650-900 calories.

    and you're doing it wrong too.
  • Becka99x
    Becka99x Posts: 16 Member
    Thank you for the advise. Do you mean it's not possible to loose two pounds per week?

    No, it's possible, I've lost 2 pounds already this week since monday. I eat between 650-900 calories.

    and you're doing it wrong too.

    No, I think I eat enough calories for my body. And I'm pretty healthy, I run a lot.
  • mathandcats
    mathandcats Posts: 786 Member
    Think about how you are going to keep the weight off. Are you really going to keep eating like this forever?

    It is far better to simply eat at a calorie deficit, but keep eating normal foods and learn healthy eating habits that you can stick to for the rest of your life. In order to keep the weight off, you shouldn't think of it as a short term diet.

    There is no need to do a low carb diet to lose weight, only do it if you like it. Eating canned tuna every day is not good for you, and as people have mentioned, 600-800 is FAR too low. Just eat normal food, but portion control. There's no rush, and I have found that if you are not depriving yourself of the foods you like and eating an appropriate amount, the time passes quickly. I have not once felt like I can't have something I want (though sometimes I have to plan carefully for it to fit), or been hungry or bored of my food (as I would be eating what you are describing).
  • RHachicho
    RHachicho Posts: 1,115 Member
    Thank you for the advise. Do you mean it's not possible to loose two pounds per week?

    No, it's possible, I've lost 2 pounds already this week since monday. I eat between 650-900 calories.

    and you're doing it wrong too.

    God why do people think it's a good idea to eat like this ... What do you want to achieve? Cos I will tell you attractiveness is not on the menu with that approach lady. Sorry no matter what you think you are wrong. Just ... for gods sake be told. I mean hell you even run. You are gonna crash and burn lady. I would even dare to say you have exercise Anorexia.
  • Ang108
    Ang108 Posts: 1,711 Member
    I am not sure what to say, except that I feel you need to see someone who can help you with your problem. If you are the one in the picture, I don't understand why you would want to lose 30 pounds.
    Also you say you eat 600-900 calories. In the days you logged you ate way under 500 and just over 500, which makes me think that you have a problem. Please go and get help.
  • Thank you for the advise. Do you mean it's not possible to loose two pounds per week?

    No, it's possible, I've lost 2 pounds already this week since monday. I eat between 650-900 calories.

    and you're doing it wrong too.

    Yeah, let us know when the fatigue, anxiety, moodiness, and metabolic dysfunction set in. :)
  • xoeva
    xoeva Posts: 209 Member
    Thank you for your encouragement. Should I just double my portions? I have a feeling I would get really full doing that.
    It is really low... try doing more exercise... also maybe you are logging food wrong? It's been known to happen. You could underestimate yourself and think you are only eating 800 calories when in reality it's more...just a thought...