

  • yes...the full length mirror is not at the top of my list right now, either: ) I am going to wait a good long while for that! Going through that this weekend was ENOUGH : ) But, one day....about 30 pounds from now...maybe. Thanks for your reply! Means a lot!
  • Yea I generally try to look up my calories before heading out to eat also. For example, my sister and her family have asked me to go to MCDONALD'S for breakfast in the morning. I immediately thought to myself..."This is the exact place I am trying to avoid." BUT since I love my sister I am going and have already looked up…
  • Thanks so much everyone!
  • Oh I guess I should have been more clear. I NEVER super size anything. I'm talkin a small, happy meal sized french fry, or like today a medium which is 380 calories...per MFP. Definately do NOT starve myself by any means. My calorie goal for the day is 1580.
  • One of the main reasons I am losing weight myself!! We have a 2 1/2 year old little girl and she just would be a great big sister. But, I just know the risks of carrying lots of weight while carrying a child. I want to give that baby the greatest chance to be healthy as I possibly can. Just wouldn't be fair to the baby and…
  • That's great!! I was so proud to scratch that "2" off of "200" as well!! Keep it up!!
  • yes...all the juice from the banana peppers. Just dump the whole entire jar into slow cooker. That's the only liquid you will need.
  • Funny thing two year old is not so much of a picky eater but just has days where she will eat less or more than other days. The first time I made this for lunch...then when supper time came that evening she said, "I want some more that meat mama!" Was so glad....especially since I'm sure she's soon to turn into a…
  • OH MY GOODNESS!!! Something happened to my computer and I posted my last message like a million times. I am soooo sorry. How embarrassing!
  • yes it's funny how when we have to LOG what we eat it makes it easier to avoid snacking. And unless I log what I eat pretty quickly after eating...I tend to forget maybe, the low fat margarine I added to my meal or other "little" things I may eat mindlessly.
  • yes it's funny how when we have to LOG what we eat it makes it easier to avoid snacking. And unless I log what I eat pretty quickly after eating...I tend to forget maybe, the low fat margarine I added to my meal or other "little" things I may eat mindlessly.
  • yes it's funny how when we have to LOG what we eat it makes it easier to avoid snacking. And unless I log what I eat pretty quickly after eating...I tend to forget maybe, the low fat margarine I added to my meal or other "little" things I may eat mindlessly.
  • yes it's funny how when we have to LOG what we eat it makes it easier to avoid snacking. And unless I log what I eat pretty quickly after eating...I tend to forget maybe, the low fat margarine I added to my meal or other "little" things I may eat mindlessly.
  • yes it's funny how when we have to LOG what we eat it makes it easier to avoid snacking. And unless I log what I eat pretty quickly after eating...I tend to forget maybe, the low fat margarine I added to my meal or other "little" things I may eat mindlessly.
  • yes it's funny how when we have to LOG what we eat it makes it easier to avoid snacking. And unless I log what I eat pretty quickly after eating...I tend to forget maybe, the low fat margarine I added to my meal or other "little" things I may eat mindlessly.
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